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Khan Academy CCSS Lesson Links

Standard 7.EE.1

Common Core Area - Expressions and Equations

Skill - Combining like terms with rational coefficients - Practice combining like terms for expressions that have rational coefficients. This requires adding and subtracting fractions.

Standard 7.EE.1

Common Core Area - Expressions and Equations

Skill - Combining like terms with negative coefficients & distribution - Practice combining like terms using the distributive property. These problems involve adding and subtracting negative numbers.

Standard 7.EE.1

Common Core Area - Expressions and Equations

Skill - Combining like terms with negative coefficients - Simplify algebraic expressions by combining like terms. Coefficients on some terms are negative.

Standard 7.EE.1

Common Core Area - Expressions and Equations

Skill - Equivalent expressions: negative numbers & distribution - Practice figuring out which expressions are equivalent by applying your knowledge of negative numbers and the distributive property.

Standard 7.EE.1

Common Core Area - Expressions and Equations

Skill - Distributive property with variables (negative numbers) - Factor and expand expressions like -3x-9 by applying the distributive property. Expressions include variables and negative numbers.


Standard 7.EE.2

Common Core Area - Expressions and Equations

Skill - Interpreting linear expressions - Practice interpreting linear expressions


Standard 7.EE.3

Common Core Area - Expressions and Equations

Skill - Rational number word problems - Practice solving multi-step word problems. The numbers in these problems may be fractions, decimals, and percents.

Standard 7.EE.3

Common Core Area - Expressions and Equations

Skill - Rewriting decimals as fractions challenge - Practice rewriting decimals as fractions. These problems use decimals with up to four decimal places.

Standard 7.EE.3

Common Core Area - Expressions and Equations

Skill - Adding & subtracting rational numbers - Practice adding and subtracting negative fractions, decimals, and percents.


Standard 7.EE.4

Common Core Area - Expressions and Equations

Skill - Find the mistake: two-step equations - Practice spotting the mistake in someone else's work as they attempt to solve two-step equations.

Standard 7.EE.4

Common Core Area - Expressions and Equations

Skill - Two-step equations word problems - Practice writing equations to model and solve real-world situations.

Standard 7.EE.4

Common Core Area - Expressions and Equations

Skill - Two-step inequalities - Solve inequalities that take two steps to solve. For example, solve 3x + 2 > 5.

Standard 7.EE.4

Common Core Area - Expressions and Equations

Skill - Two-step inequality word problems - Practice constructing, interpreting, and solving linear inequalities that model real-world situations.

Standard 7.EE.4

Common Core Area - Expressions and Equations

Skill - Two-step equations with decimals and fractions - Practice solving equations that take two steps to solve. These problems involve arithmetic with fractions and decimals.

Standard 7.EE.4

Common Core Area - Expressions and Equations

Skill - Two-step equations - Practice solving equations that take two steps to solve. For example, solve -16 = x/4 + 2.

Standard 7.EE.4

Common Core Area - Expressions and Equations

Skill - One-step inequalities - Practice solving inequalities in one step.

Standard 7.EE.4

Common Core Area - Expressions and Equations

Skill - Find the mistake: two-step equations - Practice spotting the mistake in someone else's work as they attempt to solve two-step equations.

Standard 7.EE.4

Common Core Area - Expressions and Equations

Skill - Two-step equations word problems - Practice writing equations to model and solve real-world situations.

Standard 7.EE.4

Common Core Area - Expressions and Equations

Skill - Two-step inequalities - Solve inequalities that take two steps to solve. For example, solve 3x + 2 > 5.

Standard 7.EE.4

Common Core Area - Expressions and Equations

Skill - Two-step inequality word problems - Practice constructing, interpreting, and solving linear inequalities that model real-world situations.

Standard 7.EE.4

Common Core Area - Expressions and Equations

Skill - Two-step equations with decimals and fractions - Practice solving equations that take two steps to solve. These problems involve arithmetic with fractions and decimals.

Standard 7.EE.4

Common Core Area - Expressions and Equations

Skill - Two-step equations - Practice solving equations that take two steps to solve. For example, solve -16 = x/4 + 2.

Standard 7.EE.4

Common Core Area - Expressions and Equations

Skill - One-step inequalities - Practice solving inequalities in one step.

Standard 7.EE.4

Common Core Area - Expressions and Equations

Skill - Find the mistake: two-step equations - Practice spotting the mistake in someone else's work as they attempt to solve two-step equations.

Standard 7.EE.4

Common Core Area - Expressions and Equations

Skill - Two-step equations word problems - Practice writing equations to model and solve real-world situations.

Standard 7.EE.4

Common Core Area - Expressions and Equations

Skill - Two-step inequalities - Solve inequalities that take two steps to solve. For example, solve 3x + 2 > 5.

Standard 7.EE.4

Common Core Area - Expressions and Equations

Skill - Two-step inequality word problems - Practice constructing, interpreting, and solving linear inequalities that model real-world situations.

Standard 7.EE.4

Common Core Area - Expressions and Equations

Skill - Two-step equations with decimals and fractions - Practice solving equations that take two steps to solve. These problems involve arithmetic with fractions and decimals.

Standard 7.EE.4

Common Core Area - Expressions and Equations

Skill - Two-step equations - Practice solving equations that take two steps to solve. For example, solve -16 = x/4 + 2.

Standard 7.EE.4

Common Core Area - Expressions and Equations

Skill - One-step inequalities - Practice solving inequalities in one step.


Standard 7.G.1

Common Core Area - GeometrySkill - Corresponding sides and points - Identify corresponding sides and points in scale copies of figures.

Standard 7.G.1

Common Core Area - GeometrySkill - Explore scale copies - Visually identify scaled copies of a figure.

Standard 7.G.1

Common Core Area - GeometrySkill - Relate scale drawings to area - Understand how creating a scale copy of a figure affects the area of the figure.

Standard 7.G.1

Common Core Area - GeometrySkill - Constructing scale drawings - An urban planner needs your help in creating a scale drawing. Let's use our knowledge about scale factor, length, and area to assist.

Standard 7.G.1

Common Core Area - GeometrySkill - Identify scale copies - Determine if one polygon is a scale copy of another.

Standard 7.G.1

Common Core Area - GeometrySkill - Scale factor in scale drawings - Identify scale factor in scale copies of figures. Interpret a scale factor to determine if a scale copy will be larger or smaller than the original figure.

Standard 7.G.1

Common Core Area - GeometrySkill - Scale drawings - Find a missing side length in a scale drawing when given either a set of corresponding side lengths or one side length and the scale factor.


Standard 7.G.2

Common Core Area - GeometrySkill - Ordering triangle sides and angles - Apply the property that the longest side of a triangle is opposite the largest angle to solve a few problems.

Standard 7.G.2

Common Core Area - GeometrySkill - Triangle side length rules - Given the lengths of two sides of a triangle, what can we say about the third side?

Standard 7.G.2

Common Core Area - GeometrySkill - Constructing triangles - Practice constructing triangles.


Standard 7.G.3

Common Core Area - GeometrySkill - Cross sections of 3D objects (basic) - Match 3D objects with their 2D cross-sections.


Standard 7.G.4

Common Core Area - GeometrySkill - Circumference of a circle - Find the circumference of a circle when given either the radius or diameter. Find the radius or diameter of a circle when given the circumference.

Standard 7.G.4

Common Core Area - GeometrySkill - Radius and diameter - Practice finding the radius and diameter of a circle using both vocabulary and visuals.

Standard 7.G.4

Common Core Area - GeometrySkill - Area and circumference of parts of circles - Practice finding the area or circumference of part of a circle.

Standard 7.G.4

Common Core Area - GeometrySkill - Area and circumference of circles challenge - Practice interesting area and circumference problems.

Standard 7.G.4

Common Core Area - GeometrySkill - Area of a circle - Find the area of a circle given its radius, diameter, or circumference.


Standard 7.G.5

Common Core Area - GeometrySkill - Finding missing angles - Practice using knowledge of vertical, complementary, and supplementary angles to find a missing angle.

Standard 7.G.5

Common Core Area - GeometrySkill - Complementary and supplementary angles (visual) - Use your knowledge about complementary and supplementary angles to find missing angles.

Standard 7.G.5

Common Core Area - GeometrySkill - Identifying supplementary, complementary, and vertical angles - Practice telling whether two angles are supplementary, complementary, or vertical.

Standard 7.G.5

Common Core Area - GeometrySkill - Unknown angle problems (with algebra) - Practice setting up algebraic equations to solve unknown angle problems.

Standard 7.G.5

Common Core Area - GeometrySkill - Create equations to solve for missing angles - Use understanding of vertical, complementary, and supplementary angles to set up an appropriate equation to solve for a missing angle measure.

Standard 7.G.5

Common Core Area - GeometrySkill - Complementary and supplementary angles (no visual) - Use complementary and supplementary angles to solve for a missing angle measure.

Standard 7.G.5

Common Core Area - GeometrySkill - Vertical angles - Use your knowledge about vertical angles to find missing angle measures.


Standard 7.G.6

Common Core Area - GeometrySkill - Volume and surface area word problems - Solve word problems involving volume and surface area involving 3D shapes, including composite figures.

Standard 7.G.6

Common Core Area - GeometrySkill - Shaded areas - Find the areas of shaded regions which are combinations of squares, triangles, and circles.

Anchor 7.EE.1
Anchor 7.EE.2
Anchor 7.EE.3
Anchor 7.EE.4
Anchor 7.G.1
Anchor 7.G.2
Anchor 7.G.3
Anchor 7.G.4
Anchor 7.G.5
Anchor 7.G.6

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Adding & subtracting rational numbers - Practice adding and subtracting negative fractions, decimals, and percents.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Adding negative numbers on the number line - Practice matching number line diagrams to addition expressions involving negative numbers.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Exponents with integer bases - Practice raising positive and negative numbers (integers only) to whole number powers. Watch out for mischievous negative signs that aren't really part of the base!

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Interpret negative number addition and subtraction expressions - Practice working through addition and subtraction problems using the number line.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Ordering negative number expressions - Practice solving challenging negative number addition and subtraction problems. Number line models, variables, and absolute value come together to push your knowledge of negative numbers even deeper (maybe even below zero!).

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Understand subtraction as adding the opposite - Practice rewriting subtraction problems as equivalent addition problems. For example, 2-9=2+(-9).

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Negative number addition and subtraction: word problems - Practice solving word problems with negative numbers.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Signs of sums - Practice determining whether the sum of two numbers is positive, negative, or zero.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Interpreting negative number statements - Practice matching addition and subtraction equations to real-world scenarios.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Adding & subtracting negative numbers - Practice solving addition and subtraction problems with integers (positive and negative numbers).

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Number equations & number lines - Practice writing addition and subtraction equations to match number line diagrams.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Absolute value to find distance - Practice taking the absolute value of the difference of two numbers to find the distance between those numbers. Apply this principle to solve word problems.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Order of operations with negative numbers - Practice evaluating expressions using the order of operations. Numbers used in these problems may be negative.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Substitution with negative numbers - Practice plugging in values to evaluate negative number addition and subtraction expressions.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Absolute value to find distance challenge - Solve conceptually challenging absolute value problems. In order to succeed at these problems, you'll need to remember that the absolute value of the difference of two numbers is the distance between those numbers.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Missing numbers on the number line - Practice more challenging problems where you identify positive and negative integers on a number line that doesn't have zero labeled.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Adding & subtracting negative fractions - Practice adding and subtracting positive and negative fractions.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Equivalent expressions with negative numbers - Practice identifying equivalent expressions involving the addition and subtraction of negative numbers.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Subtracting negative numbers - Practice subtracting positive and negative single-digit numbers.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Adding negative numbers - Practice adding positive and negative single-digit numbers.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Adding negative numbers on the number line - Practice matching number line diagrams to addition expressions involving negative numbers.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Addition & subtraction: find the missing value - Practice finding the missing value in an addition or subtraction equation involving negative numbers.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Addition & subtraction: find the missing value - Practice finding the missing value in an addition or subtraction equation involving negative numbers.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Adding & subtracting negative numbers - Practice solving addition and subtraction problems with integers (positive and negative numbers).

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Interpreting negative number statements - Practice matching addition and subtraction equations to real-world scenarios.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Signs of sums - Practice determining whether the sum of two numbers is positive, negative, or zero.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Negative number addition and subtraction: word problems - Practice solving word problems with negative numbers.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Understand subtraction as adding the opposite - Practice rewriting subtraction problems as equivalent addition problems. For example, 2-9=2+(-9).

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Ordering negative number expressions - Practice solving challenging negative number addition and subtraction problems. Number line models, variables, and absolute value come together to push your knowledge of negative numbers even deeper (maybe even below zero!).

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Interpret negative number addition and subtraction expressions - Practice working through addition and subtraction problems using the number line.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Exponents with integer bases - Practice raising positive and negative numbers (integers only) to whole number powers. Watch out for mischievous negative signs that aren't really part of the base!

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Adding & subtracting rational numbers - Practice adding and subtracting negative fractions, decimals, and percents.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Adding negative numbers on the number line - Practice matching number line diagrams to addition expressions involving negative numbers.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Addition & subtraction: find the missing value - Practice finding the missing value in an addition or subtraction equation involving negative numbers.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Absolute value to find distance - Practice taking the absolute value of the difference of two numbers to find the distance between those numbers. Apply this principle to solve word problems.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Order of operations with negative numbers - Practice evaluating expressions using the order of operations. Numbers used in these problems may be negative.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Substitution with negative numbers - Practice plugging in values to evaluate negative number addition and subtraction expressions.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Absolute value to find distance challenge - Solve conceptually challenging absolute value problems. In order to succeed at these problems, you'll need to remember that the absolute value of the difference of two numbers is the distance between those numbers.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Missing numbers on the number line - Practice more challenging problems where you identify positive and negative integers on a number line that doesn't have zero labeled.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Adding & subtracting negative fractions - Practice adding and subtracting positive and negative fractions.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Equivalent expressions with negative numbers - Practice identifying equivalent expressions involving the addition and subtraction of negative numbers.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Subtracting negative numbers - Practice subtracting positive and negative single-digit numbers.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Adding negative numbers - Practice adding positive and negative single-digit numbers.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Number equations & number lines - Practice writing addition and subtraction equations to match number line diagrams.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Substitution with negative numbers - Practice plugging in values to evaluate negative number addition and subtraction expressions.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Interpret negative number addition and subtraction expressions - Practice working through addition and subtraction problems using the number line.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Ordering negative number expressions - Practice solving challenging negative number addition and subtraction problems. Number line models, variables, and absolute value come together to push your knowledge of negative numbers even deeper (maybe even below zero!).

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Understand subtraction as adding the opposite - Practice rewriting subtraction problems as equivalent addition problems. For example, 2-9=2+(-9).

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Negative number addition and subtraction: word problems - Practice solving word problems with negative numbers.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Signs of sums - Practice determining whether the sum of two numbers is positive, negative, or zero.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Interpreting negative number statements - Practice matching addition and subtraction equations to real-world scenarios.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Adding & subtracting negative numbers - Practice solving addition and subtraction problems with integers (positive and negative numbers).

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Number equations & number lines - Practice writing addition and subtraction equations to match number line diagrams.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Absolute value to find distance - Practice taking the absolute value of the difference of two numbers to find the distance between those numbers. Apply this principle to solve word problems.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Order of operations with negative numbers - Practice evaluating expressions using the order of operations. Numbers used in these problems may be negative.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Exponents with integer bases - Practice raising positive and negative numbers (integers only) to whole number powers. Watch out for mischievous negative signs that aren't really part of the base!

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Absolute value to find distance challenge - Solve conceptually challenging absolute value problems. In order to succeed at these problems, you'll need to remember that the absolute value of the difference of two numbers is the distance between those numbers.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Missing numbers on the number line - Practice more challenging problems where you identify positive and negative integers on a number line that doesn't have zero labeled.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Adding & subtracting negative fractions - Practice adding and subtracting positive and negative fractions.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Equivalent expressions with negative numbers - Practice identifying equivalent expressions involving the addition and subtraction of negative numbers.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Subtracting negative numbers - Practice subtracting positive and negative single-digit numbers.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Adding negative numbers - Practice adding positive and negative single-digit numbers.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Adding negative numbers on the number line - Practice matching number line diagrams to addition expressions involving negative numbers.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Addition & subtraction: find the missing value - Practice finding the missing value in an addition or subtraction equation involving negative numbers.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Adding & subtracting rational numbers - Practice adding and subtracting negative fractions, decimals, and percents.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Exponents with integer bases - Practice raising positive and negative numbers (integers only) to whole number powers. Watch out for mischievous negative signs that aren't really part of the base!

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Order of operations with negative numbers - Practice evaluating expressions using the order of operations. Numbers used in these problems may be negative.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Exponents with integer bases - Practice raising positive and negative numbers (integers only) to whole number powers. Watch out for mischievous negative signs that aren't really part of the base!

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Interpret negative number addition and subtraction expressions - Practice working through addition and subtraction problems using the number line.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Ordering negative number expressions - Practice solving challenging negative number addition and subtraction problems. Number line models, variables, and absolute value come together to push your knowledge of negative numbers even deeper (maybe even below zero!).

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Understand subtraction as adding the opposite - Practice rewriting subtraction problems as equivalent addition problems. For example, 2-9=2+(-9).

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Negative number addition and subtraction: word problems - Practice solving word problems with negative numbers.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Signs of sums - Practice determining whether the sum of two numbers is positive, negative, or zero.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Interpreting negative number statements - Practice matching addition and subtraction equations to real-world scenarios.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Adding & subtracting negative numbers - Practice solving addition and subtraction problems with integers (positive and negative numbers).

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Number equations & number lines - Practice writing addition and subtraction equations to match number line diagrams.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Absolute value to find distance - Practice taking the absolute value of the difference of two numbers to find the distance between those numbers. Apply this principle to solve word problems.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Adding & subtracting rational numbers - Practice adding and subtracting negative fractions, decimals, and percents.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Substitution with negative numbers - Practice plugging in values to evaluate negative number addition and subtraction expressions.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Absolute value to find distance challenge - Solve conceptually challenging absolute value problems. In order to succeed at these problems, you'll need to remember that the absolute value of the difference of two numbers is the distance between those numbers.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Missing numbers on the number line - Practice more challenging problems where you identify positive and negative integers on a number line that doesn't have zero labeled.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Adding & subtracting negative fractions - Practice adding and subtracting positive and negative fractions.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Equivalent expressions with negative numbers - Practice identifying equivalent expressions involving the addition and subtraction of negative numbers.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Subtracting negative numbers - Practice subtracting positive and negative single-digit numbers.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Adding negative numbers - Practice adding positive and negative single-digit numbers.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Adding negative numbers on the number line - Practice matching number line diagrams to addition expressions involving negative numbers.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Addition & subtraction: find the missing value - Practice finding the missing value in an addition or subtraction equation involving negative numbers.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Adding & subtracting rational numbers - Practice adding and subtracting negative fractions, decimals, and percents.

Standard 7.NS.1Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Subtracting negative numbers - Practice subtracting positive and negative single-digit numbers.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Adding negative numbers - Practice adding positive and negative single-digit numbers.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Interpret negative number addition and subtraction expressions - Practice working through addition and subtraction problems using the number line.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Ordering negative number expressions - Practice solving challenging negative number addition and subtraction problems. Number line models, variables, and absolute value come together to push your knowledge of negative numbers even deeper (maybe even below zero!).

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Understand subtraction as adding the opposite - Practice rewriting subtraction problems as equivalent addition problems. For example, 2-9=2+(-9).

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Negative number addition and subtraction: word problems - Practice solving word problems with negative numbers.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Signs of sums - Practice determining whether the sum of two numbers is positive, negative, or zero.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Interpreting negative number statements - Practice matching addition and subtraction equations to real-world scenarios.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Adding & subtracting negative numbers - Practice solving addition and subtraction problems with integers (positive and negative numbers).

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Equivalent expressions with negative numbers - Practice identifying equivalent expressions involving the addition and subtraction of negative numbers.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Absolute value to find distance challenge - Solve conceptually challenging absolute value problems. In order to succeed at these problems, you'll need to remember that the absolute value of the difference of two numbers is the distance between those numbers.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Absolute value to find distance - Practice taking the absolute value of the difference of two numbers to find the distance between those numbers. Apply this principle to solve word problems.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Substitution with negative numbers - Practice plugging in values to evaluate negative number addition and subtraction expressions.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Missing numbers on the number line - Practice more challenging problems where you identify positive and negative integers on a number line that doesn't have zero labeled.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Number equations & number lines - Practice writing addition and subtraction equations to match number line diagrams.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Order of operations with negative numbers - Practice evaluating expressions using the order of operations. Numbers used in these problems may be negative.

Standard 7.NS.1

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Adding & subtracting negative fractions - Practice adding and subtracting positive and negative fractions.


Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Equivalent expressions with negative numbers (multiplication and division) - Practice finding equivalent multiplication and division expressions. Numbers in these problems may be negative.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Exponents with integer bases - Practice raising positive and negative numbers (integers only) to whole number powers. Watch out for mischievous negative signs that aren't really part of the base!

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Negative signs in fractions - Practice rewriting fractions with positive and negative denominators.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Exponents with integer bases - Practice raising positive and negative numbers (integers only) to whole number powers. Watch out for mischievous negative signs that aren't really part of the base!

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Exponents with negative fractional bases - Practice raising fractions to whole number powers. Fractions in these problems may be positive or negative.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Comparing rational numbers - Practice comparing decimals, percents, fractions, and mixed numbers.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Multiplying & dividing negative numbers - Practice multiplying and dividing integers.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Converting fractions to decimals - Practice converting a fraction to a decimal.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Dividing positive and negative fractions - Practice dividing fractions. Fractions in these problems may be positive or negative.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Signs of expressions - Practice finding the signs of the answers to multiplication and division problems with positive and negative numbers.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Simplify complex fractions - Practice simplifying complex fractions.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Dividing mixed numbers with negatives - Practice dividing mixed numbers. Numbers in these problems may be positive or negative.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Multiplying positive and negative fractions - Practice multiplying fractions. Fractions in these problems may be positive or negative.

Standard 7.NS.2Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Dividing by zero - Practice identifying when a quotient is undefined because of division by zero.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Multiplying & dividing negative numbers word problems - Practice matching situations to multiplication and division expressions and equations.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Order of operations with negative numbers - Practice evaluating expressions using the order of operations. Numbers used in these problems may be negative.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Signs of expressions challenge - Practice finding the signs of the answers to complex multiplication and division problems involving exponents.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Comparing rational numbers - Practice comparing decimals, percents, fractions, and mixed numbers.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Dividing by zero - Practice identifying when a quotient is undefined because of division by zero.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Signs of expressions - Practice finding the signs of the answers to multiplication and division problems with positive and negative numbers.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Multiplying & dividing negative numbers - Practice multiplying and dividing integers.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Multiplying & dividing negative numbers word problems - Practice matching situations to multiplication and division expressions and equations.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Order of operations with negative numbers - Practice evaluating expressions using the order of operations. Numbers used in these problems may be negative.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Signs of expressions challenge - Practice finding the signs of the answers to complex multiplication and division problems involving exponents.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Comparing rational numbers - Practice comparing decimals, percents, fractions, and mixed numbers.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Exponents with integer bases - Practice raising positive and negative numbers (integers only) to whole number powers. Watch out for mischievous negative signs that aren't really part of the base!

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Exponents with negative fractional bases - Practice raising fractions to whole number powers. Fractions in these problems may be positive or negative.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Converting fractions to decimals - Practice converting a fraction to a decimal.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Dividing positive and negative fractions - Practice dividing fractions. Fractions in these problems may be positive or negative.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Signs of expressions challenge - Practice finding the signs of the answers to complex multiplication and division problems involving exponents.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Equivalent expressions with negative numbers (multiplication and division) - Practice finding equivalent multiplication and division expressions. Numbers in these problems may be negative.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Negative signs in fractions - Practice rewriting fractions with positive and negative denominators.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Simplify complex fractions - Practice simplifying complex fractions.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Dividing mixed numbers with negatives - Practice dividing mixed numbers. Numbers in these problems may be positive or negative.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Multiplying positive and negative fractions - Practice multiplying fractions. Fractions in these problems may be positive or negative.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Dividing by zero - Practice identifying when a quotient is undefined because of division by zero.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Multiplying & dividing negative numbers word problems - Practice matching situations to multiplication and division expressions and equations.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Order of operations with negative numbers - Practice evaluating expressions using the order of operations. Numbers used in these problems may be negative.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Signs of expressions challenge - Practice finding the signs of the answers to complex multiplication and division problems involving exponents.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Signs of expressions - Practice finding the signs of the answers to multiplication and division problems with positive and negative numbers.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Equivalent expressions with negative numbers (multiplication and division) - Practice finding equivalent multiplication and division expressions. Numbers in these problems may be negative.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Negative signs in fractions - Practice rewriting fractions with positive and negative denominators.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Simplify complex fractions - Practice simplifying complex fractions.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Dividing mixed numbers with negatives - Practice dividing mixed numbers. Numbers in these problems may be positive or negative.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Multiplying positive and negative fractions - Practice multiplying fractions. Fractions in these problems may be positive or negative.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Dividing by zero - Practice identifying when a quotient is undefined because of division by zero.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Multiplying & dividing negative numbers word problems - Practice matching situations to multiplication and division expressions and equations.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Order of operations with negative numbers - Practice evaluating expressions using the order of operations. Numbers used in these problems may be negative.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Dividing positive and negative fractions - Practice dividing fractions. Fractions in these problems may be positive or negative.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Comparing rational numbers - Practice comparing decimals, percents, fractions, and mixed numbers.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Exponents with integer bases - Practice raising positive and negative numbers (integers only) to whole number powers. Watch out for mischievous negative signs that aren't really part of the base!

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Exponents with negative fractional bases - Practice raising fractions to whole number powers. Fractions in these problems may be positive or negative.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Multiplying & dividing negative numbers - Practice multiplying and dividing integers.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Converting fractions to decimals - Practice converting a fraction to a decimal.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Dividing positive and negative fractions - Practice dividing fractions. Fractions in these problems may be positive or negative.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Signs of expressions - Practice finding the signs of the answers to multiplication and division problems with positive and negative numbers.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Equivalent expressions with negative numbers (multiplication and division) - Practice finding equivalent multiplication and division expressions. Numbers in these problems may be negative.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Dividing by zero - Practice identifying when a quotient is undefined because of division by zero.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Multiplying & dividing negative numbers - Practice multiplying and dividing integers.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Converting fractions to decimals - Practice converting a fraction to a decimal.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Dividing positive and negative fractions - Practice dividing fractions. Fractions in these problems may be positive or negative.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Signs of expressions - Practice finding the signs of the answers to multiplication and division problems with positive and negative numbers.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Equivalent expressions with negative numbers (multiplication and division) - Practice finding equivalent multiplication and division expressions. Numbers in these problems may be negative.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Negative signs in fractions - Practice rewriting fractions with positive and negative denominators.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Simplify complex fractions - Practice simplifying complex fractions.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Dividing mixed numbers with negatives - Practice dividing mixed numbers. Numbers in these problems may be positive or negative.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Multiplying positive and negative fractions - Practice multiplying fractions. Fractions in these problems may be positive or negative.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Exponents with negative fractional bases - Practice raising fractions to whole number powers. Fractions in these problems may be positive or negative.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Multiplying & dividing negative numbers word problems - Practice matching situations to multiplication and division expressions and equations.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Order of operations with negative numbers - Practice evaluating expressions using the order of operations. Numbers used in these problems may be negative.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Signs of expressions challenge - Practice finding the signs of the answers to complex multiplication and division problems involving exponents.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Comparing rational numbers - Practice comparing decimals, percents, fractions, and mixed numbers.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Exponents with integer bases - Practice raising positive and negative numbers (integers only) to whole number powers. Watch out for mischievous negative signs that aren't really part of the base!

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Exponents with negative fractional bases - Practice raising fractions to whole number powers. Fractions in these problems may be positive or negative.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Multiplying & dividing negative numbers - Practice multiplying and dividing integers.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Converting fractions to decimals - Practice converting a fraction to a decimal.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Dividing mixed numbers with negatives - Practice dividing mixed numbers. Numbers in these problems may be positive or negative.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Simplify complex fractions - Practice simplifying complex fractions.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Negative signs in fractions - Practice rewriting fractions with positive and negative denominators.

Standard 7.NS.2

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Multiplying positive and negative fractions - Practice multiplying fractions. Fractions in these problems may be positive or negative.


Standard 7.NS.3

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Interpreting negative number statements - Practice matching addition and subtraction equations to real-world scenarios.

Standard 7.NS.3

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Simplify complex fractions - Practice simplifying complex fractions.

Standard 7.NS.3

Common Core Area - The Number SystemSkill - Negative number addition and subtraction: word problems - Practice solving word problems with negative numbers.

Anchor 7.NS.1
Anchor 7.NS.2
Anchor 7.NS.3

Standard 7.RP.1

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Rates with fractions - Practice computing rates associated with ratios of fractions or decimals.


Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Proportional relationships - Practice telling whether or not the relationship between two quantities is proportional by reasoning about equivalent ratios.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Writing proportional equations - Practice writing equations to describe proportional relationships.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Interpret constants of proportionality - Interpret the meaning of constants of proportionality in graphs, tables, equations, contexts, and diagrams.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Constant of proportionality from graphs - Practice identifying the constant of proportionality from graphs.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Writing proportional equations - Practice writing equations to describe proportional relationships.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Interpreting graphs of proportional relationships - Practice reading and analyzing graphs of proportional relationships.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Solving proportions - Practice solving basic proportions.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Constant of proportionality from tables - Practice identifying the constant of proportionality from tables.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Writing proportions - Practice writing proportions to describe real-world situations.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Constant of proportionality from equations - Practice identifying the constant of proportionality from equations.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Compare constants of proportionality - Identify and compare constants of proportionality in graphs, tables, equations, contexts, and diagrams.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Proportional relationships - Practice telling whether or not the relationship between two quantities is proportional by reasoning about equivalent ratios.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Interpret constants of proportionality - Interpret the meaning of constants of proportionality in graphs, tables, equations, contexts, and diagrams.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Identify proportional relationships - Practice telling whether or not the relationship between two quantities is proportional by looking at a table or graph of the relationship.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Constant of proportionality from graphs - Practice identifying the constant of proportionality from graphs.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Identify proportional relationships - Practice telling whether or not the relationship between two quantities is proportional by looking at a table or graph of the relationship.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Compare constants of proportionality - Identify and compare constants of proportionality in graphs, tables, equations, contexts, and diagrams.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Constant of proportionality from equations - Practice identifying the constant of proportionality from equations.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Writing proportions - Practice writing proportions to describe real-world situations.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Constant of proportionality from tables - Practice identifying the constant of proportionality from tables.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Solving proportions - Practice solving basic proportions.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Interpreting graphs of proportional relationships - Practice reading and analyzing graphs of proportional relationships.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Writing proportional equations - Practice writing equations to describe proportional relationships.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Constant of proportionality from graphs - Practice identifying the constant of proportionality from graphs.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Identify proportional relationships - Practice telling whether or not the relationship between two quantities is proportional by looking at a table or graph of the relationship.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Interpret constants of proportionality - Interpret the meaning of constants of proportionality in graphs, tables, equations, contexts, and diagrams.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Proportional relationships - Practice telling whether or not the relationship between two quantities is proportional by reasoning about equivalent ratios.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Compare constants of proportionality - Identify and compare constants of proportionality in graphs, tables, equations, contexts, and diagrams.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Constant of proportionality from equations - Practice identifying the constant of proportionality from equations.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Writing proportions - Practice writing proportions to describe real-world situations.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Constant of proportionality from tables - Practice identifying the constant of proportionality from tables.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Solving proportions - Practice solving basic proportions.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Solving proportions - Practice solving basic proportions.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Interpreting graphs of proportional relationships - Practice reading and analyzing graphs of proportional relationships.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Interpreting graphs of proportional relationships - Practice reading and analyzing graphs of proportional relationships.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Writing proportional equations - Practice writing equations to describe proportional relationships.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Constant of proportionality from graphs - Practice identifying the constant of proportionality from graphs.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Identify proportional relationships - Practice telling whether or not the relationship between two quantities is proportional by looking at a table or graph of the relationship.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Interpret constants of proportionality - Interpret the meaning of constants of proportionality in graphs, tables, equations, contexts, and diagrams.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Proportional relationships - Practice telling whether or not the relationship between two quantities is proportional by reasoning about equivalent ratios.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Compare constants of proportionality - Identify and compare constants of proportionality in graphs, tables, equations, contexts, and diagrams.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Constant of proportionality from equations - Practice identifying the constant of proportionality from equations.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Writing proportions - Practice writing proportions to describe real-world situations.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Constant of proportionality from tables - Practice identifying the constant of proportionality from tables.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Solving proportions - Practice solving basic proportions.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Interpreting graphs of proportional relationships - Practice reading and analyzing graphs of proportional relationships.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Writing proportional equations - Practice writing equations to describe proportional relationships.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Constant of proportionality from graphs - Practice identifying the constant of proportionality from graphs.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Identify proportional relationships - Practice telling whether or not the relationship between two quantities is proportional by looking at a table or graph of the relationship.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Interpret constants of proportionality - Interpret the meaning of constants of proportionality in graphs, tables, equations, contexts, and diagrams.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Proportional relationships - Practice telling whether or not the relationship between two quantities is proportional by reasoning about equivalent ratios.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Compare constants of proportionality - Identify and compare constants of proportionality in graphs, tables, equations, contexts, and diagrams.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Constant of proportionality from equations - Practice identifying the constant of proportionality from equations.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Writing proportions - Practice writing proportions to describe real-world situations.

Standard 7.RP.2

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Constant of proportionality from tables - Practice identifying the constant of proportionality from tables.


Standard 7.RP.3

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Discount, tax, markup, and commission word problems - Practice solving word problems involving price discounts, taxes, tip, price markups, and commission fees.

Standard 7.RP.3

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Equivalent representations of percent problems - Identify expressions that can be used to solve percent problems, like 'What is 5% of 35?'.

Standard 7.RP.3

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Percent problems - Practice solving word problems involving percents, including percents comparisons and percent of change,

Standard 7.RP.3

Common Core Area - Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Skill - Proportion word problems - Practice setting up and solving proportions to solve word problems.


Standard 7.SP.1

Common Core Area - Statistics and Probability

Skill - Valid claims - Practice figuring out whether we took a random sample and whether we're able to draw valid conclusions from our data.

Standard 7.SP.1

Common Core Area - Statistics and Probability

Skill - Making inferences from random samples - Given a random sample, practice figuring out what can we reasonably infer about the entire population?


Standard 7.SP.2

Common Core Area - Statistics and Probability

Skill - Making inferences from random samples - Given a random sample, practice figuring out what can we reasonably infer about the entire population?

Standard 7.SP.2

Common Core Area - Statistics and Probability

Skill - Valid claims - Practice figuring out whether we took a random sample and whether we're able to draw valid conclusions from our data.


Standard 7.SP.3

Common Core Area - Statistics and Probability

Skill - Comparing distributions - Practice comparing distributions that are presented in dot plots, histograms, and box plots.


Standard 7.SP.4

Common Core Area - Statistics and Probability

Skill - Comparing distributions - Practice comparing distributions that are presented in dot plots, histograms, and box plots.


Standard 7.SP.5

Common Core Area - Statistics and Probability

Skill - Probability models - Practice creating probability models and understand what makes a valid probability model.


Standard 7.SP.6

Common Core Area - Statistics and Probability

Skill - Making predictions with probability - Practice predicting the number of times a certain event will happen.

Standard 7.SP.6

Common Core Area - Statistics and Probability

Skill - Probability models - Practice creating probability models and understand what makes a valid probability model.

Standard 7.SP.6

Common Core Area - Statistics and Probability

Skill - Experimental probability - Practice making reasonable estimates of the likelihood of future events based on past experience.


Standard 7.SP.7

Common Core Area - Statistics and Probability

Skill - Simple probability - Practice finding probabilities of events, such as rolling dice, drawing marbles out of a bag, and spinning spinners.

Standard 7.SP.7

Common Core Area - Statistics and Probability

Skill - Simple probability - Practice finding probabilities of events, such as rolling dice, drawing marbles out of a bag, and spinning spinners.

Standard 7.SP.7

Common Core Area - Statistics and Probability

Skill - Probability models - Practice creating probability models and understand what makes a valid probability model.

Standard 7.SP.7

Common Core Area - Statistics and Probability

Skill - Making predictions with probability - Practice predicting the number of times a certain event will happen.

Standard 7.SP.7

Common Core Area - Statistics and Probability

Skill - Simple probability - Practice finding probabilities of events, such as rolling dice, drawing marbles out of a bag, and spinning spinners.

Standard 7.SP.7

Common Core Area - Statistics and Probability

Skill - Probability models - Practice creating probability models and understand what makes a valid probability model.

Standard 7.SP.7

Common Core Area - Statistics and Probability

Skill - Making predictions with probability - Practice predicting the number of times a certain event will happen.

Standard 7.SP.7

Common Core Area - Statistics and Probability

Skill - Probability models - Practice creating probability models and understand what makes a valid probability model.

Standard 7.SP.7

Common Core Area - Statistics and Probability

Skill - Making predictions with probability - Practice predicting the number of times a certain event will happen.


Standard 7.SP.8

Common Core Area - Statistics and Probability

Skill - Sample spaces for compound events - Practice checking if sample space diagrams match a compound event.

Standard 7.SP.8

Common Core Area - Statistics and Probability

Skill - Probabilities of compound events - Practice using sample space diagrams to find probabilities.

Standard 7.SP.8

Common Core Area - Statistics and Probability

Skill - Sample spaces for compound events - Practice checking if sample space diagrams match a compound event.

Standard 7.SP.8

Common Core Area - Statistics and Probability

Skill - The counting principle - Practice counting possible outcomes in a variety of situations. These problems cover everything from counting the number of ways to get dressed in the morning to counting the number of ways to build a custom pizza.

Standard 7.SP.8

Common Core Area - Statistics and Probability

Skill - Probabilities of compound events - Practice using sample space diagrams to find probabilities.

Standard 7.SP.8

Common Core Area - Statistics and Probability

Skill - Sample spaces for compound events - Practice checking if sample space diagrams match a compound event.

Standard 7.SP.8

Common Core Area - Statistics and Probability

Skill - The counting principle - Practice counting possible outcomes in a variety of situations. These problems cover everything from counting the number of ways to get dressed in the morning to counting the number of ways to build a custom pizza.

Standard 7.SP.8

Common Core Area - Statistics and Probability

Skill - Probabilities of compound events - Practice using sample space diagrams to find probabilities.

Standard 7.SP.8

Common Core Area - Statistics and Probability

Skill - Sample spaces for compound events - Practice checking if sample space diagrams match a compound event.

Standard 7.SP.8

Common Core Area - Statistics and Probability

Skill - The counting principle - Practice counting possible outcomes in a variety of situations. These problems cover everything from counting the number of ways to get dressed in the morning to counting the number of ways to build a custom pizza.

Standard 7.SP.8

Common Core Area - Statistics and Probability

Skill - Probabilities of compound events - Practice using sample space diagrams to find probabilities.

Standard 7.SP.8

Common Core Area - Statistics and Probability

Skill - The counting principle - Practice counting possible outcomes in a variety of situations. These problems cover everything from counting the number of ways to get dressed in the morning to counting the number of ways to build a custom pizza.

Anchor 7.RP.1
Anchor 7.RP.2
Anchor 7.RP.3
Anchor 7.SP.1
Anchor 7.SP.2
Anchor 7.SP.3
Anchor 7.SP.4
Anchor 7.SP.5
Anchor 7.SP.6
Anchor 7.SP.7
Anchor 7.SP.8
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