Reading & Writing Process
Students will use a variety of recursive reading and writing processes.
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Standard 1.G.1
Common Core Area - Geometry
Skill - Name shapes 3 - Practice identifying circles, triangles, squares, rectangles, rhombuses, trapezoids, and hexagons.
Standard 1.G.2
Common Core Area - GeometrySkill - Coming Soon
Standard 1.G.3
Common Core Area - Geometry
Skill - Halves and fourths - Practice dividing shapes into 2 or 4 equal sections.
Standard 1.MD.1
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Indirect measurement - Compare the lengths of 2 objects indirectly by using a third object.
Standard 1.MD.1
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Order by length - Practice ordering 3 objects by length.
Standard 1.MD.2
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Measure lengths 1 - Measure objects with same-size length units without gaps or overlaps.
Standard 1.MD.3
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Tell time to hour or half hour - Practice telling time on analog clocks to the hour or half hour.
Standard 1.MD.4
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Solve problems with bar graphs 1 - Read and interpret bar graphs.
Standard 1.NBT.1
Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten
Skill - Numbers to 120 - Practice finding missing numbers in a list of numbers between 0 and 120.
Standard 1.NBT.2
Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten
Skill - Groups of ten objects - Practice grouping objects by tens.
Standard 1.NBT.2
Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten
Skill - Groups of ten objects - Practice grouping objects by tens.
Standard 1.NBT.2
Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten
Skill - 2-digit place value challenge - Practice breaking numbers apart into tens and ones.
Standard 1.NBT.2
Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten
Skill - 2-digit place value challenge - Practice breaking numbers apart into tens and ones.
Standard 1.NBT.2
Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten
Skill - 2-digit place value challenge - Practice breaking numbers apart into tens and ones.
Standard 1.NBT.2
Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten
Skill - 2-digit place value challenge - Practice breaking numbers apart into tens and ones.
Standard 1.NBT.2
Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten
Skill - Groups of ten objects - Practice grouping objects by tens.
Standard 1.NBT.2
Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten
Skill - Groups of ten objects - Practice grouping objects by tens.
Standard 1.NBT.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten
Skill - Compare 2-digit numbers - Practice comparing numbers (within 100) using the symbols <, >, and =.
Standard 1.NBT.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten
Skill - Compare 2-digit numbers 2 - Practice more challenging problems comparing numbers within 100.
Standard 1.NBT.4
Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten
Skill - Add 2-digit numbers (no regrouping) - Practice solving problems like 24 + 45.
Standard 1.NBT.4
Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten
Skill - Add 1s or 10s (no regrouping) - Practice solving problems like 34+5 and 34+50.
Standard 1.NBT.4
Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten
Skill - Break apart 2-digit addition problems - Practice breaking apart problems like 23+45 into problems like 20+40+3+5.
Standard 1.NBT.4
Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten
Skill - Regroup when adding 1-digit numbers - Practice adding numbers like 45+8.
Standard 1.NBT.4
Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten
Skill - Add 1 or 10 - Practice solving problems like 34+1 and 34+10.
Standard 1.NBT.5
Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten
Skill - Add 1 or 10 - Practice solving problems like 34+1 and 34+10.
Standard 1.NBT.6
Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten
Skill - Coming Soon
Standard 1.OA.1
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Word problems with "more" and "fewer" 2 - Practice solving more word problems by finding how many more (or fewer) objects there are. Numbers used are 20 or less.
Standard 1.OA.1
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Word problems with "more" and "fewer" 1 - Practice solving word problems by finding how many more (or fewer) objects there are. Numbers used are 20 or less.
Standard 1.OA.1
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Addition and subtraction word problems 1 - Practice adding and subtracting to solve word problems. Numbers used are 20 or less.
Standard 1.OA.1
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Addition and subtraction word problems 2 - Practice solving more challenging word problems with addition and subtraction. Numbers used are 20 or less.
Standard 1.OA.1
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Word problems with "more" and "fewer" - Practice solving word problems by finding how many more (or fewer) objects there are. Each problem shows a diagram to help you.
Standard 1.OA.2
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Add 3 numbers - Practice adding 3 numbers. All numbers in these problems are 20 or less.
Standard 1.OA.3
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Coming Soon
Standard 1.OA.4
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Relate addition and subtraction - Practice seeing how addition and subtraction are related.
Standard 1.OA.5
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Coming Soon
Standard 1.OA.6
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Subtract within 20 - Practice subtracting. All numbers in these problems are 20 or less.
Standard 1.OA.6
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Add within 20 - Practice adding. All numbers in these problems are 20 or less.
Standard 1.OA.7
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Equal sign - Practice telling which equation is true.
Standard 1.OA.8
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Find missing number (add and subtract within 20) - Learn how to solve problems like "___ - 7 = 18" where you don't know one of the values in an addition or subtraction equation.