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Khan Academy CCSS Lesson Links

Standard 5.G.1

Common Core Area - Geometry

Skill - Graph points - Plot a given point on the coordinate plane.

Standard 5.G.1

Common Core Area - Geometry

Skill - Identify coordinates - Identify coordinates of points in the first quadrant.

Standard 5.G.1

Common Core Area - Geometry

Skill - Identify points - Identify points in the first quadrant of a coordinate plane.


Standard 5.G.2

Common Core Area - Geometry

Skill - Distance between points in first quadrant - Graph and find the distance between point in first quadrant of coordinate plane.

Standard 5.G.2

Common Core Area - Geometry

Skill - Coordinate plane word problems (quadrant 1) - See how we can use the axes on the coordinate plane to represent quantities.

Standard 5.G.2

Common Core Area - Geometry

Skill - Shapes on the coordinate plane - Identify and graph corners on shapes graphed in the first quadrant of a coordinate plane.

Standard 5.G.2

Common Core Area - Geometry

Skill - Identify coordinates - Identify coordinates of points in the first quadrant.

Standard 5.G.2

Common Core Area - Geometry

Skill - Graph points - Plot a given point on the coordinate plane.

Standard 5.G.2

Common Core Area - Geometry

Skill - Identify points - Identify points in the first quadrant of a coordinate plane.


Standard 5.G.3

Common Core Area - Geometry

Skill - Properties of shapes - Identify and compare shapes based on their attributes. Shapes include triangle types, quadrilateral types, pentagons, and hexagons.


Standard 5.G.4

Common Core Area - Geometry

Skill - Identify quadrilaterals - Identify squares, rectangles, and rhombuses.

Standard 5.G.4

Common Core Area - Geometry

Skill - Properties of shapes - Identify and compare shapes based on their attributes. Shapes include triangle types, quadrilateral types, pentagons, and hexagons.

Standard 5.G.4

Common Core Area - Geometry

Skill - Quadrilateral types - Identify quadrilaterals based on pictures or attributes. Quadrilaterals included are parallelograms, rhombuses, rectangles, and squares.

Standard 5.G.4

Common Core Area - Geometry

Skill - Quadrilateral types - Identify quadrilaterals based on pictures or attributes. Quadrilaterals included are parallelograms, rhombuses, rectangles, and squares.


Standard 5.MD.1

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Convert units (US customary) - Convert between US customary measures of distance, volume, and mass.

Standard 5.MD.1

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Convert units word problems (metric) - Solve word problems that involve converting between metric measures of distance, volume, and mass, as well as measures of time.

Standard 5.MD.1

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Convert units (metrics) - Convert between metric measures of distance, volume, and mass.

Standard 5.MD.1

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Convert units word problems (US customary) - Solve word problems that involve converting between US customary measures of distance, volume, and mass.


Standard 5.MD.2

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Interpret dot plots with fraction operations - Interpret fraction data on dot plots to solve word problems.


Standard 5.MD.3

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Coming Soon -

Standard 5.MD.3

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Coming Soon -

Standard 5.MD.3

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Coming Soon


Standard 5.MD.4

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Volume with unit cubes 1 - Find volume of 3-dimensional figures by counting unit cubes.

Standard 5.MD.4

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Compare volumes with unit cubes - Recognize volume as an attribute of solid figures and understand concepts of volume measurement.


Standard 5.MD.5

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Decompose figures to find volume - Find the volume of irregular 3D figures by dividing the figures into rectangular prisms and finding the volume of each part.

Standard 5.MD.5

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Decompose figures to find volume (unit cubes) - Find the volume of irregular 3D figures made up of unit cubes by dividing the figures into rectangular prisms and finding the volume of each part.

Standard 5.MD.5

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Volume 1 - Find volume of a rectangular prism with labeled side lengths. Find a missing side length on a rectangular prism when given the volume.

Standard 5.MD.5

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Volume word problems - Find volume of rectangular prisms to solve word problems.

Standard 5.MD.5

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Decompose figures to find volume (unit cubes) - Find the volume of irregular 3D figures made up of unit cubes by dividing the figures into rectangular prisms and finding the volume of each part.

Standard 5.MD.5

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Decompose figures to find volume - Find the volume of irregular 3D figures by dividing the figures into rectangular prisms and finding the volume of each part.

Standard 5.MD.5

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Compare volumes with unit cubes - Recognize volume as an attribute of solid figures and understand concepts of volume measurement.

Standard 5.MD.5

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Compare volumes with unit cubes - Recognize volume as an attribute of solid figures and understand concepts of volume measurement.

Standard 5.MD.5

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Volume 1 - Find volume of a rectangular prism with labeled side lengths. Find a missing side length on a rectangular prism when given the volume.

Standard 5.MD.5

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Volume word problems - Find volume of rectangular prisms to solve word problems.

Standard 5.MD.5

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Volume 1 - Find volume of a rectangular prism with labeled side lengths. Find a missing side length on a rectangular prism when given the volume.

Standard 5.MD.5

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Decompose figures to find volume (unit cubes) - Find the volume of irregular 3D figures made up of unit cubes by dividing the figures into rectangular prisms and finding the volume of each part.

Standard 5.MD.5

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Decompose figures to find volume - Find the volume of irregular 3D figures by dividing the figures into rectangular prisms and finding the volume of each part.

Standard 5.MD.5

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Volume word problems - Find volume of rectangular prisms to solve word problems.

Standard 5.MD.5

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Compare volumes with unit cubes - Recognize volume as an attribute of solid figures and understand concepts of volume measurement.

Standard 5.MD.5

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Volume 1 - Find volume of a rectangular prism with labeled side lengths. Find a missing side length on a rectangular prism when given the volume.

Standard 5.MD.5

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Decompose figures to find volume (unit cubes) - Find the volume of irregular 3D figures made up of unit cubes by dividing the figures into rectangular prisms and finding the volume of each part.

Standard 5.MD.5

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Decompose figures to find volume - Find the volume of irregular 3D figures by dividing the figures into rectangular prisms and finding the volume of each part.

Standard 5.MD.5

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Volume word problems - Find volume of rectangular prisms to solve word problems.

Standard 5.MD.5

Common Core Area - Measurement and Data

Skill - Compare volumes with unit cubes - Recognize volume as an attribute of solid figures and understand concepts of volume measurement.


Standard 5.NBT.1

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Regroup whole numbers - Regroup numbers in each place value (e.g., regroup 1 ten as 10 ones) to express whole numbers in different ways.

Standard 5.NBT.1

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Value of a digit - Practice identifying the value of one of the digits in a decimal number. For example, the 3 in 4.563 has a value of 0.003.

Standard 5.NBT.1

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Compare decimal place value - Compare 2 numbers to thousandths based on meanings of the digits in each place.


Standard 5.NBT.2

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Multiply and divide decimals by 10, 100, and 1000 - Practice multiplying and dividing decimals by 10, 100, and 1000. For example, divide 31.4 by 100 to get 0.314.

Standard 5.NBT.2

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Understanding moving the decimal - Give the number of tens a number is being multiplied or divided by when the decimal is moved to the left or right.

Standard 5.NBT.2

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Multiply and divide by powers of 10 - Practice multiplying and dividing by powers of 10.

Standard 5.NBT.2

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Multiply and divide decimals by 10 - Practice multiplying and dividing decimal numbers by 10.

Standard 5.NBT.2

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Multiply and divide whole numbers by 10, 100, and 1000 - Practice multiplying and dividing whole numbers by 10, 100, and 1000.

Standard 5.NBT.2

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Powers of ten - Practice evaluating powers of ten.


Standard 5.NBT.3

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Compare decimals word problems - Solve word problems by comparing decimals

Standard 5.NBT.3

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Compare decimals challenge - Practice decimal comparison problems that stretch your place value understanding.

Standard 5.NBT.3

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Place value names - Practice identifying place value names for decimal numbers. For example, the 3 in 4.563 is in the thousandths place.

Standard 5.NBT.3

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Regroup decimals - Regroup numbers in each place value (e.g., regroup 1 ten as 10 ones) to express decimals in different ways.

Standard 5.NBT.3

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Decimals in expanded form - Practice converting decimals between standard form and expanded form.

Standard 5.NBT.3

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Decimals in written form - Practice converting decimals between standard form and written form.

Standard 5.NBT.3

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Compare decimals through thousandths - Compare 2 decimals with digits up to the thousandths using >, <, and = symbols.

Standard 5.NBT.3

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Compare decimals challenge - Practice decimal comparison problems that stretch your place value understanding.

Standard 5.NBT.3

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Place value names - Practice identifying place value names for decimal numbers. For example, the 3 in 4.563 is in the thousandths place.

Standard 5.NBT.3

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Regroup decimals - Regroup numbers in each place value (e.g., regroup 1 ten as 10 ones) to express decimals in different ways.

Standard 5.NBT.3

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Decimals in expanded form - Practice converting decimals between standard form and expanded form.

Standard 5.NBT.3

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Decimals in written form - Practice converting decimals between standard form and written form.

Standard 5.NBT.3

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Compare decimals through thousandths - Compare 2 decimals with digits up to the thousandths using >, <, and = symbols.

Standard 5.NBT.3

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Compare decimals word problems - Solve word problems by comparing decimals

Standard 5.NBT.3

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Compare decimals challenge - Practice decimal comparison problems that stretch your place value understanding.

Standard 5.NBT.3

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Place value names - Practice identifying place value names for decimal numbers. For example, the 3 in 4.563 is in the thousandths place.

Standard 5.NBT.3

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Regroup decimals - Regroup numbers in each place value (e.g., regroup 1 ten as 10 ones) to express decimals in different ways.

Standard 5.NBT.3

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Order decimals - Order 3 decimals with digits up to the thousandths from least to greatest.

Standard 5.NBT.3

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Decimals in expanded form - Practice converting decimals between standard form and expanded form.

Standard 5.NBT.3

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Decimals in written form - Practice converting decimals between standard form and written form.

Standard 5.NBT.3

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Compare decimals through thousandths - Compare 2 decimals with digits up to the thousandths using >, <, and = symbols.

Standard 5.NBT.3

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Order decimals - Order 3 decimals with digits up to the thousandths from least to greatest.

Standard 5.NBT.3

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Compare decimals word problems - Solve word problems by comparing decimals

Standard 5.NBT.3

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Order decimals - Order 3 decimals with digits up to the thousandths from least to greatest.


Standard 5.NBT.4

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Round decimals using a number line - Practice using a number line to round decimal numbers.

Standard 5.NBT.4

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Round decimals challenge - Round decimals using number lines. Select numbers that round to a given value.

Standard 5.NBT.4

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Round decimals word problems - Solve word problems by rounding decimals

Standard 5.NBT.4

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Round decimals - Round decimals and whole numbers to the nearest thousand, hundred, ten, one, tenth, or hundredth.


Standard 5.NBT.5

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Estimate multi-digit multiplication problems - Use estimation to find a reasonable solution to multi-digit multiplication problems.

Standard 5.NBT.5

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Multi-digit multiplication - Multiply 2-3 digits by 3-4 digits with carrying.

Standard 5.NBT.5

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Multiply by taking out factors of 10 - Multiply numbers like 900 x 1000


Standard 5.NBT.6

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Basic multi-digit division - Divide numbers like 105·21 or 119·17

Standard 5.NBT.6

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Estimate multi-digit division problems - Use estimation to find a reasonable solution to multi-digit division problems.

Standard 5.NBT.6

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Divide by taking out factors of 10 - Divide numbers like 2400·30.


Standard 5.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Divide whole numbers like 7·5 to get a decimal - Dividing whole numbers to get a decimal quotient like 15÷6=2.5

Standard 5.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Subtract decimals like 56.8-17.9 - Subtract trickier numbers with tenths like 56.8-17.9

Standard 5.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Subtract decimals like 0.6-0.43 - Subtract small whole numbers, tenths, and hundredths like 0.6-0.43 or 1.58-0.5

Standard 5.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Estimating with adding decimals - For example, estimate 12.93 + 6.1 to be 19.

Standard 5.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Subtract decimals like 67.89-6 - Subtract larger whole numbers, tenths, and hundredths like 67.89-6 or 35.65-17.34

Standard 5.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Divide decimals like 1.32·0.12 - More challenging division with decimals like 14·0.7 or 1.32·0.12.

Standard 5.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Multiply decimals visually - Use tenths and hundredths charts and number lines to multiply decimals.

Standard 5.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Add decimals like 0.76+0.21 - Add hundredths like 0.76+0.21

Standard 5.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Divide decimals like 0.72·0.08 - Dividing tenths by tenths like 0.6·0.2.

Standard 5.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Divide whole numbers like 63·12 to get a decimal - Dividing larger whole numbers to get a decimal quotient like 63·12=5.25

Standard 5.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Subtract decimals like 0.75-0.56 - Subtract hundredths like 0.75-0.56

Standard 5.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Divide decimals and whole numbers by 0.1 or 0.01 - Dividing numbers by 0.1 or 0.01 like 10·0.1 or 5.3·0.01

Standard 5.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Divide decimals visually - Use tenths and hundredths charts and number lines to divide decimals.

Standard 5.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Multiply decimals like 1.7x0.12 - Multiply numbers with tenths and hundredths like 3.1x3.3 or 1.7x0.12

Standard 5.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Divide decimals like 1.86·2 - Dividing decimals by whole numbers like 2.5·5 or 1.86·2

Standard 5.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Multiply decimals like 0.56x4 - Multiply decimals and whole numbers like 8x0.2 or 0.56x4

Standard 5.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Add decimals like 40.1+7.6 - Add larger numbers with tenths like 40.1+7.6

Standard 5.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Subtract decimals like 0.9-0.7 - Subtract tenths like 0.9-0.7

Standard 5.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Add decimals like 0.7+0.5 - Add tenths like 0.7 + 0.5

Standard 5.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Estimating with multiplying decimals - For example, estimate 6.74 x 1.98 to be 14.

Standard 5.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Divide decimals like 16.8·40 by factoring out a 10 - Dividing decimals where we can factor a 10 out of the divisor like 9·30

Standard 5.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Add decimals like 4+5.7 - Add whole numbers and tenths like 4 + 5.7

Standard 5.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Add decimals visually - Use tenths and hundredths charts to add decimals.

Standard 5.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Subtract decimals like 1.6-0.3 - Subtract small whole numbers and tenths like 1.6-0.3

Standard 5.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Subtract decimals like 78.4-3 - Subtract larger whole numbers and tenths like 78.4-3

Standard 5.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Add decimals like 5.53+6.1 - Add whole numbers, tenths, and hundredths like 60+2.57 or 5.53+3.1

Standard 5.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Multiply decimals like 0.6x0.4 - Multiply tenths like 0.6 x 0.4

Standard 5.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Add decimals like 47.75+11.98 - Add more challenging whole numbers, tenths, and hundredths like 5.7+4.51 or 47.75+11.98

Standard 5.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Divide whole numbers like 80·200 to get a decimal - Dividing larger whole numbers by whole numbers to get a decimal like 80·200

Standard 5.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Subtract decimals visually - Use tenths and hundredths charts to subtract decimals.

Standard 5.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Estimating with subtracting decimals - For example, estimate 9.72 - 1.9 to be 8.

Standard 5.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Estimating with dividing decimals - For example, estimate 5609 · 7 to be 800.

Standard 5.NBT.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten

Skill - Subtract decimals like 15-7.45 - More challenging subtraction problems with whole numbers, tenths, and hundredths like 15-7.45 or 12.19-7.68


Standard 5.NF.1

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Add and subtract fractions challenge - Challenge problems involving adding and subtracting fractions that have unlike denominators.

Standard 5.NF.1

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Subtracting fractions with unlike denominators - Practice subtracting fractions that have different denominators.

Standard 5.NF.1

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Visually add and subtract fractions - Practice adding and subtracting fractions that have different denominators. Problems have fraction diagrams.

Standard 5.NF.1

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Equivalent expressions with common denominators - Rewrite a fraction addition problem so the fractions have common denominators.

Standard 5.NF.1

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Add and subtract mixed numbers with unlike denominators (regrouping) - Practice adding and subtracting mixed numbers with different denominators. Regrouping required.

Standard 5.NF.1

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Add and subtract mixed numbers with unlike denominators (no regrouping) - Practice adding and subtracting mixed numbers with different denominators. No regrouping required.

Standard 5.NF.1

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Add fractions with unlike denominators - Practice adding fractions that have different denominators.


Standard 5.NF.2

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Add and subtract fractions word problems - Practice solving fraction addition and subtraction word problems. The fractions in these problems have unlike denominators.


Standard 5.NF.3

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Fractions as division - Practice understanding that the fraction bar really means division.

Standard 5.NF.3

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Fractions as division word problems - Practice word problems that involve using the fraction bar as division.


Standard 5.NF.4

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Multiply mixed numbers - Practice multiplying mixed numbers.

Standard 5.NF.4

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Area of rectangles with fraction side lengths - Practice computing the areas of rectangles that have fractional side lengths.

Standard 5.NF.4

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Multiply fractions and whole numbers visually - Use area models, number lines, and tape diagrams to multiply a whole number times a fraction.

Standard 5.NF.4

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Multiply fractions and whole numbers - Practice multiplying a whole number times a fraction.

Standard 5.NF.4

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Multiplying fractions - Practice multiplying two fractions.

Standard 5.NF.4

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Multiplying fractions with visuals - Use area models and tape diagrams to multiply a fraction times a fraction.

Standard 5.NF.4

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Multiply mixed numbers - Practice multiplying mixed numbers.

Standard 5.NF.4

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Multiply fractions and whole numbers - Practice multiplying a whole number times a fraction.

Standard 5.NF.4

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Area of rectangles with fraction side lengths - Practice computing the areas of rectangles that have fractional side lengths.

Standard 5.NF.4

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Multiply fractions and whole numbers visually - Use area models, number lines, and tape diagrams to multiply a whole number times a fraction.

Standard 5.NF.4

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Area of rectangles with fraction side lengths - Practice computing the areas of rectangles that have fractional side lengths.

Standard 5.NF.4

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Multiplying fractions - Practice multiplying two fractions.

Standard 5.NF.4

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Multiply fractions and whole numbers - Practice multiplying a whole number times a fraction.

Standard 5.NF.4

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Multiplying fractions - Practice multiplying two fractions.

Standard 5.NF.4

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Multiplying fractions with visuals - Use area models and tape diagrams to multiply a fraction times a fraction.

Standard 5.NF.4

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Multiply mixed numbers - Practice multiplying mixed numbers.

Standard 5.NF.4

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Multiply fractions and whole numbers visually - Use area models, number lines, and tape diagrams to multiply a whole number times a fraction.

Standard 5.NF.4

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Multiplying fractions with visuals - Use area models and tape diagrams to multiply a fraction times a fraction.


Standard 5.NF.5

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Fraction multiplication as scaling - Interpret how multiplying by a fraction greater or less than 1 affects the product.

Standard 5.NF.5

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Fraction multiplication as scaling - Interpret how multiplying by a fraction greater or less than 1 affects the product.

Standard 5.NF.5

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Fraction multiplication as scaling - Interpret how multiplying by a fraction greater or less than 1 affects the product.


Standard 5.NF.6

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Multiply fractions word problems - Solve and interpret fraction multiplication word problems.

Standard 5.NF.6

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Interpret multiplying fraction and whole number word problems - Solve word problems involving multiplication of a fraction by a whole number. Then interpret the solution by, for example, determining between which two whole numbers the solution falls.

Standard 5.NF.6

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Multiply fractions and whole numbers word problems - Practice solving multiplication word problems that include whole numbers and fractions.


Standard 5.NF.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Dividing whole numbers by unit fractions visually - Learn how to divide whole number by unit fractions with visual models.

Standard 5.NF.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Divide fractions and whole numbers word problems - Solve and interpret division word problems that include whole numbers and fractions.

Standard 5.NF.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Divide fractions and whole numbers word problems - Solve and interpret division word problems that include whole numbers and fractions.

Standard 5.NF.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Dividing unit fractions by whole numbers - Divide a unit fraction by a whole number.

Standard 5.NF.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Dividing unit fractions by whole numbers - Divide a unit fraction by a whole number.

Standard 5.NF.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Dividing whole numbers by unit fractions - Practice dividing a whole number by a unit fraction.

Standard 5.NF.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Dividing whole numbers by unit fractions - Practice dividing a whole number by a unit fraction.

Standard 5.NF.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Dividing unit fractions by whole numbers visually - Practice dividing unit fractions by whole numbers with visual models.

Standard 5.NF.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Dividing unit fractions by whole numbers visually - Practice dividing unit fractions by whole numbers with visual models.

Standard 5.NF.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Dividing whole numbers by unit fractions visually - Learn how to divide whole number by unit fractions with visual models.

Standard 5.NF.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Dividing unit fractions by whole numbers visually - Practice dividing unit fractions by whole numbers with visual models.

Standard 5.NF.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Divide fractions and whole numbers word problems - Solve and interpret division word problems that include whole numbers and fractions.

Standard 5.NF.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Dividing unit fractions by whole numbers - Divide a unit fraction by a whole number.

Standard 5.NF.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Dividing whole numbers by unit fractions visually - Learn how to divide whole number by unit fractions with visual models.

Standard 5.NF.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Dividing whole numbers by unit fractions - Practice dividing a whole number by a unit fraction.

Standard 5.NF.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Dividing unit fractions by whole numbers - Divide a unit fraction by a whole number.

Standard 5.NF.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Divide fractions and whole numbers word problems - Solve and interpret division word problems that include whole numbers and fractions.

Standard 5.NF.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Dividing whole numbers by unit fractions - Practice dividing a whole number by a unit fraction.

Standard 5.NF.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Dividing whole numbers by unit fractions visually - Learn how to divide whole number by unit fractions with visual models.

Standard 5.NF.7

Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions

Skill - Dividing unit fractions by whole numbers visually - Practice dividing unit fractions by whole numbers with visual models.


Standard 5.OA.1

Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking

Skill - Evaluate expressions with parentheses - Solve multi-step expressions with parentheses. Place parentheses in an expression to make the expression equivalent to a given number.


Standard 5.OA.2

Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking

Skill - Create expressions with parentheses - Practice creating expressions with parentheses from real-world contexts.

Standard 5.OA.2

Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking

Skill - Translate expressions with parentheses - Practice changing expressions from words to math.


Standard 5.OA.3

Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking

Skill - Identify points on a line - Identify the coordinates of points on a line and match a table of x- and y-coordinates to a line.

Standard 5.OA.3

Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking

Skill - Write rules that relate 2 variables - Identify the rule that describes the relationship between the x- and y-coordinates in a table or set of coordinates.

Standard 5.OA.3

Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking

Skill - Graphs of rules that relate 2 variables - Complete a table from a given rule. Then, plot points from the table on a coordinate plane.

Standard 5.OA.3

Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking

Skill - Tables from rules that relate 2 variables - Complete a table, identify coordinates, and identify inputs and outputs when given a two-variable rule.

Standard 5.OA.3

Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking

Skill - Relationships between 2 patterns - Generate patterns using given rules. Identify relationships between terms. Graph ordered pairs consisting of corresponding terms from the patterns.

Anchor 5.G.1
Anchor 5.G.2
Anchor 5.G.3
Anchor 5.MD.2
Anchor 5.MD.3
Anchor 5.G.4
Anchor 5.NBT.5
Anchor 5.NBT.6
Anchor 5.NF.5
Anchor 5.OA.1
Anchor 5.NBT.1
Anchor 5.NBT.2
Anchor 5.NBT.3
Anchor 5.NBT.4
Anchor 5.NBT.7
Anchor 5.NF.1
Anchor 5.OA.2
Anchor 5.MD.1
Anchor 5.MD.4
Anchor 5.MD.5
Anchor 5.NF.2
Anchor 5.NF.3
Anchor 5.NF.4
Anchor 5.NF.6
Anchor 5.NF.7
Anchor 5.OA.3
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