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Khan Academy CCSS Lesson Links

Standard 2.G.1

Common Core Area - Geometry

Skill - Name shapes 4 - Practice identifying quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, and octagons.


Standard 2.G.2

Common Core Area - GeometrySkill - Coming Soon


Standard 2.G.3

Common Core Area - Geometry

Skill - Equal parts of circles and rectangles - Practice telling if shapes are divided into 2 or 4 equal sections.


Standard 2.MD.1

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Measure lengths 2 - Measure objects using a ruler.


Standard 2.MD.2

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Coming Soon


Standard 2.MD.3

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Estimate lengths - Estimate lengths using units of centimeters and meters.

Standard 2.MD.3

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Estimate lengths (US Customary units) - Estimate lengths using units of inches, feet, and yards.


Standard 2.MD.4

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Coming Soon


Standard 2.MD.5

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Length word problems - Add and subtract lengths to solve word problems.


Standard 2.MD.6

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Add and subtract on the number line word problems - Practice adding and subtracting using the number line. Numbers used are 100 or less.


Standard 2.MD.7

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Tell time without labels - Tell time on unlabeled analog clocks.

Standard 2.MD.7

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Tell time with a labeled clock - Tell time on labeled analog clocks.


Standard 2.MD.8

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Count money (U.S.) - Find the total value when given an amount of coins or dollars.


Standard 2.MD.9

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Make bar graphs 1 - Practice creating bar graphs (bar charts) from data sets.

Standard 2.MD.9

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Make line plots - Practice creating line plots (dot plots) from data sets.

Standard 2.MD.9

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Solve problems with line plots - Answer questions using line plots and data sets.

Standard 2.MD.9

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Make picture graphs 1 - Practice creating picture graphs (pictographs) from data sets.


Standard 2.MD.10

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Solve problems with picture graphs 1 - Read and interpret picture graphs.

Standard 2.MD.10

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Solve problems with bar graphs 2 - Use bar graphs to solve addition and subtraction word problems.

Standard 2.NBT.1

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Hundreds, tens, and ones - Practice thinking about place value of 3-digit numbers as hundreds, tens, and ones.

Standard 2.NBT.1

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Hundreds, tens, and ones - Practice thinking about place value of 3-digit numbers as hundreds, tens, and ones.

Standard 2.NBT.1

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Hundreds, tens, and ones - Practice thinking about place value of 3-digit numbers as hundreds, tens, and ones.


Standard 2.NBT.2

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Skip-count by 10s - Practice counting by 10s.

Standard 2.NBT.2

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Count money (U.S.) - Find the total value when given an amount of coins or dollars.

Standard 2.NBT.2

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Skip-counting by 100s - Practice counting by 100s.

Standard 2.NBT.2

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Skip-count by 5s - Practice counting by 5s.


Standard 2.NBT.3

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - 3-digit place value challenge - Practice breaking numbers into hundreds, tens, and ones.


Standard 2.NBT.4

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Subtract 1-digit numbers with regrouping - Practice solving problems like 46-9.

Standard 2.NBT.4

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Compare 3-digit numbers - Practice more challenging problems comparing numbers within 1000.


Standard 2.NBT.5

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Subtract 2-digit numbers (no regrouping) - Practice solving problems like 45 - 24.

Standard 2.NBT.5

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Subtract within 100 - Practice subtracting 2-digit numbers.

Standard 2.NBT.5

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Add within 100 - Practice adding two-digit numbers. All numbers in these problems are 100 or less.

Standard 2.NBT.5

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Subtract 1 or 10 - Practice subtracting 1 or 10 from a 2-digit number (no regrouping).

Standard 2.NBT.5

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Add 2-digit numbers by making tens - Practice adding 2-digit numbers like 43+27 that have sums that are multiples of 10.

Standard 2.NBT.5

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Subtracting 1s or 10s (no regrouping) - Practice solving problems like 67-5 and 67-50.

Standard 2.NBT.5

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Add 2-digit numbers by making tens 2 - Practice adding two-digit numbers by making groups of ten.


Standard 2.NBT.6

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Coming Soon


Standard 2.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Select strategies for adding within 100 - Practice telling which strategies work for adding two numbers within 100.

Standard 2.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Add and subtract on a number line - Practice adding and subtracting numbers like 554 and 237 using a number line. All numbers are less than 1000.

Standard 2.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Add using groups of 10 and 100 - Practice making groups of 10 and 100 while adding 3-digit numbers.

Standard 2.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Subtract 2- and 3-digit numbers (no regrouping) - Practice solving problems like 452 + 241.

Standard 2.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Add 10s and 100s (no regrouping) - Practice solving problems like 344+20 and 344+200.

Standard 2.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Subtract 10s and 100s (no regrouping) - Practice subtracting 1, 10, or 100 from a number.

Standard 2.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Estimate to add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers - Use estimation to find a reasonable solution to multi-digit addition and subtraction problems. Numbers are less than or equal to 1000.

Standard 2.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Break apart 3-digit addition problems - Practice breaking apart big addition problems using place value. For example, 234+567 is the same as 200+500+30+60+4+7.

Standard 2.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Add 2- and 3-digit numbers (no regrouping) - Practice solving problems like 243 + 452.

Standard 2.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Add and subtract using a number line - Practice adding and subtracting numbers like 54 and 37 using a number line. Numbers used in these problems are all less than 100.


Standard 2.NBT.8

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Coming Soon


Standard 2.NBT.9

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Coming Soon


Standard 2.OA.1

Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking

Skill - Challenging add and subtract word problems (within 100) - Practice solving more challenging addition and subtraction word problems with "more" and "fewer".​  Multi-step problems are also included. Numbers used are 100 or less.

Standard 2.OA.1

Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking

Skill - Add and subtract within 100 word problems 3 - Practice solving word problems with addition and subtraction. These questions are start unknown problems including add to and take from problems. Â Numbers used are 100 or less.

Standard 2.OA.1

Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking

Skill - Add and subtract within 100 word problems 2 - Practice solving word problems with addition and subtraction. These questions are comparison problems including difference unknown, smaller value unknown, and bigger value unknown. Â Numbers used are 100 or less.

Standard 2.OA.1

Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking

Skill - Solve problems with picture graphs 1 - Read and interpret picture graphs.

Standard 2.OA.1

Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking

Skill - Find the missing number (add and subtract within 100) - Practice solving problems like "___ - 45 = 27" where you have to figure out the missing value in an addition or subtraction equation.

Standard 2.OA.1

Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking

Skill - Add and subtract within 100 word problems 1 - Practice adding and subtracting to solve word problems. These questions are result unknown or change unknown problems. Numbers used are 100 or less.

Standard 2.OA.1

Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking

Skill - Length word problems - Add and subtract lengths to solve word problems.


Standard 2.OA.2

Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking

Skill - Coming Soon


Standard 2.OA.3

Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking

Skill - Coming Soon


Standard 2.OA.4

Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking

Skill - Repeated addition - Practice solving word problems by adding the same number many times.

Anchor 2.G.1
Anchor 2.G.2
Anchor 2.G.3
Anchor 2.MD.1
Anchor 2.MD.3
Anchor 2.MD.9
Anchor 2.MD.10
Anchor 2.NBT.1
Anchor 2.NBT.2
Anchor 2.NBT.3
Anchor 2.NBT.4
Anchor 2.NBT.5
Anchor 2.NBT.6
Anchor 2.NBT.7
Anchor 2.NBT.8
Anchor 2.MD.2
Anchor 2.MD.4
Anchor 2.MD.5
Anchor 2.MD.6
Anchor 2.MD.7
Anchor 2.MD.8
Anchor 2.NBT.9
Anchor 2.OA.1
Anchor 2.OA.2
Anchor 2.OA.3
Anchor 2.OA.4
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