Reading & Writing Process
Students will use a variety of recursive reading and writing processes.
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3rd ELA IXL CCSS Lesson Links
Which word is a noun? (3-FF.1)
Identify nouns – with abstract nouns (3-FF.3)
Identify common and proper nouns (3-FF.4)
Identify personal pronouns (3-GG.1)
Identify possessive pronouns (3-GG.5)
Identify action verbs (3-HH.2)
Identify main verbs and helping verbs (3-HH.3)
Does the adjective tell you what kind or how many? (3-LL.1)
Identify the adjective that describes the noun (3-LL.2)
Does the adverb tell you how, when, or where? (3-LL.4)
Form regular plurals with -s, -es, and -ies (3-FF.5)
Use regular plurals with -s, -es, and -ies (3-FF.6)
Form and use irregular plurals (3-FF.8)
Identify nouns – with abstract nouns (3-FF.3)
Form and use the irregular past tense: set 1 (3-JJ.6)
Form and use the irregular past tense: set 2 (3-JJ.7)
Form and use the irregular past tense: set 3 (3-JJ.8)
Form and use the irregular past tense: set 4 (3-JJ.9)
Form and use the irregular past tense: set 5 (3-JJ.10)
To be: use the correct form (3-JJ.11)
To have: use the correct form (3-JJ.12)
Form and use the regular past tense (3-JJ.3)
Is the sentence in the past, present, or future tense? (3-JJ.13)
Change the sentence to future tense (3-JJ.14)
Replace the noun with a personal pronoun (3-GG.3)
Is the subject singular or plural? (3-II.1)
Use the correct subject or verb (3-II.2)
Pronoun-verb agreement (3-II.3)
Choose between adjectives and adverbs (3-LL.6)
Use adjectives to compare (3-LL.8)
Spell adjectives that compare (3-LL.9)
Use adverbs to compare (3-LL.10)
Use coordinating conjunctions (3-O.3)
Use subordinating conjunctions (3-O.4)
Identify coordinating conjunctions (3-NN.1)
Identify subordinating conjunctions (3-NN.2)
Create varied sentences based on models (3-R.3)
Identify the complete subject of a sentence (3-EE.2)
Identify the complete predicate of a sentence (3-EE.3)
Is it a complete sentence or a fragment? (3-EE.5)
Is it a complete sentence or a run-on? (3-EE.6)
Is it a complete sentence, a fragment, or a run-on? (3-EE.7)
Create compound sentences (3-EE.9)
Order the words to create a sentence (3-EE.10)
Commas with the names of places (3-PP.3)
Form the singular or plural possessive (3-FF.10)
Word pattern analogies (3-T.11)
Word pattern sentences (3-T.12)
Homophones with pictures (3-Y.1)
Use the correct homophone (3-Y.3)
Form regular plurals with -s, -es, and -ies (3-FF.5)
Use regular plurals with -s, -es, and -ies (3-FF.6)
Form and use irregular plurals (3-FF.8)
Form and use the regular past tense (3-JJ.3)
Form and use the irregular past tense: set 1 (3-JJ.6)
Form and use the irregular past tense: set 2 (3-JJ.7)
Form and use the irregular past tense: set 3 (3-JJ.8)
Form and use the irregular past tense: set 4 (3-JJ.9)
Form and use the irregular past tense: set 5 (3-JJ.10)
Spell adjectives that compare (3-LL.9)
Pronoun-verb contractions (3-OO.1)
Contractions with "not" (3-OO.2)
Word pattern analogies (3-T.11)
Word pattern sentences (3-T.12)
Form regular plurals with -s, -es, and -ies (3-FF.5)
Use regular plurals with -s, -es, and -ies (3-FF.6)
Form and use the regular past tense (3-JJ.3)
Spell adjectives that compare (3-LL.9)
Pronoun-verb contractions (3-OO.1)
Contractions with "not" (3-OO.2)
Order items from most general to most specific (3-L.2)
Show character emotions and traits (3-Q.2)
Shades of meaning with pictures (3-AA.1)
Describe the difference between related words (3-AA.2)
Positive and negative connotation (3-AA.3)
Determine the meanings of similes (3-E.2)
Vocabulary review: Identify story elements (3-G.3)
Vocabulary review: Analyze short stories (3-G.5)
Vocabulary review: Analyze informational passages (3-H.3)
Find synonyms in context (3-X.3)
Find antonyms in context (3-X.6)
Which definition matches the sentence? (3-Z.2)
Which sentence matches the definition? (3-Z.3)
Determine the meaning of words using synonyms in context (3-CC.1)
Use context to identify the meaning of a word (3-CC.2)
Determine the meaning of a word with pre-, re-, or mis- (3-T.2)
Use the prefixes pre-, re-, and mis- (3-T.3)
Determine the meaning of a word with -ful or -less (3-T.4)
Determine the meaning of a word with -ly or -ness (3-T.5)
Determine the meaning of a word with -able or -ment (3-T.6)
Determine the meaning of a word with a suffix: review (3-T.7)
Determine the meanings of words with prefixes and suffixes: review (3-T.8)
Sort words with shared prefixes and suffixes by meaning (3-T.9)
Use Greek and Latin roots as clues to the meanings of words (3-U.1)
Determine the meanings of Greek and Latin roots (3-U.2)
Determine the meanings of words with Greek and Latin roots (3-U.3)
Use dictionary entries (3-DD.6)
Use dictionary definitions (3-DD.7)
Determine the meanings of similes (3-E.2)
Use actions and dialogue to understand characters (3-F.2)
Compare mythological illustrations (3-I.1)
Show character emotions and traits (3-Q.2)
Shades of meaning with pictures (3-AA.1)
Describe the difference between related words (3-AA.2)
Does the adjective tell you what kind or how many? (3-LL.1)
Shades of meaning with pictures (3-AA.1)
Describe the difference between related words (3-AA.2)
Positive and negative connotation (3-AA.3)
Vocabulary review: Identify story elements (3-G.3)
Vocabulary review: Analyze short stories (3-G.5)
Vocabulary review: Analyze informational passages (3-H.3)
Identify time-order words (3-O.1)
Use subordinating conjunctions (3-O.4)
Determine the meaning of a word with pre-, re-, or mis- (3-T.2)
Use the prefixes pre-, re-, and mis- (3-T.3)
Determine the meaning of a word with -ful or -less (3-T.4)
Determine the meaning of a word with -ly or -ness (3-T.5)
Determine the meaning of a word with -able or -ment (3-T.6)
Determine the meaning of a word with a suffix: review (3-T.7)
Determine the meanings of words with prefixes and suffixes: review (3-T.8)
Use Greek and Latin roots as clues to the meanings of words (3-U.1)
Determine the meanings of Greek and Latin roots (3-U.2)
Determine the meanings of words with Greek and Latin roots (3-U.3)
Homophones with pictures (3-Y.1)
Use the correct homophone (3-Y.3)
Shades of meaning with pictures (3-AA.1)
Positive and negative connotation (3-AA.3)
Determine the meaning of words using synonyms in context (3-CC.1)
Use context to identify the meaning of a word (3-CC.2)
Identify prepositions (3-MM.1)
RF.3 Foundational Skills
Determine the meaning of a word with pre-, re-, or mis- (3-T.2)
Use the prefixes pre-, re-, and mis- (3-T.3)
Determine the meaning of a word with -ful or -less (3-T.4)
Determine the meaning of a word with -ly or -ness (3-T.5)
Determine the meaning of a word with -able or -ment (3-T.6)
Determine the meaning of a word with a suffix: review (3-T.7)
Determine the meanings of words with prefixes and suffixes: review (3-T.8)
Sort words with shared prefixes and suffixes by meaning (3-T.9)
Determine the meaning of a word with -able or -ment (3-T.6)
Identify base words, prefixes, and suffixes (3-T.1)
Determine the meaning of a word with pre-, re-, or mis- (3-T.2)
Determine the meaning of a word with -ful or -less (3-T.4)
Determine the meaning of a word with -ly or -ness (3-T.5)
Determine the meaning of a word with -able or -ment (3-T.6)
Determine the meaning of a word with a suffix: review (3-T.7)
Determine the meanings of words with prefixes and suffixes: review (3-T.8)
Sort words with shared prefixes and suffixes by meaning (3-T.9)
Sort words with shared suffixes by part of speech (3-T.10)
Word pattern analogies (3-T.11)
Word pattern sentences (3-T.12)
Use Greek and Latin roots as clues to the meanings of words (3-U.1)
Determine the meanings of Greek and Latin roots (3-U.2)
Determine the meanings of words with Greek and Latin roots (3-U.3)
Form compound words with pictures (3-V.1)
Form and use compound words (3-V.3)
Determine the main idea of a passage (3-A.2)
Determine the order of events in informational texts (3-C.1)
Compare and contrast in informational texts (3-C.2)
Match causes and effects in informational texts (3-C.4)
Match problems with their solutions (3-C.5)
Identify sensory details (3-D.2)
Make predictions about a story (3-F.4)
Determine the themes of myths, fables, and folktales (3-G.1)
Identify story elements (3-G.2)
Analyze informational passages (3-H.2)
Compare information from two informational texts (3-H.4)
Determine the meanings of similes (3-E.2)
Vocabulary review: Identify story elements (3-G.3)
Vocabulary review: Analyze short stories (3-G.5)
Vocabulary review: Analyze informational passages (3-H.3)
Put the sentences in order (3-L.1)
Which definition matches the sentence? (3-Z.2)
Which sentence matches the definition? (3-Z.3)
Determine the meaning of words using synonyms in context (3-CC.1)
RI.3 Reading: Informational Text
Compare and contrast in informational texts (3-C.2)
Match causes and effects in informational texts (3-C.4)
Match problems with their solutions (3-C.5)
Understand key details in informational passages (3-H.1)
Compare information from two informational texts (3-H.4)
Benjamin Franklin (Social studies 3-D.1)
Frederick Douglass (Social studies 3-D.7)
Harriet Tubman (Social studies 3-D.9)
Rosa Parks (Social studies 3-D.16)
Bill Gates (Social studies 3-D.21)
Christmas (Social studies 3-G.6)
Identify shortage and surplus with data (Social studies 3-I.6)
Use key details to determine the main idea (3-A.1)
Determine the main idea of a passage (3-A.2)
Determine the order of events in informational texts (3-C.1)
Compare and contrast in informational texts (3-C.2)
Match causes and effects in informational texts (3-C.4)
Match problems with their solutions (3-C.5)
Analyze informational passages (3-H.2)
Compare information from two informational texts (3-H.4)
Harriet Tubman (Social studies 3-D.9)
Determine the order of events in informational texts (3-C.1)
Compare and contrast in informational texts (3-C.2)
Match causes and effects in informational texts (3-C.4)
Match problems with their solutions (3-C.5)
Identify text structures (3-C.6)
Identify time-order words (3-O.1)
Vocabulary review: Analyze informational passages (3-H.3)
Use context to identify the meaning of a word (3-CC.2)
Cesar Chavez (Social studies 3-D.18)
Bill Gates (Social studies 3-D.21)
Identify an author's statement of opinion (3-P.2)
Determine the order of events in informational texts (3-C.1)
Use a letter-number grid (Social studies 3-A.2)
Read a map: cardinal directions (Social studies 3-A.3)
Benjamin Franklin (Social studies 3-D.1)
Paul Revere (Social studies 3-D.2)
Davy Crockett (Social studies 3-D.4)
John Deere (Social studies 3-D.5)
Abraham Lincoln (Social studies 3-D.6)
Harriet Tubman (Social studies 3-D.9)
Sitting Bull (Social studies 3-D.10)
Theodore Roosevelt (Social studies 3-D.12)
Amelia Earhart (Social studies 3-D.14)
Bill Gates (Social studies 3-D.21)
Checks and balances (Social studies 3-E.7)
The American flag (Social studies 3-F.4)
The Washington Monument (Social studies 3-F.6)
Thanksgiving (Social studies 3-G.2)
Lunar New Year (Social studies 3-G.8)
Producers and consumers (Social studies 3-H.4)
Determine the order of events in informational texts (3-C.1)
Compare and contrast in informational texts (3-C.2)
Match causes with effects (3-C.3)
Match causes and effects in informational texts (3-C.4)
Match problems with their solutions (3-C.5)
Identify text structures (3-C.6)
Put the sentences in order (3-L.1)
Compare and contrast in informational texts (3-C.2)
Compare information from two informational texts (3-H.4)
Determine the main idea of a passage (3-A.2)
Analyze informational passages (3-H.2)
Identify urban, suburban, and rural areas (Social studies 3-A.8)
Benjamin Franklin (Social studies 3-D.1)
Davy Crockett (Social studies 3-D.4)
Frederick Douglass (Social studies 3-D.7)
Harriet Tubman (Social studies 3-D.9)
Sitting Bull (Social studies 3-D.10)
Theodore Roosevelt (Social studies 3-D.12)
Rosa Parks (Social studies 3-D.16)
Cesar Chavez (Social studies 3-D.18)
Bill Gates (Social studies 3-D.21)
The Constitution (Social studies 3-E.5)
The Bill of Rights (Social studies 3-E.6)
Thanksgiving (Social studies 3-G.2)
Natural resources (Social studies 3-H.2)
Goods and services (Social studies 3-H.3)
Producers and consumers (Social studies 3-H.4)
Understand quantity supplied and quantity demanded (Social studies 3-I.1)
Understand overall supply and demand (Social studies 3-I.2)
Create and use supply and demand curves (Social studies 3-I.3)
Identify shortage and surplus (Social studies 3-I.4)
Identify shortage and surplus with graphs (Social studies 3-I.5)
Identify shortage and surplus with data (Social studies 3-I.6)
RL.3 Literature
Draw inferences from a text (3-F.3)
Identify story elements (3-G.2)
Determine the themes of myths, fables, and folktales (3-G.1)
Identify story elements (3-G.2)
Use actions and dialogue to understand characters (3-F.2)
Determine the meanings of similes (3-E.2)
Vocabulary review: Identify story elements (3-G.3)
Vocabulary review: Analyze short stories (3-G.5)
Which definition matches the sentence? (3-Z.2)
Which sentence matches the definition? (3-Z.3)
Determine the meaning of words using synonyms in context (3-CC.1)
Use context to identify the meaning of a word (3-CC.2)
Identify the narrative point of view (4-E.1)
Distinguish characters' points of view (4-F.3)
Compare mythological illustrations (3-I.1)
Determine the themes of myths, fables, and folktales (3-G.1)
Identify story elements (3-G.2)
Determine the themes of myths, fables, and folktales (3-G.1)
Identify story elements (3-G.2)
W.3 Writing
Identify the author's purpose: passages (3-B.2)
Organize information by main idea (3-L.3)
Distinguish facts from opinions (3-P.1)
Identify an author's statement of opinion (3-P.2)
Complete the opinion passage with an example (3-P.4)
Complete the opinion passage with a reason (3-P.5)
Complete the opinion-reason-example table (3-P.6)
Choose reasons to support an opinion (3-P.3)
Complete the opinion passage with a reason (3-P.5)
Complete the opinion-reason-example table (3-P.6)
Use coordinating conjunctions (3-O.3)
Use subordinating conjunctions (3-O.4)
Choose the best transition (3-O.5)
Use linking words to complete a passage (3-O.6)
Use key details to determine the main idea (3-A.1)
Put the sentences in order (3-L.1)
Organize information by main idea (3-L.3)
Choose topic sentences for narrative paragraphs (3-M.1)
Choose topic sentences for expository paragraphs (3-M.2)
Distinguish facts from opinions (3-P.1)
Choose reasons to support an opinion (3-P.3)
Use coordinating conjunctions (3-O.3)
Use subordinating conjunctions (3-O.4)
Choose the best transition (3-O.5)
Use linking words to complete a passage (3-O.6)
Combine sentences: subjects and predicates (3-R.1)
Put the sentences in order (3-L.1)
Choose topic sentences for narrative paragraphs (3-M.1)
Add descriptive details to sentences (3-Q.1)
Use actions and dialogue to understand characters (3-F.2)
Add descriptive details to sentences (3-Q.1)
Show character emotions and traits (3-Q.2)
Put the sentences in order (3-L.1)
Identify time-order words (3-O.1)
Identify the author's purpose: mixed media (3-B.1)
Identify the author's purpose: passages (3-B.2)
Determine the order of events in informational texts (3-C.1)
Match causes and effects in informational texts (3-C.4)
Match problems with their solutions (3-C.5)
Identify text structures (3-C.6)
Organize information by main idea (3-L.3)
Choose the text that matches the writer's purpose (3-N.1)
Put the sentences in order (3-L.1)
Organize information by main idea (3-L.3)
Choose the best transition (3-O.5)
Add descriptive details to sentences (3-Q.1)
Revise the sentence using a stronger verb (3-Q.3)
Combine sentences: subjects and predicates (3-R.1)
Combine sentences by adding key details (3-R.2)
Correct errors with signs (3-S.1)
Is it a complete sentence or a fragment? (3-EE.5)
Is it a complete sentence or a run-on? (3-EE.6)
Is it a complete sentence, a fragment, or a run-on? (3-EE.7)
Identify and correct errors with plural and possessive nouns (3-FF.11)
Capitalization: review (3-QQ.5)
Determine the main idea of a passage (3-A.2)
Organize information by main idea (3-L.3)