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Khan Academy CCSS Lesson Links

Anchor APR.1
Anchor APR.4
Anchor APR.2
Anchor CED.4
Anchor APR.5
Anchor APR.6
Anchor REI.5
Anchor REI.6
Anchor REI.7
Anchor REI.8

Standard APR.1

Common Core Area - Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions

Skill - Subtract polynomials (intro) - Example: Evaluate (4x²-3) - (3x³-3x+2).

Standard APR.1

Common Core Area - Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions

Skill - Multiply monomials by polynomials: area model - Use area to understand how to multiply monomials by polynomials.

Standard APR.1

Common Core Area - Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions

Skill - Add & subtract polynomials - Example: Subtract -2x²+4x-1 from 6x²+3x-9.

Standard APR.1

Common Core Area - Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions

Skill - Multiply monomials by polynomials - Use the distributive property to express the product of a monomial and a polynomial as a single polynomial.

Standard APR.1

Common Core Area - Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions

Skill - Multiply monomials - More challenging multiplying monomial problems like find the area or find missing values to make an equation true.

Standard APR.1

Common Core Area - Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions

Skill - Multiply binomials by polynomials - Use the distributive property to express the product of a binomial and a polynomial as a single polynomial.

Standard APR.1

Common Core Area - Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions

Skill - Add polynomials (intro) - Example: Add (2x²-3) and (7x³-4x+1).

Standard APR.1

Common Core Area - Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions

Skill - Multiply binomials - Multiply binomials of the form (ax + b).

Standard APR.1

Common Core Area - Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions

Skill - Add & subtract polynomials: two variables - Example: Subtract a⁴+4a²b²-2b⁴ from -3a⁴+5a^2b²+2b⁴.

Standard APR.1

Common Core Area - Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions

Skill - Special products of binomials intro - Find perfect squares of the forms (x+a)² and (x-a)², and differences of squares of the form (x+a)(x-a).

Standard APR.1

Common Core Area - Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions

Skill - Multiply binomials intro - Use the distributive property to express the product of two binomials as a single polynomial.

Standard APR.1

Common Core Area - Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions

Skill - Multiply monomials by polynomials challenge - Example: Find the values of the variables to make the following equation true -11(y²-cy+2) = dy²+33y-f.

Standard APR.1

Common Core Area - Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions

Skill - Add & subtract polynomials: two variables (intro) - Example: Subtract (x²+2xy-y) and (3x+5xy+2y²).

Standard APR.1

Common Core Area - Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions

Skill - Add & subtract polynomials: find the error - Choose which step an error was made in adding or subtracting polynomials.

Standard APR.1

Common Core Area - Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions

Skill - Special products of binomials - Find special products (perfect squares and difference of squares) of "advanced" binomials: binomials with leading coefficients other than 1; binomials with higher degrees; and binomials with two variables.

Standard APR.1

Common Core Area - Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions

Skill - Multiply monomials intro - Express the product of two monomial expressions as a single monomial


Standard APR.2

Common Core Area - Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions

Skill - Use the Polynomial Remainder Theorem - Use the PRT (Polynomial Remainder Theorem) to determine the factors of polynomials and their remainders when divided by linear expressions.


Standard APR.3

Common Core Area - Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions

Skill - Find zeros of polynomials - Use various methods in order to find all the zeros of polynomial expressions or functions.

Standard APR.3

Common Core Area - Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions

Skill - Zeros of polynomials & their graphs - Select the graph that best suits a polynomial equation by considering the zeros of the polynomial.

Standard APR.3

Common Core Area - Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions

Skill - Positive & negative intervals of polynomials - Given a polynomial, determine the intervals in which it is positive or negative.


Standard APR.4

Common Core Area - Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions

Skill - Prove polynomial identities - Determine whether given polynomial identities are true, and whether given proofs of such identities are valid.


Standard APR.5

Common Core Area - Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions

Skill - Expand binomials - Use the binomial theorem in order to expand integer powers of binomial expressions.


Standard APR.6

Common Core Area - Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions

Skill - Simplify rational expressions (advanced) - Factor the numerator and the denominator of a rational expression using advanced methods, and cancel out common terms.

Standard APR.6

Common Core Area - Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions

Skill - Divide polynomials with remainders: monomial divisors - Rewrite expressions of the form a(x)/b(x), where a is a polynomial b is a monomial, in the form q(x)+r(x)/b(x), where q and r are polynomials and the degree of r is less than the degree of b.

Standard APR.6

Common Core Area - Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions

Skill - Divide polynomials with remainders - Rewrite expressions of the form a(x)/b(x), where a and b are polynomials, in the form q(x)+r(x)/b(x), where q and r are polynomials and the degree of r is less than the degree of b.

Standard APR.6

Common Core Area - Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions

Skill - Divide polynomials with remainders: binomial divisors - Rewrite expressions of the form a(x)/b(x), where a is a polynomial b is a linear binomial, in the form q(x)+r(x)/b(x), where q and r are polynomials and the degree of r is less than the degree of b.

Standard APR.6

Common Core Area - Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions

Skill - Simplify rational expressions: common monomial factors - Factor the numerator and the denominator of a rational expression and cancel out common monomial factors.

Standard APR.6

Common Core Area - Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions

Skill - Simplify rational expressions: common binomial factors - Factor the numerator and the denominator of a rational expression and cancel out common binomial terms.


Standard APR.7

Common Core Area - Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions

Skill - Add & subtract rational expressions: unlike denominators - Add and subtract rational expressions with relatively prime denominators by manipulating them to have the same denominators.

Standard APR.7

Common Core Area - Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions

Skill - Multiply & divide rational expressions - Example: Multiply and simplify (a²-4)/(a²-1) X (a+1)/(a+2).

Standard APR.7

Common Core Area - Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions

Skill - Add & subtract rational expressions - Example: Subtract and simplify (a-2)/(a+2) - (a-3)/(a²+4a+4).

Standard APR.7

Common Core Area - Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions

Skill - Nested fractions - Simplify rational expressions that contain rational expressions within their numerators or denominators.

Standard APR.7

Common Core Area - Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions

Skill - Multiply & divide rational expressions (advanced) - Example: Multiply and simplify (3x²y)/(2ab) X (14a²b)/(18xy²).

Standard APR.7

Common Core Area - Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions

Skill - Add & subtract rational expressions: factored denominators - Example: Add and simplify x/(2x+1)(x-7) + 2x²/(2x-3)(x-7).

Standard APR.7

Common Core Area - Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions

Skill - Add & subtract rational expressions: like denominators - Example: Add and simplify 6/(2x²-7) + (-3x-8)/(2x²-7).

Standard APR.7

Common Core Area - Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions

Skill - Multiply & divide rational expressions (basic) - Example: Multiply and simplify (6x³/5)*(2/3x).


Standard CED.1

Common Core Area - Creating Equations

Skill - Equations & inequalities word problems - Construct an equation or an inequality that model a given context. Modeling expressions can be quadratic, rational, or exponential.

Standard CED.1

Common Core Area - Creating Equations

Skill - Multiple units word problems - Solve word problems that contain multiple quantities that are measured in different units.


Standard CED.2

Common Core Area - Creating Equations

Skill - Systems of equations word problems - Solve word problems by modeling them into a system of equations and solving it.

Standard CED.2

Common Core Area - Creating Equations

Skill - Graphing linear functions word problems - Graph the line that represents a real-world relationship that is given verbally.

Standard CED.2

Common Core Area - Creating Equations

Skill - Age word problems - Solve age word problems with a system of equations.

Standard CED.2

Common Core Area - Creating Equations

Skill - Linear models word problems - Solve general word problems about real-world relationships that can be modeled by linear equations or functions.

Standard CED.2

Common Core Area - Creating Equations

Skill - Construct exponential models - Given a verbal description of the rate of change of a real world situation, find the exponential function that models it.

Standard CED.2

Common Core Area - Creating Equations

Skill - Systems of equations word problems capstone - Solve word problems that involve systems of equations, where there can either be a single solution, no solution, or infinite solutions.

Standard CED.2

Common Core Area - Creating Equations

Skill - Modeling with sinusoidal functions - Given the description of a real-world relationship, find the sinusoidal function that models it.

Standard CED.2

Common Core Area - Creating Equations

Skill - Writing linear functions word problems - Find a linear function that represents a real-world relationship that is given verbally.


Standard CED.3

Common Core Area - Creating Equations

Skill - Solutions of systems of inequalities - Check whether an ordered pair is a solution of a system of two-variable linear inequalities.

Standard CED.3

Common Core Area - Creating Equations

Skill - Solutions of inequalities: graphical - Given the graph of a two-variable linear inequality, check whether a given pair of values is a solution of the inequality.

Standard CED.3

Common Core Area - Creating Equations

Skill - Systems of equations word problems capstone - Solve word problems that involve systems of equations, where there can either be a single solution, no solution, or infinite solutions.

Standard CED.3

Common Core Area - Creating Equations

Skill - Systems of inequalities word problems - Solve word problems that involve systems of linear inequalities.

Standard CED.3

Common Core Area - Creating Equations

Skill - Constraint solutions of two-variable inequalities - Find the range of values of one variable that corresponds to a given value of the other variable in a linear inequality.

Standard CED.3

Common Core Area - Creating Equations

Skill - Solutions of inequalities: algebraic - Given a two-variable linear inequality, check whether a given pair of values is a solution of the inequality.

Standard CED.3

Common Core Area - Creating Equations

Skill - Two-variable inequalities word problems - Solve word problems that involve linear inequalities in two variables.

Standard CED.3

Common Core Area - Creating Equations

Skill - Constraint solutions of systems of inequalities - Find the range of values of one variable that corresponds to a given value of the other variable in a system of two-variable linear inequalities.

Standard CED.3

Common Core Area - Creating Equations

Skill - Systems of equations word problems - Solve word problems by modeling them into a system of equations and solving it.

Standard CED.3

Common Core Area - Creating Equations

Skill - Age word problems - Solve age word problems with a system of equations.


Standard CED.4

Common Core Area - Creating Equations

Skill - Manipulate formulas - Solve multi-variable formulas for a specific variable in order to solve some word problems.


Standard REI.1

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Coming Soon -


Standard REI.2

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Solve square-root equations - Solve square-root equations by first arranging them and then taking the square of both sides.

Standard REI.2

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Extraneous solutions of radical equations - Practice some problems that involve thinking about the conditions for obtaining extraneous solutions while solving radical equations.

Standard REI.2

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Equations with one rational expression - Solve equations that have one rational expression whose numerator and denominator are linear expressions.

Standard REI.2

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Solve square-root equations (basic) - Solve square-root equations by taking the square of both sides.

Standard REI.2

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Equations with two rational expressions - Solve advanced rational equations with multiple expressions.

Standard REI.2

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Equations with one rational expression (advanced) - Solve equations that have one rational expression whose numerator and denominator are polynomial expressions.


Standard REI.3

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Compound inequalities - Solve compound linear inequalities. For example, solve 5z+7<27 OR -3z≤18.

Standard REI.3

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Linear equations with unknown coefficients - Solve a linear equation where the coefficients are represented by letters.

Standard REI.3

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Multi-step linear inequalities - Solve linear inequalities that take multiple steps to solve.


Standard REI.4

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Quadratic word problems (standard form) - Solve real-world word problems that involve quadratic models. In this exercise, that models are given in standard form.

Standard REI.4

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Solve quadratic equations: complex solutions - Solve quadratic equations using the quadratic formula. Some of the equations have real solutions while others have complex solutions.

Standard REI.4

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Quadratics by taking square roots - Solve quadratic equations of the form (x+a)²-b=0. These can be solved using square roots. For example, solve (x-5)²-4=0.

Standard REI.4

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Number of solutions of quadratic equations - Analyze quadratic equations in order to determine how many different real number solutions they have.

Standard REI.4

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Completing the square (intro) - Practice the method of completing the square with quadratic expressions.

Standard REI.4

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Quadratics by taking square roots: strategy - Analyze the process of solving a quadratic equation by taking the square root.

Standard REI.4

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Quadratics by factoring - Solve quadratic equations of the form ax^2+bx+c=0 that can be rewritten according to their linear factors.

Standard REI.4

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Quadratics by factoring (intro) - Solve quadratic equations of the form x^2+bx+c=0 that can be rewritten according to their linear factors.

Standard REI.4

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Completing the square (intermediate) - Solve quadratic equations of the form x^2+bx+c by completing the square.

Standard REI.4

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Completing the square - Solve quadratic equations of the form ax^2+bx+c by completing the square.

Standard REI.4

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Quadratic formula - Solve quadratic equations using the quadratic formula. For example, solve -9x+10x²+8=14.

Standard REI.4

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Solve equations using structure - Solve advanced equations by strategically using quadratic factorization methods.

Standard REI.4

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Quadratic formula - Solve quadratic equations using the quadratic formula. For example, solve -9x+10x²+8=14.

Standard REI.4

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Quadratic word problems (standard form) - Solve real-world word problems that involve quadratic models. In this exercise, that models are given in standard form.

Standard REI.4

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Solve quadratic equations: complex solutions - Solve quadratic equations using the quadratic formula. Some of the equations have real solutions while others have complex solutions.

Standard REI.4

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Quadratics by taking square roots - Solve quadratic equations of the form (x+a)²-b=0. These can be solved using square roots. For example, solve (x-5)²-4=0.

Standard REI.4

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Number of solutions of quadratic equations - Analyze quadratic equations in order to determine how many different real number solutions they have.

Standard REI.4

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Completing the square (intro) - Practice the method of completing the square with quadratic expressions.

Standard REI.4

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Quadratics by taking square roots: strategy - Analyze the process of solving a quadratic equation by taking the square root.

Standard REI.4

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Quadratics by factoring - Solve quadratic equations of the form ax^2+bx+c=0 that can be rewritten according to their linear factors.

Standard REI.4

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Quadratics by factoring (intro) - Solve quadratic equations of the form x^2+bx+c=0 that can be rewritten according to their linear factors.

Standard REI.4

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Completing the square (intermediate) - Solve quadratic equations of the form x^2+bx+c by completing the square.

Standard REI.4

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Completing the square - Solve quadratic equations of the form ax^2+bx+c by completing the square.

Standard REI.4

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Quadratic formula - Solve quadratic equations using the quadratic formula. For example, solve -9x+10x²+8=14.

Standard REI.4

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Quadratic word problems (standard form) - Solve real-world word problems that involve quadratic models. In this exercise, that models are given in standard form.

Standard REI.4

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Solve equations using structure - Solve advanced equations by strategically using quadratic factorization methods.

Standard REI.4

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Completing the square - Solve quadratic equations of the form ax^2+bx+c by completing the square.

Standard REI.4

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Completing the square (intermediate) - Solve quadratic equations of the form x^2+bx+c by completing the square.

Standard REI.4

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Quadratics by factoring (intro) - Solve quadratic equations of the form x^2+bx+c=0 that can be rewritten according to their linear factors.

Standard REI.4

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Quadratics by factoring - Solve quadratic equations of the form ax^2+bx+c=0 that can be rewritten according to their linear factors.

Standard REI.4

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Quadratics by taking square roots: strategy - Analyze the process of solving a quadratic equation by taking the square root.

Standard REI.4

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Completing the square (intro) - Practice the method of completing the square with quadratic expressions.

Standard REI.4

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Number of solutions of quadratic equations - Analyze quadratic equations in order to determine how many different real number solutions they have.

Standard REI.4

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Quadratics by taking square roots - Solve quadratic equations of the form (x+a)²-b=0. These can be solved using square roots. For example, solve (x-5)²-4=0.

Standard REI.4

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Solve quadratic equations: complex solutions - Solve quadratic equations using the quadratic formula. Some of the equations have real solutions while others have complex solutions.

Standard REI.4

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Solve equations using structure - Solve advanced equations by strategically using quadratic factorization methods.


Standard REI.5

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Equivalent systems of equations - Determine whether a couple of given systems of equations are equivalent or not to a third given system.


Standard REI.6

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Systems of equations with elimination - Solve systems of equation with one-step elimination (e.g., x-values or y-values cancel each other out).

Standard REI.6

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Systems of equations with elimination challenge - Solve systems of equation with multi-step elimination (e.g., a manipulation is needed in order for x-values or y-values to cancel each other out).

Standard REI.6

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Systems of equations word problems capstone - Solve word problems that involve systems of equations, where there can either be a single solution, no solution, or infinite solutions.

Standard REI.6

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Systems of equations with graphing - Graph a system of equations in slope-intercept or standard form, and find their solution using the graphs.

Standard REI.6

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Solutions of systems of equations - Verify whether a given pair of values is a solution to a system of equations.

Standard REI.6

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Age word problems - Solve age word problems with a system of equations.

Standard REI.6

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Systems of equations word problems - Solve word problems by modeling them into a system of equations and solving it.

Standard REI.6

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Linear systems of equations capstone - Solve systems of equations with any number of solutions using any solution method.

Standard REI.6

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Systems of equations with substitution - Solve systems of equations where one of the equations is solved for one of the variables.


Standard REI.7

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Coming Soon -


Standard REI.8

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Represent linear systems with matrices - Determine the matrix that represents a given system of linear equations.

Standard REI.8

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Represent linear systems with matrix equations - Represent systems of two linear equations with matrix equations by determining A and b in the matrix equation A*x=b.

Standard REI.8

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Matrix row operations - Determine the matrix that is the result of performing a specific row operation on a given matrix.

Standard REI.9

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Determine invertible matrices - Given a 2x2 matrix, determine whether it has an inverse.

Standard REI.9

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Find the inverse of a 2x2 matrix - Find the inverse matrix of a given 2x2 matrix.


Standard REI.9

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Determine inverse matrices - Given a pair of matrices, determine whether they are inverses of each other.


Standard REI.10

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Solutions to 2-variable equations - Determine which ordered pairs are solutions to equations.

Standard REI.10

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Number of solutions to a system of equations graphically - Determine the number of solutions of a given system of equations by considering its graph.

Standard REI.10

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Slope-intercept intro - Practice your basic understanding of slope-intercept form for linear equations.

Standard REI.10

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Complete solutions to 2-variable equations - Given the x or y value of a 2-variable equation solution, find the value for the other variable in the solution.

Standard REI.10

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Number of solutions to a system of equations algebraically - Determine the number of solutions of a given system of equations by considering its algebraic solution process.

Standard REI.10

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Intercepts from a graph - Look at the graph of an equation to find x-intercepts and y-intercepts


Standard REI.11

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Systems of equations with graphing - Graph a system of equations in slope-intercept or standard form, and find their solution using the graphs.

Standard REI.11

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Interpret equations graphically - Practice the connection between the graphical representation of equations and their algebraic solutions.

Standard REI.11

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Solutions of systems of equations - Verify whether a given pair of values is a solution to a system of equations.

Standard REI.11

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Number of solutions to a system of equations graphically - Determine the number of solutions of a given system of equations by considering its graph.

Standard REI.11

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Solve equations graphically - Solve advanced and complicated equations using the power of graphs.

Standard REI.11

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Number of solutions to a system of equations algebraically - Determine the number of solutions of a given system of equations by considering its algebraic solution process.

Standard REI.12

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Two-variable inequalities from their graphs - Fit an algebraic two-variable inequality to its appropriate graph.


Standard REI.12

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Systems of inequalities graphs - Find the graph that represents the solution to a system of inequalities.

Standard REI.12

Common Core Area - Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Skill - Graphs of inequalities - Graph two-variable linear inequalities.

Anchor APR.3
Anchor APR.7
Anchor CED.1
Anchor CED.2
Anchor CED.3
Anchor REI.1
Anchor REI.2
Anchor REI.3
Anchor REI.4
Anchor REI.9
Anchor REI.10
Anchor REI.11
Anchor REI.12

Standard SSE.1

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Interpret change in exponential models: changing units - Given a function that models an exponential situation, rewrite the function in order to find its change for a different time unit.

Standard SSE.1

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Interpret change in exponential models: changing units - Given a function that models an exponential situation, rewrite the function in order to find its change for a different time unit.

Standard SSE.1

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Factor polynomials: common factor - Practice finding the greatest common factors of polynomials and factoring them out of the polynomials.

Standard SSE.1

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Analyzing structure with linear inequalities - Given some information about a real-world context, analyze expressions containing unknown variables that model that context.

Standard SSE.1

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Multiply monomials - More challenging multiplying monomial problems like find the area or find missing values to make an equation true.

Standard SSE.1

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Interpret change in exponential models: with manipulation - Given a function that models an exponential situation, rewrite the function in order to analyze its rate of change.

Standard SSE.1

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Factor polynomials: common factor - Practice finding the greatest common factors of polynomials and factoring them out of the polynomials.

Standard SSE.1

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Analyzing structure with linear inequalities - Given some information about a real-world context, analyze expressions containing unknown variables that model that context.

Standard SSE.1

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Multiply monomials - More challenging multiplying monomial problems like find the area or find missing values to make an equation true.

Standard SSE.1

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Interpret change in exponential models: with manipulation - Given a function that models an exponential situation, rewrite the function in order to analyze its rate of change.

Standard SSE.1

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Factor polynomials: common factor - Practice finding the greatest common factors of polynomials and factoring them out of the polynomials.

Standard SSE.1

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Interpret change in exponential models: changing units - Given a function that models an exponential situation, rewrite the function in order to find its change for a different time unit.

Standard SSE.1

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Analyzing structure with linear inequalities - Given some information about a real-world context, analyze expressions containing unknown variables that model that context.

Standard SSE.1

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Multiply monomials - More challenging multiplying monomial problems like find the area or find missing values to make an equation true.

Standard SSE.1

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Interpret change in exponential models: with manipulation - Given a function that models an exponential situation, rewrite the function in order to analyze its rate of change.


Standard SSE.2

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Factor monomials - Factor monomials as products of smaller monomials.

Standard SSE.2

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Factoring polynomials challenge - Review your skills for using the structure of expressions with some challenge problems.

Standard SSE.2

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Factor polynomials: special product forms - Factor "advanced" polynomials (i.e. polynomials of various degrees and or with two variables) using special product factorization methods.

Standard SSE.2

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Factor polynomials: common factor - Practice finding the greatest common factors of polynomials and factoring them out of the polynomials.

Standard SSE.2

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Perfect squares - Factor quadratic expressions of the general perfect square forms: (ax)²+2abx+b² or (ax)²-2abx+b². The factored expressions have the general forms (ax+b)² or (ax-b)².

Standard SSE.2

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Solve equations using structure - Solve advanced equations by strategically using quadratic factorization methods.

Standard SSE.2

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Factor polynomials: quadratic methods (challenge) - Factor "advanced" polynomials (i.e. polynomials of various degrees and or with two variables) using quadratic factorization methods.

Standard SSE.2

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Zeros of polynomials & their graphs - Select the graph that best suits a polynomial equation by considering the zeros of the polynomial.

Standard SSE.2

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Find zeros of polynomials - Use various methods in order to find all the zeros of polynomial expressions or functions.

Standard SSE.2

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Difference of squares - Factor quadratic expressions of the general difference of squares form: (ax)^2-b^2. The factored expressions have the general form (ax+b)(ax-b).

Standard SSE.2

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Evaluate expressions using structure - Given some information about several unknown variables, evaluate an expression containing those variables.

Standard SSE.2

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Difference of squares intro - Factor quadratic expressions into the special products of the general form (x+a)(x-a).

Standard SSE.2

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Factor polynomials: quadratic methods - Factor polynomials that can be factored as the product of a monomial and a quadratic expression, then further factor the quadratic expression.

Standard SSE.2

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Manipulate expressions using structure - Rewrite an expression containing two unknown variables by using a given equation that contains those variables.


Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Convert linear equations to standard form - Convert linear equations in various forms into standard form.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Linear systems of equations capstone - Solve systems of equations with any number of solutions using any solution method.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Rewrite exponential expressions - Rewrite a given exponential expression in a specific desired form.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Interpret change in exponential models: with manipulation - Given a function that models an exponential situation, rewrite the function in order to analyze its rate of change.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Quadratic word problems (standard form) - Solve real-world word problems that involve quadratic models. In this exercise, that models are given in standard form.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Equivalent forms of exponential expressions - Determine whether pairs of exponential expressions are equivalent.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Interpret time in exponential models - Given a function that models an exponential situation, find the time interval over which the quantity changes by a given factor.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Difference of squares intro - Factor quadratic expressions into the special products of the general form (x+a)(x-a).

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Slope from equation - Find the slopes of lines whose equations are given in various forms. For example, find the slope of 2x+3y=5.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Graph parabolas in all forms - Graph quadratic functions given in any form.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Zeros of polynomials & their graphs - Select the graph that best suits a polynomial equation by considering the zeros of the polynomial.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Quadratics by factoring (intro) - Solve quadratic equations of the form x^2+bx+c=0 that can be rewritten according to their linear factors.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Features of quadratic functions: strategy - Identify the form of a quadratic function that immediately reveals a given feature of that function. Features in question are the y-intercept of the graph, the zeroes ("roots") of the function, and the vertex of the parabola.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Completing the square (intermediate) - Solve quadratic equations of the form x^2+bx+c by completing the square.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Factor quadratics by grouping - Factor quadratics of the form ax²+bx+c.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Features of quadratic functions - Find the zeroes ("roots") of quadratic functions and the vertex of their parabolas. Functions are given in standard, vertex, and factored form.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Graph quadratics in standard form - Graph quadratic functions given in the standard form ax²+bx+c. For example, graph y=5x²-20x+15.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Factor polynomials: special product forms - Factor "advanced" polynomials (i.e. polynomials of various degrees and or with two variables) using special product factorization methods.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Perfect squares - Factor quadratic expressions of the general perfect square forms: (ax)²+2abx+b² or (ax)²-2abx+b². The factored expressions have the general forms (ax+b)² or (ax-b)².

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Interpret change in exponential models - Given a function that models an exponential situation, find the factor by which the quantity changes per unit time interval.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Factor polynomials: quadratic methods (challenge) - Factor "advanced" polynomials (i.e. polynomials of various degrees and or with two variables) using quadratic factorization methods.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Analyzing structure with linear inequalities - Given some information about a real-world context, analyze expressions containing unknown variables that model that context.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Factoring quadratics intro - Factor quadratics of the form x²+bx+c.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Completing the square - Solve quadratic equations of the form ax^2+bx+c by completing the square.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Interpret change in exponential models: changing units - Given a function that models an exponential situation, rewrite the function in order to find its change for a different time unit.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Solve equations using structure - Solve advanced equations by strategically using quadratic factorization methods.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Quadratics by factoring - Solve quadratic equations of the form ax^2+bx+c=0 that can be rewritten according to their linear factors.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Factor polynomials: common factor - Practice finding the greatest common factors of polynomials and factoring them out of the polynomials.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Perfect squares - Factor quadratic expressions of the general perfect square forms: (ax)²+2abx+b² or (ax)²-2abx+b². The factored expressions have the general forms (ax+b)² or (ax-b)².

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Graph parabolas in all forms - Graph quadratic functions given in any form.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Slope from equation - Find the slopes of lines whose equations are given in various forms. For example, find the slope of 2x+3y=5.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Difference of squares intro - Factor quadratic expressions into the special products of the general form (x+a)(x-a).

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Equivalent forms of exponential expressions - Determine whether pairs of exponential expressions are equivalent.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Quadratic word problems (standard form) - Solve real-world word problems that involve quadratic models. In this exercise, that models are given in standard form.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Interpret change in exponential models: with manipulation - Given a function that models an exponential situation, rewrite the function in order to analyze its rate of change.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Rewrite exponential expressions - Rewrite a given exponential expression in a specific desired form.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Linear systems of equations capstone - Solve systems of equations with any number of solutions using any solution method.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Convert linear equations to standard form - Convert linear equations in various forms into standard form.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Factor quadratics by grouping - Factor quadratics of the form ax²+bx+c.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Features of quadratic functions - Find the zeroes ("roots") of quadratic functions and the vertex of their parabolas. Functions are given in standard, vertex, and factored form.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Graph quadratics in standard form - Graph quadratic functions given in the standard form ax²+bx+c. For example, graph y=5x²-20x+15.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Factor polynomials: special product forms - Factor "advanced" polynomials (i.e. polynomials of various degrees and or with two variables) using special product factorization methods.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Completing the square (intro) - Practice the method of completing the square with quadratic expressions.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Interpret change in exponential models - Given a function that models an exponential situation, find the factor by which the quantity changes per unit time interval.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Interpret time in exponential models - Given a function that models an exponential situation, find the time interval over which the quantity changes by a given factor.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Factor polynomials: quadratic methods (challenge) - Factor "advanced" polynomials (i.e. polynomials of various degrees and or with two variables) using quadratic factorization methods.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Analyzing structure with linear inequalities - Given some information about a real-world context, analyze expressions containing unknown variables that model that context.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Factoring quadratics intro - Factor quadratics of the form x²+bx+c.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Completing the square - Solve quadratic equations of the form ax^2+bx+c by completing the square.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Interpret change in exponential models: changing units - Given a function that models an exponential situation, rewrite the function in order to find its change for a different time unit.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Solve equations using structure - Solve advanced equations by strategically using quadratic factorization methods.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Factor polynomials: common factor - Practice finding the greatest common factors of polynomials and factoring them out of the polynomials.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Factor polynomials: quadratic methods - Factor polynomials that can be factored as the product of a monomial and a quadratic expression, then further factor the quadratic expression.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Factor monomials - Factor monomials as products of smaller monomials.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Find zeros of polynomials - Use various methods in order to find all the zeros of polynomial expressions or functions.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Compare features of functions - Compare various features between two functions, each represented in a different way.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Interpret change in exponential models: with manipulation - Given a function that models an exponential situation, rewrite the function in order to analyze its rate of change.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Interpret change in exponential models - Given a function that models an exponential situation, find the factor by which the quantity changes per unit time interval.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Perfect squares - Factor quadratic expressions of the general perfect square forms: (ax)²+2abx+b² or (ax)²-2abx+b². The factored expressions have the general forms (ax+b)² or (ax-b)².

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Factor polynomials: special product forms - Factor "advanced" polynomials (i.e. polynomials of various degrees and or with two variables) using special product factorization methods.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Graph quadratics in standard form - Graph quadratic functions given in the standard form ax²+bx+c. For example, graph y=5x²-20x+15.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Features of quadratic functions - Find the zeroes ("roots") of quadratic functions and the vertex of their parabolas. Functions are given in standard, vertex, and factored form.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Factor quadratics by grouping - Factor quadratics of the form ax²+bx+c.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Convert linear equations to standard form - Convert linear equations in various forms into standard form.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Linear systems of equations capstone - Solve systems of equations with any number of solutions using any solution method.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Rewrite exponential expressions - Rewrite a given exponential expression in a specific desired form.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Interpret time in exponential models - Given a function that models an exponential situation, find the time interval over which the quantity changes by a given factor.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Quadratic word problems (standard form) - Solve real-world word problems that involve quadratic models. In this exercise, that models are given in standard form.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Equivalent forms of exponential expressions - Determine whether pairs of exponential expressions are equivalent.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Difference of squares intro - Factor quadratic expressions into the special products of the general form (x+a)(x-a).

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Slope from equation - Find the slopes of lines whose equations are given in various forms. For example, find the slope of 2x+3y=5.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Graph parabolas in all forms - Graph quadratic functions given in any form.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Zeros of polynomials & their graphs - Select the graph that best suits a polynomial equation by considering the zeros of the polynomial.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Quadratics by factoring (intro) - Solve quadratic equations of the form x^2+bx+c=0 that can be rewritten according to their linear factors.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Features of quadratic functions: strategy - Identify the form of a quadratic function that immediately reveals a given feature of that function. Features in question are the y-intercept of the graph, the zeroes ("roots") of the function, and the vertex of the parabola.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Completing the square (intermediate) - Solve quadratic equations of the form x^2+bx+c by completing the square.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Factor monomials - Factor monomials as products of smaller monomials.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Factor polynomials: quadratic methods - Factor polynomials that can be factored as the product of a monomial and a quadratic expression, then further factor the quadratic expression.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Zeros of polynomials & their graphs - Select the graph that best suits a polynomial equation by considering the zeros of the polynomial.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Quadratics by factoring (intro) - Solve quadratic equations of the form x^2+bx+c=0 that can be rewritten according to their linear factors.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Features of quadratic functions: strategy - Identify the form of a quadratic function that immediately reveals a given feature of that function. Features in question are the y-intercept of the graph, the zeroes ("roots") of the function, and the vertex of the parabola.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Completing the square (intermediate) - Solve quadratic equations of the form x^2+bx+c by completing the square.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Completing the square (intro) - Practice the method of completing the square with quadratic expressions.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Compare features of functions - Compare various features between two functions, each represented in a different way.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Quadratics by factoring - Solve quadratic equations of the form ax^2+bx+c=0 that can be rewritten according to their linear factors.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Find zeros of polynomials - Use various methods in order to find all the zeros of polynomial expressions or functions.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Factor monomials - Factor monomials as products of smaller monomials.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Factor polynomials: quadratic methods - Factor polynomials that can be factored as the product of a monomial and a quadratic expression, then further factor the quadratic expression.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Factor polynomials: common factor - Practice finding the greatest common factors of polynomials and factoring them out of the polynomials.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Solve equations using structure - Solve advanced equations by strategically using quadratic factorization methods.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Interpret change in exponential models: changing units - Given a function that models an exponential situation, rewrite the function in order to find its change for a different time unit.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Completing the square - Solve quadratic equations of the form ax^2+bx+c by completing the square.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Factoring quadratics intro - Factor quadratics of the form x²+bx+c.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Analyzing structure with linear inequalities - Given some information about a real-world context, analyze expressions containing unknown variables that model that context.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Factor polynomials: quadratic methods (challenge) - Factor "advanced" polynomials (i.e. polynomials of various degrees and or with two variables) using quadratic factorization methods.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Slope from equation - Find the slopes of lines whose equations are given in various forms. For example, find the slope of 2x+3y=5.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Features of quadratic functions - Find the zeroes ("roots") of quadratic functions and the vertex of their parabolas. Functions are given in standard, vertex, and factored form.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Factor quadratics by grouping - Factor quadratics of the form ax²+bx+c.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Convert linear equations to standard form - Convert linear equations in various forms into standard form.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Linear systems of equations capstone - Solve systems of equations with any number of solutions using any solution method.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Rewrite exponential expressions - Rewrite a given exponential expression in a specific desired form.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Interpret change in exponential models: with manipulation - Given a function that models an exponential situation, rewrite the function in order to analyze its rate of change.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Quadratic word problems (standard form) - Solve real-world word problems that involve quadratic models. In this exercise, that models are given in standard form.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Equivalent forms of exponential expressions - Determine whether pairs of exponential expressions are equivalent.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Difference of squares intro - Factor quadratic expressions into the special products of the general form (x+a)(x-a).

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Compare features of functions - Compare various features between two functions, each represented in a different way.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Graph parabolas in all forms - Graph quadratic functions given in any form.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Zeros of polynomials & their graphs - Select the graph that best suits a polynomial equation by considering the zeros of the polynomial.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Quadratics by factoring (intro) - Solve quadratic equations of the form x^2+bx+c=0 that can be rewritten according to their linear factors.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Features of quadratic functions: strategy - Identify the form of a quadratic function that immediately reveals a given feature of that function. Features in question are the y-intercept of the graph, the zeroes ("roots") of the function, and the vertex of the parabola.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Completing the square (intermediate) - Solve quadratic equations of the form x^2+bx+c by completing the square.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Completing the square (intro) - Practice the method of completing the square with quadratic expressions.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Compare features of functions - Compare various features between two functions, each represented in a different way.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Quadratics by factoring - Solve quadratic equations of the form ax^2+bx+c=0 that can be rewritten according to their linear factors.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Find zeros of polynomials - Use various methods in order to find all the zeros of polynomial expressions or functions.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Analyzing structure with linear inequalities - Given some information about a real-world context, analyze expressions containing unknown variables that model that context.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Find zeros of polynomials - Use various methods in order to find all the zeros of polynomial expressions or functions.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Factor monomials - Factor monomials as products of smaller monomials.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Factor polynomials: quadratic methods - Factor polynomials that can be factored as the product of a monomial and a quadratic expression, then further factor the quadratic expression.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Factor polynomials: common factor - Practice finding the greatest common factors of polynomials and factoring them out of the polynomials.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Solve equations using structure - Solve advanced equations by strategically using quadratic factorization methods.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Interpret change in exponential models: changing units - Given a function that models an exponential situation, rewrite the function in order to find its change for a different time unit.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Completing the square - Solve quadratic equations of the form ax^2+bx+c by completing the square.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Factoring quadratics intro - Factor quadratics of the form x²+bx+c.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Factor polynomials: quadratic methods (challenge) - Factor "advanced" polynomials (i.e. polynomials of various degrees and or with two variables) using quadratic factorization methods.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Interpret time in exponential models - Given a function that models an exponential situation, find the time interval over which the quantity changes by a given factor.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Interpret change in exponential models - Given a function that models an exponential situation, find the factor by which the quantity changes per unit time interval.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Perfect squares - Factor quadratic expressions of the general perfect square forms: (ax)²+2abx+b² or (ax)²-2abx+b². The factored expressions have the general forms (ax+b)² or (ax-b)².

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Factor polynomials: special product forms - Factor "advanced" polynomials (i.e. polynomials of various degrees and or with two variables) using special product factorization methods.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Graph quadratics in standard form - Graph quadratic functions given in the standard form ax²+bx+c. For example, graph y=5x²-20x+15.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Quadratics by factoring - Solve quadratic equations of the form ax^2+bx+c=0 that can be rewritten according to their linear factors.

Standard SSE.3

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Completing the square (intro) - Practice the method of completing the square with quadratic expressions.


Standard SSE.4

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Finite geometric series in sigma notation - Practice writing finite geometric series like 3 + 6 + 12 + 24 in sigma notation.

Standard SSE.4

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Finite geometric series - Evaluate finite geometric series given in sigma notation, recursively, or explicitly.

Standard SSE.4

Common Core Area - Seeing Structure in Expressions

Skill - Finite geometric series word problems - Understanding and solving problems with the formula for a finite geometric series

Anchor SSE.1
Anchor SSE.2
Anchor SSE.3
Anchor SSE.4

Standard BF.1

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Construct exponential models - Given a verbal description of the rate of change of a real world situation, find the exponential function that models it.

Standard BF.1

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Model with composite functions - Given two basic functions that model a real-world situation, compose them in order to model a more complex situation.

Standard BF.1

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Writing linear functions word problems - Find a linear function that represents a real-world relationship that is given verbally.

Standard BF.1

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Model with function combination - Given two basic functions that model a real-world situation, combine them using the appropriate arithmetic operation in order to model a more complex situation.

Standard BF.1

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Modeling with sinusoidal functions - Given the description of a real-world relationship, find the sinusoidal function that models it.

Standard BF.1

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Linear models word problems - Solve general word problems about real-world relationships that can be modeled by linear equations or functions.

Standard BF.1

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Sequences word problems - Given a verbal description of a real-world relationship, determine the sequence that models that relationship.

Standard BF.1

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Construct exponential models - Given a verbal description of the rate of change of a real world situation, find the exponential function that models it.

Standard BF.1

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Model with composite functions - Given two basic functions that model a real-world situation, compose them in order to model a more complex situation.

Standard BF.1

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Writing linear functions word problems - Find a linear function that represents a real-world relationship that is given verbally.

Standard BF.1

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Model with function combination - Given two basic functions that model a real-world situation, combine them using the appropriate arithmetic operation in order to model a more complex situation.

Standard BF.1

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Writing linear functions word problems - Find a linear function that represents a real-world relationship that is given verbally.

Standard BF.1

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Modeling with sinusoidal functions - Given the description of a real-world relationship, find the sinusoidal function that models it.

Standard BF.1

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Linear models word problems - Solve general word problems about real-world relationships that can be modeled by linear equations or functions.

Standard BF.1

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Sequences word problems - Given a verbal description of a real-world relationship, determine the sequence that models that relationship.

Standard BF.1

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Construct exponential models - Given a verbal description of the rate of change of a real world situation, find the exponential function that models it.

Standard BF.1

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Model with composite functions - Given two basic functions that model a real-world situation, compose them in order to model a more complex situation.

Standard BF.1

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Linear models word problems - Solve general word problems about real-world relationships that can be modeled by linear equations or functions.

Standard BF.1

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Sequences word problems - Given a verbal description of a real-world relationship, determine the sequence that models that relationship.

Standard BF.1

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Model with function combination - Given two basic functions that model a real-world situation, combine them using the appropriate arithmetic operation in order to model a more complex situation.

Standard BF.1

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Modeling with sinusoidal functions - Given the description of a real-world relationship, find the sinusoidal function that models it.

Standard BF.1

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Linear models word problems - Solve general word problems about real-world relationships that can be modeled by linear equations or functions.

Standard BF.1

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Sequences word problems - Given a verbal description of a real-world relationship, determine the sequence that models that relationship.

Standard BF.1

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Construct exponential models - Given a verbal description of the rate of change of a real world situation, find the exponential function that models it.

Standard BF.1

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Model with composite functions - Given two basic functions that model a real-world situation, compose them in order to model a more complex situation.

Standard BF.1

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Writing linear functions word problems - Find a linear function that represents a real-world relationship that is given verbally.

Standard BF.1

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Model with function combination - Given two basic functions that model a real-world situation, combine them using the appropriate arithmetic operation in order to model a more complex situation.

Standard BF.1

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Modeling with sinusoidal functions - Given the description of a real-world relationship, find the sinusoidal function that models it.


Standard BF.2

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Converting recursive & explicit forms of arithmetic sequences - Given the explicit formula of an arithmetic sequence, find its recursive formula, and vice versa.

Standard BF.2

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Explicit formulas for geometric sequences - Solve problems such as: The first four terms in a geometric sequence are 1/3, 1, 3, and 9. Find an explicit formula for the sequence.

Standard BF.2

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Explicit formulas for arithmetic sequences - Solve problems such as: The first four terms in an arithmetic sequence are 12, 5, -2, and -9. Find an explicit formula for the sequence.

Standard BF.2

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Converting recursive & explicit forms of geometric sequences - Given the explicit formula of a geometric sequence, find its recursive formula, and vice versa.

Standard BF.2

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Sequences word problems - Given a verbal description of a real-world relationship, determine the sequence that models that relationship.

Standard BF.2

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Recursive formulas for geometric sequences - Find the recursive formula of a geometric sequence given the first few terms or given an explicit formula.

Standard BF.2

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Recursive formulas for arithmetic sequences - Find the recursive formula of an arithmetic sequence given the first few terms.


Standard BF.3

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Even & odd functions - Given the graph of a function, determine if it's even, odd, or neither.

Standard BF.3

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Shift functions - Shift functions horizontally and vertically, and practice the relationship between the graphical and the algebraic representations of those shifts.

Standard BF.3

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Construct sinusoidal functions - Given a few features of a sinusoidal function, find its formula.

Standard BF.3

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Radical functions & their graphs - Given the formula of a square-root or a cube-root function, find the appropriate graph.

Standard BF.3

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Graphs of logarithmic functions - Graph logarithmic functions and find the appropriate graph given the function.

Standard BF.3

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Graph sinusoidal functions - Given the formula of a sinusoidal function of the form a*f(bx)+d, draw its graph.

Standard BF.3

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Even & odd polynomials - Given the formula of a polynomial function, determine whether that function is even, odd, or neither.

Standard BF.3

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Graphs of exponential functions - Graph exponential functions and find the appropriate graph given the function.

Standard BF.3

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Transforming functions - Given the graphs of functions f and g where g is a transformation of f, determine the formula of g in terms of f.


Standard BF.4

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Determine if a function is invertible - Given the table of values of a function, determine whether it is invertible or not.

Standard BF.4

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Evaluate inverse functions - Practice evaluating the inverse function of a function that is given either as a formula, or as a graph, or as a table of values.

Standard BF.4

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Verify inverse functions - Given the formulas of two functions, compose the functions and determine whether they are inverses of each other.

Standard BF.4

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Restrict domains of functions to make them invertible - Given the graph of a function, find ways to restrict its domain in order to make it invertible.

Standard BF.4

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Find inverse functions - Practice finding the formula of the inverse function of a given polynomial, radical, or rational function.

Standard BF.4

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Verify inverse functions - Given the formulas of two functions, compose the functions and determine whether they are inverses of each other.

Standard BF.4

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Determine if a function is invertible - Given the table of values of a function, determine whether it is invertible or not.

Standard BF.4

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Find inverse functions - Practice finding the formula of the inverse function of a given polynomial, radical, or rational function.

Standard BF.4

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Restrict domains of functions to make them invertible - Given the graph of a function, find ways to restrict its domain in order to make it invertible.

Standard BF.4

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Verify inverse functions - Given the formulas of two functions, compose the functions and determine whether they are inverses of each other.

Standard BF.4

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Restrict domains of functions to make them invertible - Given the graph of a function, find ways to restrict its domain in order to make it invertible.

Standard BF.4

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Verify inverse functions - Given the formulas of two functions, compose the functions and determine whether they are inverses of each other.

Standard BF.4

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Find inverse functions - Practice finding the formula of the inverse function of a given polynomial, radical, or rational function.

Standard BF.4

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Determine if a function is invertible - Given the table of values of a function, determine whether it is invertible or not.

Standard BF.4

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Evaluate inverse functions - Practice evaluating the inverse function of a function that is given either as a formula, or as a graph, or as a table of values.

Standard BF.4

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Verify inverse functions - Given the formulas of two functions, compose the functions and determine whether they are inverses of each other.

Standard BF.4

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Restrict domains of functions to make them invertible - Given the graph of a function, find ways to restrict its domain in order to make it invertible.

Standard BF.4

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Find inverse functions - Practice finding the formula of the inverse function of a given polynomial, radical, or rational function.

Standard BF.4

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Determine if a function is invertible - Given the table of values of a function, determine whether it is invertible or not.

Standard BF.4

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Evaluate inverse functions - Practice evaluating the inverse function of a function that is given either as a formula, or as a graph, or as a table of values.

Standard BF.4

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Restrict domains of functions to make them invertible - Given the graph of a function, find ways to restrict its domain in order to make it invertible.

Standard BF.4

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Find inverse functions - Practice finding the formula of the inverse function of a given polynomial, radical, or rational function.

Standard BF.4

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Determine if a function is invertible - Given the table of values of a function, determine whether it is invertible or not.

Standard BF.4

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Evaluate inverse functions - Practice evaluating the inverse function of a function that is given either as a formula, or as a graph, or as a table of values.

Standard BF.4

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Evaluate inverse functions - Practice evaluating the inverse function of a function that is given either as a formula, or as a graph, or as a table of values.


Standard BF.5

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Relationship between exponentials & logarithms - Solve various problems that focus on the relationship between a^x=b and log_a(b)=x.

Standard BF.5

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Evaluate logarithms - Evaluate basic logarithmic expressions by using the fact that a^x=b is equivalent to log_a(b)=x.

Standard BF.5

Common Core Area - Building Functions

Skill - Evaluate logarithms (advanced) - Evaluate advanced logarithmic expressions by using the fact that a^x=b is equivalent to log_a(b)=x.

Anchor BF.1
Anchor BF.2
Anchor BF.3
Anchor BF.4
Anchor BF.5

Standard IF.1

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Function inputs & outputs: graph - Find all the inputs that correspond to a given function output, using the function's graph.

Standard IF.1

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Function inputs & outputs: equation - Find all the inputs that correspond to a given function output, using the function's formula.

Standard IF.1

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Function rules from equations - Create functions that match one variable to the other in a two-variable equation.

Standard IF.1

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Recognize functions from tables - Determine whether a table of values of a relationship represents a function.

Standard IF.1

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Domain of advanced functions - Determine the domain of functions whose expressions are a combination of different types of assignment rules.

Standard IF.1

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Recognize functions from graphs - Determine whether a given graph represents a function.

Standard IF.1

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Domain of advanced piecewise functions - Determine the domain of piecewise functions whose assignment rules have different expression types.

Standard IF.1

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Range of quadratic functions - Given the equation of a quadratic function, determine its range.

Standard IF.1

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Evaluate functions from their graph - Evaluate functions for specific inputs given the graph of the function.

Standard IF.1

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Evaluate function expressions - Evaluate expressions that contain function notation, given the functions' graphs.


Standard IF.2

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Evaluate sequences in recursive form - Find the first few terms of sequences that are defined recursively.

Standard IF.2

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Function inputs & outputs: equation - Find all the inputs that correspond to a given function output, using the function's formula.

Standard IF.2

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Evaluate step functions - Given the graph of a step function, find the function's outputs for given specific inputs.

Standard IF.2

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Use arithmetic sequence formulas - Given the formula of an arithmetic sequence, either in explicit form or in recursive form, find a specific term in the sequence.

Standard IF.2

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Function notation word problems - Interpret expressions with function notation in terms of the context that the function models.

Standard IF.2

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Evaluate functions from their graph - Evaluate functions for specific inputs given the graph of the function.

Standard IF.2

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Evaluate piecewise functions - Given the formula of a piecewise function, evaluate it for a specific input.

Standard IF.2

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Use geometric sequence formulas - Given the formula of a geometric sequence, either in explicit form or in recursive form, find a specific term in the sequence.

Standard IF.2

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Function inputs & outputs: graph - Find all the inputs that correspond to a given function output, using the function's graph.

Standard IF.2

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Evaluate function expressions - Evaluate expressions that contain function notation, given the functions' graphs.

Standard IF.2

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Evaluate functions - Evaluate functions for specific inputs given the formula of the function.


Standard IF.3

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Extend geometric sequences - Given the first few terms in a geometric sequence, find the next term in the sequence.

Standard IF.3

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Extend geometric sequences: negatives & fractions - Find the next term in a geometric sequence. The problems in this quiz involve relatively difficult calculations.

Standard IF.3

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Use arithmetic sequence formulas - Given the formula of an arithmetic sequence, either in explicit form or in recursive form, find a specific term in the sequence.

Standard IF.3

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Use geometric sequence formulas - Given the formula of a geometric sequence, either in explicit form or in recursive form, find a specific term in the sequence.

Standard IF.3

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Extend arithmetic sequences - Given the first few terms in an arithmetic sequence, find the next term in the sequence.


Standard IF.4

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Linear models word problems - Solve general word problems about real-world relationships that can be modeled by linear equations or functions.

Standard IF.4

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph interpretation word problems - Match features of graphs of modeling functions to their real-world meaning.

Standard IF.4

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - End behavior of algebraic models - Given the graph that models a real world context, answer a question about the end behavior of the graph.

Standard IF.4

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Linear equations word problems: graphs - Solve word problems about real world relationships that are given in graphs.

Standard IF.4

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Quadratic word problems (standard form) - Solve real-world word problems that involve quadratic models. In this exercise, that models are given in standard form.

Standard IF.4

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Comparing linear functions word problem - Compare features of two real-world relationships that can be modeled by linear functions, where the functions are represented in different ways.

Standard IF.4

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Periodicity of algebraic models - Given the graph that models a real world context, answer a question about the periodicity of the graph.

Standard IF.4

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Linear equations word problems: tables - Solve word problems about real world relationships that are given in tables.


Standard IF.5

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Determine the domain of functions - Determine the domain of a function according to the algebraic limitations of that function.

Standard IF.5

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Function domain word problems - Use information about a situation to figure out the domain of the function which models it.

Standard IF.5

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Domain and range from graph - Given the graph of a function, determine its domain or range.


Standard IF.6

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Average rate of change word problems - Find and represent the average rate of change of a real-world relationship.

Standard IF.6

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Average rate of change: graphs & tables - Find a function's average rate of change over a specific interval, given the function's graph or a table of values.

Standard IF.6

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Average rate of change - Find the average rate of change of a function over a given interval.


Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Positive & negative intervals of polynomials - Given a polynomial, determine the intervals in which it is positive or negative.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Increasing and decreasing intervals - Highlight intervals on the domain of a function where it's only increasing or only decreasing.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph quadratics in factored form - Graph quadratic functions that are given in factored form. For example, graph y=(x-4)(x+2).

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Radical functions & their graphs - Given the formula of a square-root or a cube-root function, find the appropriate graph.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Intercepts from a table - Find the intercepts of a line given a table of values.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Amplitude of sinusoidal functions from equation - Given the formula of a sinusoidal function, determine its amplitude.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Positive and negative intervals - Highlight intervals on the domain of a function where it's entirely positive or entirely negative.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Midline of sinusoidal functions from equation - Given the formula of a sinusoidal function, determine its midline equation.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Amplitude of sinusoidal functions from graph - Given the graph of a sinusoidal function, determine its amplitude.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph sinusoidal functions - Given the formula of a sinusoidal function of the form a*f(bx)+d, draw its graph.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Analyze vertical asymptotes of rational functions - Given the formula of a rational function, determine how it behaves around its vertical asymptote.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph quadratics in standard form - Graph quadratic functions given in the standard form ax²+bx+c. For example, graph y=5x²-20x+15.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Slope-intercept intro - Practice your basic understanding of slope-intercept form for linear equations.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Slope from two points - Find the slope of the line that goes through the two points that are given to you.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph absolute value functions - Graph absolute value functions like f(x)=|x+3|+2.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Absolute maxima and minima - Given the graph of a function, find its absolute maximum and minimum points.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graphing linear functions word problems - Graph the line that represents a real-world relationship that is given verbally.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Evaluate piecewise functions - Given the formula of a piecewise function, evaluate it for a specific input.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Horizontal & vertical lines - Practice your knowledge of horizontal and vertical lines: their graphical presentation, their slopes, and their equations.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Piecewise functions graphs - Match the formula of a piecewise function to its graph.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Midline of sinusoidal functions from graph - Given the graph of a sinusoidal function, determine its midline equation.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Slope-intercept intro - Practice your basic understanding of slope-intercept form for linear equations.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph quadratics in factored form - Graph quadratic functions that are given in factored form. For example, graph y=(x-4)(x+2).

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Radical functions & their graphs - Given the formula of a square-root or a cube-root function, find the appropriate graph.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Intercepts from a table - Find the intercepts of a line given a table of values.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Amplitude of sinusoidal functions from equation - Given the formula of a sinusoidal function, determine its amplitude.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Positive and negative intervals - Highlight intervals on the domain of a function where it's entirely positive or entirely negative.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Midline of sinusoidal functions from equation - Given the formula of a sinusoidal function, determine its midline equation.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Amplitude of sinusoidal functions from graph - Given the graph of a sinusoidal function, determine its amplitude.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph sinusoidal functions - Given the formula of a sinusoidal function of the form a*f(bx)+d, draw its graph.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Analyze vertical asymptotes of rational functions - Given the formula of a rational function, determine how it behaves around its vertical asymptote.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph quadratics in standard form - Graph quadratic functions given in the standard form ax²+bx+c. For example, graph y=5x²-20x+15.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Positive & negative intervals of polynomials - Given a polynomial, determine the intervals in which it is positive or negative.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Slope from two points - Find the slope of the line that goes through the two points that are given to you.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph absolute value functions - Graph absolute value functions like f(x)=|x+3|+2.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Absolute maxima and minima - Given the graph of a function, find its absolute maximum and minimum points.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graphing linear functions word problems - Graph the line that represents a real-world relationship that is given verbally.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Evaluate piecewise functions - Given the formula of a piecewise function, evaluate it for a specific input.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Horizontal & vertical lines - Practice your knowledge of horizontal and vertical lines: their graphical presentation, their slopes, and their equations.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Piecewise functions graphs - Match the formula of a piecewise function to its graph.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Midline of sinusoidal functions from graph - Given the graph of a sinusoidal function, determine its midline equation.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Relative maxima and minima - Given the graph of a function, find all of its relative maximum and minimum points.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Horizontal & vertical lines - Practice your knowledge of horizontal and vertical lines: their graphical presentation, their slopes, and their equations.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Evaluate step functions - Given the graph of a step function, find the function's outputs for given specific inputs.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Increasing and decreasing intervals - Highlight intervals on the domain of a function where it's only increasing or only decreasing.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Zeros of polynomials & their graphs - Select the graph that best suits a polynomial equation by considering the zeros of the polynomial.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Rational function points of discontinuity - Given a rational function, sort given input values according to zeros, vertical asymptotes, and removable discontinuities.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Slope from equation - Find the slopes of lines whose equations are given in various forms. For example, find the slope of 2x+3y=5.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graphs of logarithmic functions - Graph logarithmic functions and find the appropriate graph given the function.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - End behavior of rational functions - Given a rational function, determine how it behaves as x approaches +∞ or -∞.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - End behavior of polynomials - Analyze polynomial functions to determine how they behave as the input variable increases to positive infinity or decreases to negative infinity.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph parabolas in all forms - Graph quadratic functions given in any form.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Intercepts from a graph - Look at the graph of an equation to find x-intercepts and y-intercepts

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graphs of exponential functions - Graph exponential functions and find the appropriate graph given the function.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Relative maxima and minima - Given the graph of a function, find all of its relative maximum and minimum points.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph quadratics in vertex form - Graph quadratic functions that are given in the vertex form a(x+b)²+c. For example, graph y=-2(x-2)²+5.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graphs of rational functions - Determine which of four graphs fits the formula of a given function.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph from linear standard form - Find the graph of a linear equation given in standard form.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Period of sinusoidal functions from graph - Given the graph of a sinusoidal function, determine its period.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graphing exponential growth & decay - Graph exponential functions of the basic form f(x)=a⋅rˣ.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Period of sinusoidal functions from equation - Given the formula of a sinusoidal function, determine its period.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graphs of nonlinear piecewise functions - Given the graph of a nonlinear piecewise function, find its formula.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Intercepts from an equation - Solve linear equations for the x-intercept and y-intercept

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph from slope-intercept form - Practice drawing the graph of a line given in slope-intercept form. For example, graph y = 3x + 2.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graphs of rational functions - Determine which of four graphs fits the formula of a given function.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Amplitude of sinusoidal functions from graph - Given the graph of a sinusoidal function, determine its amplitude.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Midline of sinusoidal functions from equation - Given the formula of a sinusoidal function, determine its midline equation.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Positive and negative intervals - Highlight intervals on the domain of a function where it's entirely positive or entirely negative.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Amplitude of sinusoidal functions from equation - Given the formula of a sinusoidal function, determine its amplitude.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Intercepts from a table - Find the intercepts of a line given a table of values.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Radical functions & their graphs - Given the formula of a square-root or a cube-root function, find the appropriate graph.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph quadratics in factored form - Graph quadratic functions that are given in factored form. For example, graph y=(x-4)(x+2).

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Positive & negative intervals of polynomials - Given a polynomial, determine the intervals in which it is positive or negative.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph from slope-intercept form - Practice drawing the graph of a line given in slope-intercept form. For example, graph y = 3x + 2.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Intercepts from an equation - Solve linear equations for the x-intercept and y-intercept

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graphs of nonlinear piecewise functions - Given the graph of a nonlinear piecewise function, find its formula.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Period of sinusoidal functions from equation - Given the formula of a sinusoidal function, determine its period.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graphing exponential growth & decay - Graph exponential functions of the basic form f(x)=a⋅rˣ.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Period of sinusoidal functions from graph - Given the graph of a sinusoidal function, determine its period.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph from linear standard form - Find the graph of a linear equation given in standard form.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph sinusoidal functions - Given the formula of a sinusoidal function of the form a*f(bx)+d, draw its graph.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph quadratics in vertex form - Graph quadratic functions that are given in the vertex form a(x+b)²+c. For example, graph y=-2(x-2)²+5.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Evaluate step functions - Given the graph of a step function, find the function's outputs for given specific inputs.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graphs of exponential functions - Graph exponential functions and find the appropriate graph given the function.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Intercepts from a graph - Look at the graph of an equation to find x-intercepts and y-intercepts

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph parabolas in all forms - Graph quadratic functions given in any form.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - End behavior of polynomials - Analyze polynomial functions to determine how they behave as the input variable increases to positive infinity or decreases to negative infinity.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - End behavior of rational functions - Given a rational function, determine how it behaves as x approaches +∞ or -∞.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graphs of logarithmic functions - Graph logarithmic functions and find the appropriate graph given the function.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Slope from equation - Find the slopes of lines whose equations are given in various forms. For example, find the slope of 2x+3y=5.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Rational function points of discontinuity - Given a rational function, sort given input values according to zeros, vertical asymptotes, and removable discontinuities.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Zeros of polynomials & their graphs - Select the graph that best suits a polynomial equation by considering the zeros of the polynomial.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Increasing and decreasing intervals - Highlight intervals on the domain of a function where it's only increasing or only decreasing.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Relative maxima and minima - Given the graph of a function, find all of its relative maximum and minimum points.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Midline of sinusoidal functions from graph - Given the graph of a sinusoidal function, determine its midline equation.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Piecewise functions graphs - Match the formula of a piecewise function to its graph.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Slope from equation - Find the slopes of lines whose equations are given in various forms. For example, find the slope of 2x+3y=5.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Intercepts from an equation - Solve linear equations for the x-intercept and y-intercept

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graphs of nonlinear piecewise functions - Given the graph of a nonlinear piecewise function, find its formula.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Period of sinusoidal functions from equation - Given the formula of a sinusoidal function, determine its period.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graphing exponential growth & decay - Graph exponential functions of the basic form f(x)=a⋅rˣ.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Period of sinusoidal functions from graph - Given the graph of a sinusoidal function, determine its period.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph from linear standard form - Find the graph of a linear equation given in standard form.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graphs of rational functions - Determine which of four graphs fits the formula of a given function.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph quadratics in vertex form - Graph quadratic functions that are given in the vertex form a(x+b)²+c. For example, graph y=-2(x-2)²+5.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Evaluate step functions - Given the graph of a step function, find the function's outputs for given specific inputs.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graphs of exponential functions - Graph exponential functions and find the appropriate graph given the function.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Intercepts from a graph - Look at the graph of an equation to find x-intercepts and y-intercepts

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph parabolas in all forms - Graph quadratic functions given in any form.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - End behavior of polynomials - Analyze polynomial functions to determine how they behave as the input variable increases to positive infinity or decreases to negative infinity.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - End behavior of rational functions - Given a rational function, determine how it behaves as x approaches +∞ or -∞.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graphs of logarithmic functions - Graph logarithmic functions and find the appropriate graph given the function.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph from slope-intercept form - Practice drawing the graph of a line given in slope-intercept form. For example, graph y = 3x + 2.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Rational function points of discontinuity - Given a rational function, sort given input values according to zeros, vertical asymptotes, and removable discontinuities.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Zeros of polynomials & their graphs - Select the graph that best suits a polynomial equation by considering the zeros of the polynomial.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Increasing and decreasing intervals - Highlight intervals on the domain of a function where it's only increasing or only decreasing.

Anchor IF.1
Anchor IF.2
Anchor IF.3
Anchor IF.4
Anchor IF.5
Anchor IF.6
Anchor IF.7

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Relative maxima and minima - Given the graph of a function, find all of its relative maximum and minimum points.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Midline of sinusoidal functions from graph - Given the graph of a sinusoidal function, determine its midline equation.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Piecewise functions graphs - Match the formula of a piecewise function to its graph.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Horizontal & vertical lines - Practice your knowledge of horizontal and vertical lines: their graphical presentation, their slopes, and their equations.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Evaluate piecewise functions - Given the formula of a piecewise function, evaluate it for a specific input.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graphing linear functions word problems - Graph the line that represents a real-world relationship that is given verbally.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Absolute maxima and minima - Given the graph of a function, find its absolute maximum and minimum points.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph absolute value functions - Graph absolute value functions like f(x)=|x+3|+2.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Slope from two points - Find the slope of the line that goes through the two points that are given to you.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Slope-intercept intro - Practice your basic understanding of slope-intercept form for linear equations.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph quadratics in standard form - Graph quadratic functions given in the standard form ax²+bx+c. For example, graph y=5x²-20x+15.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Analyze vertical asymptotes of rational functions - Given the formula of a rational function, determine how it behaves around its vertical asymptote.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Absolute maxima and minima - Given the graph of a function, find its absolute maximum and minimum points.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Slope from two points - Find the slope of the line that goes through the two points that are given to you.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph absolute value functions - Graph absolute value functions like f(x)=|x+3|+2.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Absolute maxima and minima - Given the graph of a function, find its absolute maximum and minimum points.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graphing linear functions word problems - Graph the line that represents a real-world relationship that is given verbally.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Evaluate piecewise functions - Given the formula of a piecewise function, evaluate it for a specific input.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Rational function points of discontinuity - Given a rational function, sort given input values according to zeros, vertical asymptotes, and removable discontinuities.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Zeros of polynomials & their graphs - Select the graph that best suits a polynomial equation by considering the zeros of the polynomial.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Increasing and decreasing intervals - Highlight intervals on the domain of a function where it's only increasing or only decreasing.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Relative maxima and minima - Given the graph of a function, find all of its relative maximum and minimum points.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Midline of sinusoidal functions from graph - Given the graph of a sinusoidal function, determine its midline equation.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Piecewise functions graphs - Match the formula of a piecewise function to its graph.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Horizontal & vertical lines - Practice your knowledge of horizontal and vertical lines: their graphical presentation, their slopes, and their equations.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Evaluate piecewise functions - Given the formula of a piecewise function, evaluate it for a specific input.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graphing linear functions word problems - Graph the line that represents a real-world relationship that is given verbally.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Slope-intercept intro - Practice your basic understanding of slope-intercept form for linear equations.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph absolute value functions - Graph absolute value functions like f(x)=|x+3|+2.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Slope from two points - Find the slope of the line that goes through the two points that are given to you.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Slope-intercept intro - Practice your basic understanding of slope-intercept form for linear equations.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph quadratics in standard form - Graph quadratic functions given in the standard form ax²+bx+c. For example, graph y=5x²-20x+15.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Analyze vertical asymptotes of rational functions - Given the formula of a rational function, determine how it behaves around its vertical asymptote.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph sinusoidal functions - Given the formula of a sinusoidal function of the form a*f(bx)+d, draw its graph.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Amplitude of sinusoidal functions from graph - Given the graph of a sinusoidal function, determine its amplitude.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Midline of sinusoidal functions from equation - Given the formula of a sinusoidal function, determine its midline equation.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Positive and negative intervals - Highlight intervals on the domain of a function where it's entirely positive or entirely negative.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Amplitude of sinusoidal functions from equation - Given the formula of a sinusoidal function, determine its amplitude.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Intercepts from a table - Find the intercepts of a line given a table of values.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Radical functions & their graphs - Given the formula of a square-root or a cube-root function, find the appropriate graph.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph quadratics in factored form - Graph quadratic functions that are given in factored form. For example, graph y=(x-4)(x+2).

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Positive & negative intervals of polynomials - Given a polynomial, determine the intervals in which it is positive or negative.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graphs of nonlinear piecewise functions - Given the graph of a nonlinear piecewise function, find its formula.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Slope from equation - Find the slopes of lines whose equations are given in various forms. For example, find the slope of 2x+3y=5.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graphs of logarithmic functions - Graph logarithmic functions and find the appropriate graph given the function.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - End behavior of rational functions - Given a rational function, determine how it behaves as x approaches +∞ or -∞.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - End behavior of polynomials - Analyze polynomial functions to determine how they behave as the input variable increases to positive infinity or decreases to negative infinity.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph parabolas in all forms - Graph quadratic functions given in any form.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Intercepts from a graph - Look at the graph of an equation to find x-intercepts and y-intercepts

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graphs of exponential functions - Graph exponential functions and find the appropriate graph given the function.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Evaluate step functions - Given the graph of a step function, find the function's outputs for given specific inputs.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph quadratics in vertex form - Graph quadratic functions that are given in the vertex form a(x+b)²+c. For example, graph y=-2(x-2)²+5.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graphs of rational functions - Determine which of four graphs fits the formula of a given function.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph from linear standard form - Find the graph of a linear equation given in standard form.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Period of sinusoidal functions from graph - Given the graph of a sinusoidal function, determine its period.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graphing exponential growth & decay - Graph exponential functions of the basic form f(x)=a⋅rˣ.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Period of sinusoidal functions from equation - Given the formula of a sinusoidal function, determine its period.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Rational function points of discontinuity - Given a rational function, sort given input values according to zeros, vertical asymptotes, and removable discontinuities.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Intercepts from an equation - Solve linear equations for the x-intercept and y-intercept

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph from slope-intercept form - Practice drawing the graph of a line given in slope-intercept form. For example, graph y = 3x + 2.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Positive & negative intervals of polynomials - Given a polynomial, determine the intervals in which it is positive or negative.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph quadratics in factored form - Graph quadratic functions that are given in factored form. For example, graph y=(x-4)(x+2).

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Radical functions & their graphs - Given the formula of a square-root or a cube-root function, find the appropriate graph.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Intercepts from a table - Find the intercepts of a line given a table of values.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Amplitude of sinusoidal functions from equation - Given the formula of a sinusoidal function, determine its amplitude.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Positive and negative intervals - Highlight intervals on the domain of a function where it's entirely positive or entirely negative.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Midline of sinusoidal functions from equation - Given the formula of a sinusoidal function, determine its midline equation.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Amplitude of sinusoidal functions from graph - Given the graph of a sinusoidal function, determine its amplitude.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph sinusoidal functions - Given the formula of a sinusoidal function of the form a*f(bx)+d, draw its graph.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Analyze vertical asymptotes of rational functions - Given the formula of a rational function, determine how it behaves around its vertical asymptote.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph quadratics in standard form - Graph quadratic functions given in the standard form ax²+bx+c. For example, graph y=5x²-20x+15.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Period of sinusoidal functions from equation - Given the formula of a sinusoidal function, determine its period.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph quadratics in standard form - Graph quadratic functions given in the standard form ax²+bx+c. For example, graph y=5x²-20x+15.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Analyze vertical asymptotes of rational functions - Given the formula of a rational function, determine how it behaves around its vertical asymptote.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph sinusoidal functions - Given the formula of a sinusoidal function of the form a*f(bx)+d, draw its graph.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Amplitude of sinusoidal functions from graph - Given the graph of a sinusoidal function, determine its amplitude.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Midline of sinusoidal functions from equation - Given the formula of a sinusoidal function, determine its midline equation.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Positive and negative intervals - Highlight intervals on the domain of a function where it's entirely positive or entirely negative.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Amplitude of sinusoidal functions from equation - Given the formula of a sinusoidal function, determine its amplitude.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Intercepts from a table - Find the intercepts of a line given a table of values.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Radical functions & their graphs - Given the formula of a square-root or a cube-root function, find the appropriate graph.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph quadratics in factored form - Graph quadratic functions that are given in factored form. For example, graph y=(x-4)(x+2).

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Positive & negative intervals of polynomials - Given a polynomial, determine the intervals in which it is positive or negative.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph from slope-intercept form - Practice drawing the graph of a line given in slope-intercept form. For example, graph y = 3x + 2.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Intercepts from an equation - Solve linear equations for the x-intercept and y-intercept

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graphs of nonlinear piecewise functions - Given the graph of a nonlinear piecewise function, find its formula.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Intercepts from an equation - Solve linear equations for the x-intercept and y-intercept

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graphing exponential growth & decay - Graph exponential functions of the basic form f(x)=a⋅rˣ.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Period of sinusoidal functions from graph - Given the graph of a sinusoidal function, determine its period.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph from linear standard form - Find the graph of a linear equation given in standard form.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graphs of rational functions - Determine which of four graphs fits the formula of a given function.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph quadratics in vertex form - Graph quadratic functions that are given in the vertex form a(x+b)²+c. For example, graph y=-2(x-2)²+5.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Evaluate step functions - Given the graph of a step function, find the function's outputs for given specific inputs.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graphs of exponential functions - Graph exponential functions and find the appropriate graph given the function.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Intercepts from a graph - Look at the graph of an equation to find x-intercepts and y-intercepts

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph parabolas in all forms - Graph quadratic functions given in any form.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - End behavior of polynomials - Analyze polynomial functions to determine how they behave as the input variable increases to positive infinity or decreases to negative infinity.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - End behavior of rational functions - Given a rational function, determine how it behaves as x approaches +∞ or -∞.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graphs of logarithmic functions - Graph logarithmic functions and find the appropriate graph given the function.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Slope from equation - Find the slopes of lines whose equations are given in various forms. For example, find the slope of 2x+3y=5.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Zeros of polynomials & their graphs - Select the graph that best suits a polynomial equation by considering the zeros of the polynomial.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Slope from two points - Find the slope of the line that goes through the two points that are given to you.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph from slope-intercept form - Practice drawing the graph of a line given in slope-intercept form. For example, graph y = 3x + 2.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graphs of nonlinear piecewise functions - Given the graph of a nonlinear piecewise function, find its formula.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Period of sinusoidal functions from equation - Given the formula of a sinusoidal function, determine its period.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graphing exponential growth & decay - Graph exponential functions of the basic form f(x)=a⋅rˣ.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Period of sinusoidal functions from graph - Given the graph of a sinusoidal function, determine its period.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph from linear standard form - Find the graph of a linear equation given in standard form.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graphs of rational functions - Determine which of four graphs fits the formula of a given function.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph quadratics in vertex form - Graph quadratic functions that are given in the vertex form a(x+b)²+c. For example, graph y=-2(x-2)²+5.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Evaluate step functions - Given the graph of a step function, find the function's outputs for given specific inputs.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graphs of exponential functions - Graph exponential functions and find the appropriate graph given the function.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Intercepts from a graph - Look at the graph of an equation to find x-intercepts and y-intercepts

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph parabolas in all forms - Graph quadratic functions given in any form.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - End behavior of polynomials - Analyze polynomial functions to determine how they behave as the input variable increases to positive infinity or decreases to negative infinity.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - End behavior of rational functions - Given a rational function, determine how it behaves as x approaches +∞ or -∞.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Slope from equation - Find the slopes of lines whose equations are given in various forms. For example, find the slope of 2x+3y=5.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Slope-intercept intro - Practice your basic understanding of slope-intercept form for linear equations.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graph absolute value functions - Graph absolute value functions like f(x)=|x+3|+2.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Absolute maxima and minima - Given the graph of a function, find its absolute maximum and minimum points.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graphing linear functions word problems - Graph the line that represents a real-world relationship that is given verbally.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Evaluate piecewise functions - Given the formula of a piecewise function, evaluate it for a specific input.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Horizontal & vertical lines - Practice your knowledge of horizontal and vertical lines: their graphical presentation, their slopes, and their equations.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Midline of sinusoidal functions from graph - Given the graph of a sinusoidal function, determine its midline equation.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Relative maxima and minima - Given the graph of a function, find all of its relative maximum and minimum points.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Increasing and decreasing intervals - Highlight intervals on the domain of a function where it's only increasing or only decreasing.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Zeros of polynomials & their graphs - Select the graph that best suits a polynomial equation by considering the zeros of the polynomial.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Rational function points of discontinuity - Given a rational function, sort given input values according to zeros, vertical asymptotes, and removable discontinuities.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Graphs of logarithmic functions - Graph logarithmic functions and find the appropriate graph given the function.

Standard IF.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Piecewise functions graphs - Match the formula of a piecewise function to its graph.


Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Find zeros of polynomials - Use various methods in order to find all the zeros of polynomial expressions or functions.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Quadratics by factoring - Solve quadratic equations of the form ax^2+bx+c=0 that can be rewritten according to their linear factors.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Factor polynomials: quadratic methods - Factor polynomials that can be factored as the product of a monomial and a quadratic expression, then further factor the quadratic expression.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Features of quadratic functions: strategy - Identify the form of a quadratic function that immediately reveals a given feature of that function. Features in question are the y-intercept of the graph, the zeroes ("roots") of the function, and the vertex of the parabola.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Compare features of functions - Compare various features between two functions, each represented in a different way.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Factor monomials - Factor monomials as products of smaller monomials.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Interpret time in exponential models - Given a function that models an exponential situation, find the time interval over which the quantity changes by a given factor.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Factor polynomials: common factor - Practice finding the greatest common factors of polynomials and factoring them out of the polynomials.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Zeros of polynomials & their graphs - Select the graph that best suits a polynomial equation by considering the zeros of the polynomial.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Perfect squares - Factor quadratic expressions of the general perfect square forms: (ax)²+2abx+b² or (ax)²-2abx+b². The factored expressions have the general forms (ax+b)² or (ax-b)².

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Factor quadratics by grouping - Factor quadratics of the form ax²+bx+c.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Factor polynomials: quadratic methods - Factor polynomials that can be factored as the product of a monomial and a quadratic expression, then further factor the quadratic expression.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Features of quadratic functions: strategy - Identify the form of a quadratic function that immediately reveals a given feature of that function. Features in question are the y-intercept of the graph, the zeroes ("roots") of the function, and the vertex of the parabola.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Compare features of functions - Compare various features between two functions, each represented in a different way.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Factor monomials - Factor monomials as products of smaller monomials.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Interpret time in exponential models - Given a function that models an exponential situation, find the time interval over which the quantity changes by a given factor.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Factor polynomials: common factor - Practice finding the greatest common factors of polynomials and factoring them out of the polynomials.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Zeros of polynomials & their graphs - Select the graph that best suits a polynomial equation by considering the zeros of the polynomial.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Perfect squares - Factor quadratic expressions of the general perfect square forms: (ax)²+2abx+b² or (ax)²-2abx+b². The factored expressions have the general forms (ax+b)² or (ax-b)².

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Difference of squares - Factor quadratic expressions of the general difference of squares form: (ax)^2-b^2. The factored expressions have the general form (ax+b)(ax-b).

Anchor IF.8

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Factoring quadratics intro - Factor quadratics of the form x²+bx+c.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Find zeros of polynomials - Use various methods in order to find all the zeros of polynomial expressions or functions.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Slope from equation - Find the slopes of lines whose equations are given in various forms. For example, find the slope of 2x+3y=5.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Interpret change in exponential models - Given a function that models an exponential situation, find the factor by which the quantity changes per unit time interval.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Features of quadratic functions - Find the zeroes ("roots") of quadratic functions and the vertex of their parabolas. Functions are given in standard, vertex, and factored form.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Completing the square (intermediate) - Solve quadratic equations of the form x^2+bx+c by completing the square.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Convert linear equations to standard form - Convert linear equations in various forms into standard form.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Factor polynomials: special product forms - Factor "advanced" polynomials (i.e. polynomials of various degrees and or with two variables) using special product factorization methods.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Quadratic word problems (standard form) - Solve real-world word problems that involve quadratic models. In this exercise, that models are given in standard form.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Difference of squares intro - Factor quadratic expressions into the special products of the general form (x+a)(x-a).

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Completing the square - Solve quadratic equations of the form ax^2+bx+c by completing the square.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Equivalent forms of exponential expressions - Determine whether pairs of exponential expressions are equivalent.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Completing the square - Solve quadratic equations of the form ax^2+bx+c by completing the square.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Factoring quadratics intro - Factor quadratics of the form x²+bx+c.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Factor quadratics by grouping - Factor quadratics of the form ax²+bx+c.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Slope from equation - Find the slopes of lines whose equations are given in various forms. For example, find the slope of 2x+3y=5.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Interpret change in exponential models - Given a function that models an exponential situation, find the factor by which the quantity changes per unit time interval.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Features of quadratic functions - Find the zeroes ("roots") of quadratic functions and the vertex of their parabolas. Functions are given in standard, vertex, and factored form.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Completing the square (intermediate) - Solve quadratic equations of the form x^2+bx+c by completing the square.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Convert linear equations to standard form - Convert linear equations in various forms into standard form.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Factor polynomials: special product forms - Factor "advanced" polynomials (i.e. polynomials of various degrees and or with two variables) using special product factorization methods.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Quadratic word problems (standard form) - Solve real-world word problems that involve quadratic models. In this exercise, that models are given in standard form.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Difference of squares intro - Factor quadratic expressions into the special products of the general form (x+a)(x-a).

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Difference of squares - Factor quadratic expressions of the general difference of squares form: (ax)^2-b^2. The factored expressions have the general form (ax+b)(ax-b).

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Equivalent forms of exponential expressions - Determine whether pairs of exponential expressions are equivalent.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Quadratics by factoring - Solve quadratic equations of the form ax^2+bx+c=0 that can be rewritten according to their linear factors.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Rewrite exponential expressions - Rewrite a given exponential expression in a specific desired form.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Factor polynomials: quadratic methods (challenge) - Factor "advanced" polynomials (i.e. polynomials of various degrees and or with two variables) using quadratic factorization methods.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Interpret change in exponential models: with manipulation - Given a function that models an exponential situation, rewrite the function in order to analyze its rate of change.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Interpret change in exponential models: changing units - Given a function that models an exponential situation, rewrite the function in order to find its change for a different time unit.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Quadratics by factoring (intro) - Solve quadratic equations of the form x^2+bx+c=0 that can be rewritten according to their linear factors.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Completing the square (intro) - Practice the method of completing the square with quadratic expressions.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Solve equations using structure - Solve advanced equations by strategically using quadratic factorization methods.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Slope from equation - Find the slopes of lines whose equations are given in various forms. For example, find the slope of 2x+3y=5.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Compare features of functions - Compare various features between two functions, each represented in a different way.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Factor monomials - Factor monomials as products of smaller monomials.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Interpret time in exponential models - Given a function that models an exponential situation, find the time interval over which the quantity changes by a given factor.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Factor polynomials: common factor - Practice finding the greatest common factors of polynomials and factoring them out of the polynomials.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Zeros of polynomials & their graphs - Select the graph that best suits a polynomial equation by considering the zeros of the polynomial.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Perfect squares - Factor quadratic expressions of the general perfect square forms: (ax)²+2abx+b² or (ax)²-2abx+b². The factored expressions have the general forms (ax+b)² or (ax-b)².

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Difference of squares - Factor quadratic expressions of the general difference of squares form: (ax)^2-b^2. The factored expressions have the general form (ax+b)(ax-b).

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Factoring quadratics intro - Factor quadratics of the form x²+bx+c.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Factor quadratics by grouping - Factor quadratics of the form ax²+bx+c.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Completing the square (intro) - Practice the method of completing the square with quadratic expressions.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Interpret change in exponential models - Given a function that models an exponential situation, find the factor by which the quantity changes per unit time interval.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Features of quadratic functions - Find the zeroes ("roots") of quadratic functions and the vertex of their parabolas. Functions are given in standard, vertex, and factored form.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Completing the square (intermediate) - Solve quadratic equations of the form x^2+bx+c by completing the square.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Convert linear equations to standard form - Convert linear equations in various forms into standard form.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Factor polynomials: special product forms - Factor "advanced" polynomials (i.e. polynomials of various degrees and or with two variables) using special product factorization methods.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Quadratic word problems (standard form) - Solve real-world word problems that involve quadratic models. In this exercise, that models are given in standard form.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Difference of squares intro - Factor quadratic expressions into the special products of the general form (x+a)(x-a).

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Completing the square - Solve quadratic equations of the form ax^2+bx+c by completing the square.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Factor polynomials: quadratic methods - Factor polynomials that can be factored as the product of a monomial and a quadratic expression, then further factor the quadratic expression.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Solve equations using structure - Solve advanced equations by strategically using quadratic factorization methods.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Quadratics by factoring (intro) - Solve quadratic equations of the form x^2+bx+c=0 that can be rewritten according to their linear factors.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Interpret change in exponential models: changing units - Given a function that models an exponential situation, rewrite the function in order to find its change for a different time unit.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Interpret change in exponential models: with manipulation - Given a function that models an exponential situation, rewrite the function in order to analyze its rate of change.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Factor polynomials: quadratic methods (challenge) - Factor "advanced" polynomials (i.e. polynomials of various degrees and or with two variables) using quadratic factorization methods.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Rewrite exponential expressions - Rewrite a given exponential expression in a specific desired form.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Quadratics by factoring - Solve quadratic equations of the form ax^2+bx+c=0 that can be rewritten according to their linear factors.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Equivalent forms of exponential expressions - Determine whether pairs of exponential expressions are equivalent.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Factor polynomials: quadratic methods (challenge) - Factor "advanced" polynomials (i.e. polynomials of various degrees and or with two variables) using quadratic factorization methods.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Interpret change in exponential models: with manipulation - Given a function that models an exponential situation, rewrite the function in order to analyze its rate of change.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Interpret change in exponential models: changing units - Given a function that models an exponential situation, rewrite the function in order to find its change for a different time unit.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Quadratics by factoring (intro) - Solve quadratic equations of the form x^2+bx+c=0 that can be rewritten according to their linear factors.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Completing the square (intro) - Practice the method of completing the square with quadratic expressions.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Solve equations using structure - Solve advanced equations by strategically using quadratic factorization methods.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Find zeros of polynomials - Use various methods in order to find all the zeros of polynomial expressions or functions.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Features of quadratic functions: strategy - Identify the form of a quadratic function that immediately reveals a given feature of that function. Features in question are the y-intercept of the graph, the zeroes ("roots") of the function, and the vertex of the parabola.

Standard IF.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Rewrite exponential expressions - Rewrite a given exponential expression in a specific desired form.


Standard IF.9

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Compare features of functions - Compare various features between two functions, each represented in a different way.

Standard IF.9

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Comparing linear functions word problem - Compare features of two real-world relationships that can be modeled by linear functions, where the functions are represented in different ways.

Standard IF.9

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Compare linear functions - Compare features of two linear functions represented in different ways.

Standard IF.9

Common Core Area - Interpreting Functions

Skill - Compare quadratic functions - Compare the properties of two quadratic functions, each represented in a different way.


Standard LE.1

Common Core Area - Linear Quadratic and Exponential Models

Skill - Sequences word problems - Given a verbal description of a real-world relationship, determine the sequence that models that relationship.

Standard LE.1

Common Core Area - Linear Quadratic and Exponential Models

Skill - Exponential vs. linear. models - Given a description of a real-world relationship, determine whether that relationship is linear or exponential.

Standard LE.1

Common Core Area - Linear Quadratic and Exponential Models

Skill - Linear vs. exponential growth: from data - Given a table with values of two quantities over time, determine whether the quantities form grow linearly or exponentially.

Standard LE.1

Common Core Area - Linear Quadratic and Exponential Models

Skill - Sequences word problems - Given a verbal description of a real-world relationship, determine the sequence that models that relationship.

Standard LE.1

Common Core Area - Linear Quadratic and Exponential Models

Skill - Exponential vs. linear. models - Given a description of a real-world relationship, determine whether that relationship is linear or exponential.

Standard LE.1

Common Core Area - Linear Quadratic and Exponential Models

Skill - Linear vs. exponential growth: from data - Given a table with values of two quantities over time, determine whether the quantities form grow linearly or exponentially.

Standard LE.1

Common Core Area - Linear Quadratic and Exponential Models

Skill - Sequences word problems - Given a verbal description of a real-world relationship, determine the sequence that models that relationship.

Standard LE.1

Common Core Area - Linear Quadratic and Exponential Models

Skill - Exponential vs. linear. models - Given a description of a real-world relationship, determine whether that relationship is linear or exponential.

Standard LE.1

Common Core Area - Linear Quadratic and Exponential Models

Skill - Linear vs. exponential growth: from data - Given a table with values of two quantities over time, determine whether the quantities form grow linearly or exponentially.

Standard LE.1

Common Core Area - Linear Quadratic and Exponential Models

Skill - Sequences word problems - Given a verbal description of a real-world relationship, determine the sequence that models that relationship.

Standard LE.1

Common Core Area - Linear Quadratic and Exponential Models

Skill - Exponential vs. linear. models - Given a description of a real-world relationship, determine whether that relationship is linear or exponential.

Standard LE.1

Common Core Area - Linear Quadratic and Exponential Models

Skill - Linear vs. exponential growth: from data - Given a table with values of two quantities over time, determine whether the quantities form grow linearly or exponentially.

Standard LE.2

Common Core Area - Linear Quadratic and Exponential Models

Skill - Slope-intercept equation from graph - Practice finding the slope-intercept equation of a line from its graph.


Standard LE.2

Common Core Area - Linear Quadratic and Exponential Models

Skill - Slope-intercept from two points - Practice finding the equation of a line passing through two points

Standard LE.2

Common Core Area - Linear Quadratic and Exponential Models

Skill - Linear equations in any form - You've had practice with a few different forms of linear equations. Now use your skills.

Standard LE.2

Common Core Area - Linear Quadratic and Exponential Models

Skill - Explicit formulas for arithmetic sequences - Solve problems such as: The first four terms in an arithmetic sequence are 12, 5, -2, and -9. Find an explicit formula for the sequence.

Standard LE.2

Common Core Area - Linear Quadratic and Exponential Models

Skill - Horizontal & vertical lines - Practice your knowledge of horizontal and vertical lines: their graphical presentation, their slopes, and their equations.

Standard LE.2

Common Core Area - Linear Quadratic and Exponential Models

Skill - Slope from graph - Find the slope of a line on the coordinate plane.

Standard LE.2

Common Core Area - Linear Quadratic and Exponential Models

Skill - Exponential functions from tables & graphs - Write exponential functions of the basic form f(x)=a⋅rˣ, either when given a table with two input-output pairs, or when given the graph of the function.

Standard LE.2

Common Core Area - Linear Quadratic and Exponential Models

Skill - Sequences word problems - Given a verbal description of a real-world relationship, determine the sequence that models that relationship.

Standard LE.2

Common Core Area - Linear Quadratic and Exponential Models

Skill - Construct exponential models - Given a verbal description of the rate of change of a real world situation, find the exponential function that models it.

Standard LE.2

Common Core Area - Linear Quadratic and Exponential Models

Skill - Recursive formulas for arithmetic sequences - Find the recursive formula of an arithmetic sequence given the first few terms.

Standard LE.2

Common Core Area - Linear Quadratic and Exponential Models

Skill - Recursive formulas for geometric sequences - Find the recursive formula of a geometric sequence given the first few terms or given an explicit formula.

Standard LE.2

Common Core Area - Linear Quadratic and Exponential Models

Skill - Explicit formulas for geometric sequences - Solve problems such as: The first four terms in a geometric sequence are 1/3, 1, 3, and 9. Find an explicit formula for the sequence.

Standard LE.2

Common Core Area - Linear Quadratic and Exponential Models

Skill - Point-slope form - Write equations in point-slope form given two pairs of values, and convert the equation into slope-intercept form.

Standard LE.2

Common Core Area - Linear Quadratic and Exponential Models

Skill - Linear models word problems - Solve general word problems about real-world relationships that can be modeled by linear equations or functions.

Standard LE.2

Common Core Area - Linear Quadratic and Exponential Models

Skill - Writing linear functions word problems - Find a linear function that represents a real-world relationship that is given verbally.

Standard LE.2

Common Core Area - Linear Quadratic and Exponential Models

Skill - Slope-intercept intro - Practice your basic understanding of slope-intercept form for linear equations.


Standard LE.3

Common Core Area - Linear Quadratic and Exponential Models

Skill - Exponential vs. linear growth over time - Practice analyzing the end behavior of two functions that model similar real-world relationship, where one function is exponential and the other is polynomial.


Standard LE.4

Common Core Area - Linear Quadratic and Exponential Models

Skill - Solve exponential equations using logarithms: base-10 and base-e - Solve exponential equations that have 10 or e at the base of the exponential term.

Standard LE.4

Common Core Area - Linear Quadratic and Exponential Models

Skill - Evaluate logarithms: change of base rule - Evaluate any logarithm in a calculator with the use of the change of base formula. Example: Evaluate logâ‚…(100).

Standard LE.4

Common Core Area - Linear Quadratic and Exponential Models

Skill - Solve exponential equations using logarithms: base-2 and other bases - Solve exponential equations that have 2 or other numbers at the base of the exponential term.

Standard LE.4

Common Core Area - Linear Quadratic and Exponential Models

Skill - Exponential model word problems - Solve word problems about exponential situations.


Standard LE.5

Common Core Area - Linear Quadratic and Exponential Models

Skill - Interpret change in exponential models - Given a function that models an exponential situation, find the factor by which the quantity changes per unit time interval.

Standard LE.5

Common Core Area - Linear Quadratic and Exponential Models

Skill - Linear equations word problems - Solve word problems about real world relationships that are given in formulas.

Standard LE.5

Common Core Area - Linear Quadratic and Exponential Models

Skill - Interpret change in exponential models: with manipulation - Given a function that models an exponential situation, rewrite the function in order to analyze its rate of change.

Standard LE.5

Common Core Area - Linear Quadratic and Exponential Models

Skill - Comparing linear functions word problem - Compare features of two real-world relationships that can be modeled by linear functions, where the functions are represented in different ways.

Standard LE.5

Common Core Area - Linear Quadratic and Exponential Models

Skill - Interpret change in exponential models: changing units - Given a function that models an exponential situation, rewrite the function in order to find its change for a different time unit.

Standard LE.5

Common Core Area - Linear Quadratic and Exponential Models

Skill - Interpret time in exponential models - Given a function that models an exponential situation, find the time interval over which the quantity changes by a given factor.

Standard LE.5

Common Core Area - Linear Quadratic and Exponential Models

Skill - Linear models word problems - Solve general word problems about real-world relationships that can be modeled by linear equations or functions.


Standard TF.1

Common Core Area - Trigonometric Functions

Skill - Coming Soon -


Standard TF.2

Common Core Area - Trigonometric Functions

Skill - Coming Soon -


Standard TF.3

Common Core Area - Trigonometric Functions

Skill - Trig values of special angles - Find the sine and cosine of special angles, which are angles whose trig values we can determine without the use of a calculator.


Standard TF.4

Common Core Area - Trigonometric Functions

Skill - Coming Soon -


Standard TF.5

Common Core Area - Trigonometric Functions

Skill - Modeling with sinusoidal functions: phase shift - Given the description of a real-world relationship, find the sinusoidal function that models it. The functions in this exercise have a phase (horizontal) shift.

Standard TF.5

Common Core Area - Trigonometric Functions

Skill - Modeling with sinusoidal functions - Given the description of a real-world relationship, find the sinusoidal function that models it.

Standard TF.5

Common Core Area - Trigonometric Functions

Skill - Construct sinusoidal functions - Given a few features of a sinusoidal function, find its formula.


Standard TF.6

Common Core Area - Trigonometric Functions

Skill - Evaluate inverse trig functions - Given a sine, cosine, or tangent value, find the principle angle who has this value. In other words, find the arcsine, arccosine, or arctangent of that value.


Standard TF.7

Common Core Area - Trigonometric Functions

Skill - Solve sinusoidal equations (basic) - Solve equations of the form sin(x)=d or cos(x)=d where d is any number.

Standard TF.7

Common Core Area - Trigonometric Functions

Skill - Evaluate inverse trig functions - Given a sine, cosine, or tangent value, find the principle angle who has this value. In other words, find the arcsine, arccosine, or arctangent of that value.

Standard TF.7

Common Core Area - Trigonometric Functions

Skill - Sinusoidal models word problems - Solve word problems that involve real-world contexts that are modeled by sinusoidal functions.

Standard TF.7

Common Core Area - Trigonometric Functions

Skill - Solve sinusoidal equations - Solve equations of the form a*sin(bx+c)=d or a*cos(bx+c)=d where a, b, c, and d are any number.


Standard TF.8

Common Core Area - Trigonometric Functions

Skill - Use the Pythagorean identity - Given the sine (or cosine) of an angle, find its cosine (or sine) using the Pythagorean identity.


Standard TF.9

Common Core Area - Trigonometric Functions

Skill - Find trig values using angle addition identities - Find the trigonometric values of various angles that (while they are not special angles) can be expressed as the sum or difference of special angles.

Standard TF.9

Common Core Area - Trigonometric Functions

Skill - Using the trig angle addition identities - Find the trig values of sums of angles whose individual trig values are known.

Anchor LE.1
Anchor LE.2
Anchor LE.3
Anchor LE.4
Anchor LE.5
Anchor TF.1
Anchor TF.2
Anchor TF.3
Anchor TF.4
Anchor TF.5
Anchor TF.6
Anchor TF.7
Anchor TF.8
Anchor TF.9
Anchor IF.9

Standard C.1

Common Core Area - Circles

Skill - Coming Soon -


Standard C.2

Common Core Area - Circles

Skill - Inscribed angles - Practice the relationship between inscribed & central angles that are subtended by the same arc length.

Standard C.2

Common Core Area - Circles

Skill - Inscribed shapes - Find missing angles and lengths in inscribed shapes.

Standard C.2

Common Core Area - Circles

Skill - Tangents of circles problems - Solve problems related to tangents of circles.


Standard C.3

Common Core Area - Circles

Skill - Quiz: Inscribed quadrilaterals - Use the fact that opposite angles in an inscribed quadrilateral are supplementary to solve a few problems.


Standard C.4

Common Core Area - Circles

Skill - Coming Soon -


Standard C.5

Common Core Area - Circles

Skill - Radians & arc length - Solve problems related to radians and arc length like finding an arc length given the central angle and radius.

Standard C.5

Common Core Area - Circles

Skill - Arc measure - Use the fact that the arc measures of a circle must sum to 360 degrees to find missing arc measures.

Standard C.5

Common Core Area - Circles

Skill - Arc length - Relate the length of an arc to the circumference of a whole circle and the central angle subtended by the arc.

Standard C.5

Common Core Area - Circles

Skill - Radians & degrees - Convert angle measures given in degrees to radians and vice versa.

Standard C.5

Common Core Area - Circles

Skill - Area of a sector - Relate the area of a sector to the area of a whole circle.

Standard C.5

Common Core Area - Circles

Skill - Arc length - Relate the length of an arc to the circumference of a whole circle and the central angle subtended by the arc.

Standard C.5

Common Core Area - Circles

Skill - Arc measure with equations - Use the fact that the arc measures of a circle must sum to 360 degrees to find missing arc measures by setting up equations.


Standard CO.1

Common Core Area - Congruence

Skill - Geometric definitions -


Standard CO.2

Common Core Area - Congruence

Skill - Rigid transformations: preserved properties - Identify which properties of shapes remain the same after a rigid transformation (reflection, rotation, translation) has been applied.

Standard CO.2

Common Core Area - Congruence

Skill - Find measures using rigid transformations - Use your knowledge about the effects of rigid transformations to solve problems about figures and their images under transformations.

Standard CO.2

Common Core Area - Congruence

Skill - Sequences of transformations - Given a description of a sequence of transformations, determine whether it preserves segment length or angle measure.

Standard CO.2

Common Core Area - Congruence

Skill - Defining transformations - Given a description of the effect of a transformation, determine which rigid transformation it is.


Standard CO.3

Common Core Area - Congruence

Skill - Symmetry of 2D shapes - Analyze various shapes according to their reflective and rotational symmetries.


Standard CO.4

Common Core Area - Congruence

Skill - Defining transformations - Given a description of the effect of a transformation, determine which rigid transformation it is.

Standard CO.4

Common Core Area - Congruence

Skill - Identify transformations - Identify the transformation (translation, rotation, reflection, or dilation) that has been applied to a figure.


Standard CO.5

Common Core Area - Congruence

Skill - Reflect shapes - Given a figure and a definition of a reflection, manually draw the image.

Standard CO.5

Common Core Area - Congruence

Skill - Rotate shapes - Given a figure on the coordinate plane and the definition of a rotation about the origin, manually draw the image of that rotation.

Standard CO.5

Common Core Area - Congruence

Skill - Determine reflections (advanced) - Given two figures on the coordinate plane, draw the line of reflection that takes one figure to another.

Standard CO.5

Common Core Area - Congruence

Skill - Mapping shapes - Map a given shape into another using sequences of rigid transformations (translations, rotations, and/or reflections).

Standard CO.5

Common Core Area - Congruence

Skill - Translate shapes - Given a figure and a definition of a translation, manually draw the image.

Standard CO.5

Common Core Area - Congruence

Skill - Advanced reflections - Find the reflection that maps a given figure to another and draw the image of a reflection. The lines of reflection in this exercise have a wide range of slopes.

Standard CO.5

Common Core Area - Congruence

Skill - Rotate shapes: center ≠(0,0) - Given a figure on the coordinate plane and the definition of a rotation about an arbitrary point, manually draw the image of that rotation.

Standard CO.5

Common Core Area - Congruence

Skill - Identify transformations - Identify the transformation (translation, rotation, reflection, or dilation) that has been applied to a figure.

Standard CO.5

Common Core Area - Congruence

Skill - Reflect points - Given a point and a definition of a reflection, plot the reflection on a coordinate plane or identify the coordinates of the reflected point.

Standard CO.5

Common Core Area - Congruence

Skill - Determine reflections - Given a shape and its image under a reflection, determine the line of reflection.

Standard CO.5

Common Core Area - Congruence

Skill - Determine translations - Given two figures on the coordinate plane, find the formal definition of the translation that takes one figure to another.

Standard CO.5

Common Core Area - Congruence

Skill - Translate points - Given a point and a definition of a translation, plot the translation on a coordinate plane or identify the coordinates of the translated point.

Standard CO.5

Common Core Area - Congruence

Skill - Determine rotations - Given a figure on the coordinate plane and a center of a rotation, find the angle for the rotation that maps one figure to the other.


Standard CO.6

Common Core Area - Congruence

Skill - Rigid transformations: preserved properties - Identify which properties of shapes remain the same after a rigid transformation (reflection, rotation, translation) has been applied.

Standard CO.6

Common Core Area - Congruence

Skill - Find measures using rigid transformations - Use your knowledge about the effects of rigid transformations to solve problems about figures and their images under transformations.

Standard CO.6

Common Core Area - Congruence

Skill - Congruence & transformations - Given a pair of figures in the coordinate plane, try to map one onto the other and determine whether they are congruent.


Standard CO.7

Common Core Area - Congruence

Skill - Coming Soon -


Standard CO.8

Common Core Area - Congruence

Skill - Coming Soon -


Standard CO.9

Common Core Area - Congruence

Skill - Proofs with transformations - Explore different ways of proving some theorems about lines and angles. Some transformations are used.


Standard CO.10

Common Core Area - Congruence

Skill - Coming Soon -


Standard CO.11

Common Core Area - Congruence

Skill - Coming Soon -


Standard CO.12

Common Core Area - Congruence

Skill - Coming Soon -


Standard CO.13

Common Core Area - Congruence

Skill - Coming Soon -


Standard GMD.1

Common Core Area - Geometric Measurement and Dimension

Skill - Coming Soon -


Standard GMD.2

Common Core Area - Geometric Measurement and Dimension

Skill - Coming Soon -


Standard GMD.3

Common Core Area - Geometric Measurement and Dimension

Skill - Density word problems - Solve problems concerning real-world situations using your knowledge of volume, surface area, and density.

Standard GMD.3

Common Core Area - Geometric Measurement and Dimension

Skill - Solid geometry - Find volumes and surface areas of boxes, cylinders, & triangular prisms.

Standard GMD.3

Common Core Area - Geometric Measurement and Dimension

Skill - Solid geometry word problems - Solve problems concerning real-world situations with the volumes of cones, cylinders, and spheres.


Standard GMD.4

Common Core Area - Geometric Measurement and Dimension

Skill - Cross sections of 3D objects (basic) - Match 3D objects with their 2D cross-sections.

Standard GMD.4

Common Core Area - Geometric Measurement and Dimension

Skill - Cross sections of 3D objects - Practice your knowledge of all possible cross-sections of common 3D objects.

Standard GMD.4

Common Core Area - Geometric Measurement and Dimension

Skill - Rotate 2D shapes in 3D - Practice your 3D visualization skills by rotating 2D shapes.


Standard GPE.1

Common Core Area - Expressing Geometric Properties with Equations

Skill - Features of a circle from its expanded equation - Find the center and radius of a circle given the equation in expanded form.

Standard GPE.1

Common Core Area - Expressing Geometric Properties with Equations

Skill - Write standard equation of a circle - Given the graph of a circle or its features, find its standard equation.

Standard GPE.1

Common Core Area - Expressing Geometric Properties with Equations

Skill - Graph a circle from its expanded equation - Given the expanded equation of a circle, graph the circle. For example, graph the circle whose equation is x²+y²+4x+8y+16=0.

Standard GPE.1

Common Core Area - Expressing Geometric Properties with Equations

Skill - Graph a circle from its standard equation - Given the standard form equation of a circle, graph the circle. For example, graph the circle who's equation is (x+5)²+(y+2)²=4.

Standard GPE.1

Common Core Area - Expressing Geometric Properties with Equations

Skill - Features of a circle from its graph - Given the graph of a circle, find its center and radius.

Standard GPE.1

Common Core Area - Expressing Geometric Properties with Equations

Skill - Features of a circle from its standard equation - Find the center and radius of a circle given the equation in standard form.

Standard GPE.1

Common Core Area - Expressing Geometric Properties with Equations

Skill - Graph a circle from its features - Given information about the center and radius of a circle, graph it.


Standard GPE.2

Common Core Area - Expressing Geometric Properties with Equations

Skill - Equation of a parabola from focus & directrix - Given the focus and the directrix of a parabola, find its equation.


Standard GPE.3

Common Core Area - Expressing Geometric Properties with Equations

Skill - Equation of a hyperbola from features - Given some features of a hyperbola, find its equation.

Standard GPE.3

Common Core Area - Expressing Geometric Properties with Equations

Skill - Foci of a hyperbola from equation - Given the equation of a hyperbola, find its foci.

Standard GPE.3

Common Core Area - Expressing Geometric Properties with Equations

Skill - Center & radii of ellipses from equation - Find the center and major and minor radius of an ellipse given its equation.

Standard GPE.3

Common Core Area - Expressing Geometric Properties with Equations

Skill - Foci of an ellipse from equation - Given the equation of an ellipse, find its foci.

Standard GPE.3

Common Core Area - Expressing Geometric Properties with Equations

Skill - Graph & features of ellipses - Find the center and radii of an ellipse from its graph, and vice versa.

Standard GPE.3

Common Core Area - Expressing Geometric Properties with Equations

Skill - Equation of an ellipse from features - Given the foci of an ellipse (and some other feature), find its equation.

Standard GPE.3

Common Core Area - Expressing Geometric Properties with Equations

Skill - Foci of an ellipse from radii - Given the major and minor radii of an ellipse, find its foci.

Standard GPE.3

Common Core Area - Expressing Geometric Properties with Equations

Skill - Ellipse standard equation & graph - Given the graph of an ellipse, find its equation, and vice versa.

Standard GPE.3

Common Core Area - Expressing Geometric Properties with Equations

Skill - Vertices & direction of a hyperbola - Given the equation of a hyperbola, find its graph by considering its vertices and direction.


Standard GPE.4

Common Core Area - Expressing Geometric Properties with Equations

Skill - Points inside/outside/on a circle - Given the center and radius of a circle, determine if a point is inside of the circle, on the circle, or outside of the circle


Standard GPE.5

Common Core Area - Expressing Geometric Properties with Equations

Skill - Write equations of parallel & perpendicular lines - Write the equation for a line that is a parallel or perpendicular to a line given in slope-intercept form and goes through a specific point.

Standard GPE.5

Common Core Area - Expressing Geometric Properties with Equations

Skill - Parallel & perpendicular lines from graph - Given points that two lines go through or the graph of each line, classify the lines as parallel, perpendicular, or neither.

Standard GPE.5

Common Core Area - Expressing Geometric Properties with Equations

Skill - Parallel & perpendicular lines from equation - Use your knowledge about the slopes of parallel and perpendicular lines to solve some problems. For example, what's the equation of the line perpendicular to y=3x-3 and passes through the point (-8, -2).


Standard GPE.6

Common Core Area - Expressing Geometric Properties with Equations

Skill - Divide line segments - Figure out the coordinates of a point between two other points that give a certain ratio. For example, find a point C so that it is two thirds of the way between point A and B.

Standard GPE.6

Common Core Area - Expressing Geometric Properties with Equations

Skill - Midpoint formula - Find the midpoint of a segment on the coordinate plane, or find the endpoint of a segment given one point and the midpoint.


Standard GPE.7

Common Core Area - Expressing Geometric Properties with Equations

Skill - Area & perimeter on the coordinate plane - Find the area or perimeter of shapes like triangles, rectangles, parallelograms, and hexagons on the coordinate plane.

Standard GPE.7

Common Core Area - Expressing Geometric Properties with Equations

Skill - Coordinate plane word problems: polygons - Solve all sorts of word problems with crazy contexts that use polygons on the coordinate plane.

Anchor C.1
Anchor C.2
Anchor C.3
Anchor C.4
Anchor C.5
Anchor CO.1
Anchor CO.2
Anchor CO.3
Anchor CO.4
Anchor CO.5
Anchor CO.6
Anchor CO.7
Anchor CO.8
Anchor CO.9
Anchor CO.10
Anchor CO.11
Anchor CO.12
Anchor CO.13
Anchor GMD.1
Anchor GMD.2
Anchor GMD.3
Anchor GMD.4
Anchor GPE.1
Anchor GPE.2
Anchor GPE.3
Anchor GPE.4
Anchor GPE.5
Anchor GPE.6
Anchor GPE.7

Standard MG.1

Common Core Area - Modeling with Geometry

Skill - Solid geometry word problems - Solve problems concerning real-world situations with the volumes of cones, cylinders, and spheres.


Standard MG.2

Common Core Area - Modeling with Geometry

Skill - Density word problems - Solve problems concerning real-world situations using your knowledge of volume, surface area, and density.


Standard MG.3

Common Core Area - Modeling with Geometry

Skill - Coming Soon -


Standard SRT.1

Common Core Area - Similarity Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Skill - Dilate triangles - Given a figure and a definition of a dilation, manually draw the image.

Standard SRT.1

Common Core Area - Similarity Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Skill - Dilate points - Use the interactive transformation tool to perform dilations.

Standard SRT.1

Common Core Area - Similarity Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Skill - Dilations: scale factor - Find both the center and the scale factor of a dilation that maps a given figure to another one.

Standard SRT.1

Common Core Area - Similarity Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Skill - Dilate triangles - Given a figure and a definition of a dilation, manually draw the image.

Standard SRT.1

Common Core Area - Similarity Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Skill - Dilate points - Use the interactive transformation tool to perform dilations.

Standard SRT.1

Common Core Area - Similarity Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Skill - Dilations: scale factor - Find both the center and the scale factor of a dilation that maps a given figure to another one.

Standard SRT.1

Common Core Area - Similarity Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Skill - Dilate triangles - Given a figure and a definition of a dilation, manually draw the image.

Standard SRT.1

Common Core Area - Similarity Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Skill - Dilate points - Use the interactive transformation tool to perform dilations.

Standard SRT.1

Common Core Area - Similarity Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Skill - Dilations: scale factor - Find both the center and the scale factor of a dilation that maps a given figure to another one.


Standard SRT.2

Common Core Area - Similarity Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Skill - Dilate triangles - Given a figure and a definition of a dilation, manually draw the image.

Standard SRT.2

Common Core Area - Similarity Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Skill - Similarity & transformations - Given two polygons, try to map one onto the other using angle-preserving transformations, and determine whether they are similar.

Standard SRT.2

Common Core Area - Similarity Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Skill - Dilations: scale factor - Find both the center and the scale factor of a dilation that maps a given figure to another one.


Standard SRT.3

Common Core Area - Similarity Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Skill - Coming Soon -


Standard SRT.4

Common Core Area - Similarity Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Skill - Coming Soon -


Standard SRT.5

Common Core Area - Similarity Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Skill - Find angles in isosceles triangles - Find missing angles in isosceles triangles given just one angle.

Standard SRT.5

Common Core Area - Similarity Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Skill - Use similar & congruent triangles - Solve geometry problems with various polygons by using all you know about similarity and congruence.

Standard SRT.5

Common Core Area - Similarity Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Skill - Solve similar triangles (basic) - Given two similar triangles and some of their side lengths, find a missing side length.

Standard SRT.5

Common Core Area - Similarity Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Skill - Find angles in congruent triangles - Given two triangles, determine whether they are congruent and use that to find missing angle measures.

Standard SRT.5

Common Core Area - Similarity Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Skill - Determine similar triangles: SSS - Given two triangles with some of their side measures, determine whether the triangles are similar or not.

Standard SRT.5

Common Core Area - Similarity Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Skill - Solve similar triangles (advanced) - Given two similar triangles and some of their side lengths, find a missing side length.

Standard SRT.5

Common Core Area - Similarity Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Skill - Solve triangles: angle bisector theorem - Use the angle bisector theorem to find missing side lengths in triangles.

Standard SRT.5

Common Core Area - Similarity Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Skill - Determine similar triangles: AA - Given two triangles with some of their angle measures, determine whether the triangles are similar or not.

Standard SRT.5

Common Core Area - Similarity Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Skill - Determine congruent triangles - Use the triangle congruence criteria SSS, SAS, ASA, and AAS to determine that two triangles are congruent.


Standard SRT.6

Common Core Area - Similarity Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Skill - DEPRECATED Trigonometry 1.5 - We took this down because we now have better material for you to use instead!

Standard SRT.6

Common Core Area - Similarity Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Skill - Solve for a side in right triangles - Given one side length and an acute angle in a right triangle, find another side using trigonometry.

Standard SRT.6

Common Core Area - Similarity Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Skill - Trigonometric ratios in right triangles - Given the side lengths of a right triangle, find the sine, cosine, or tangent of one of the acute angles.

Standard SRT.6

Common Core Area - Similarity Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Skill - DEPRECATED Trigonometry 0.5 - We took this down because we now have better material for you to use instead!

Standard SRT.6

Common Core Area - Similarity Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Skill - Reciprocal trig ratios - Understand the right triangle definition of sec, csc, and cot ratios.


Standard SRT.7

Common Core Area - Similarity Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Skill - Coming Soon -


Standard SRT.8

Common Core Area - Similarity Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Skill - Right triangle word problems - Solve word problems by modeling real-world (and not-so-real) situations as right triangles and using trigonometry.

Standard SRT.8

Common Core Area - Similarity Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Skill - Solve for a side in right triangles - Given one side length and an acute angle in a right triangle, find another side using trigonometry.

Standard SRT.8

Common Core Area - Similarity Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Skill - Trigonometric ratios in right triangles - Given the side lengths of a right triangle, find the sine, cosine, or tangent of one of the acute angles.

Standard SRT.8

Common Core Area - Similarity Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Skill - Special right triangles - Use your knowledge of 30-60-90 and 45-45-90 triangles to solve some problems.

Standard SRT.8

Common Core Area - Similarity Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Skill - Solve for an angle in right triangles - Given two sides in a right triangle, find one of the acute angles using trigonometry.

Standard SRT.9

Common Core Area - Similarity Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Skill - Coming Soon -

Standard SRT.10

Common Core Area - Similarity Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Skill - Solve triangles using the law of sines - Solve missing triangle measures using the law of sines.

Standard SRT.10

Common Core Area - Similarity Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Skill - General triangle word problems - Solve word problems that involve general triangles using trigonometry.

Standard SRT.10

Common Core Area - Similarity Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Skill - Solve triangles using the law of cosines - Solve missing triangle measures using the law of cosines.


Standard SRT.11

Common Core Area - Similarity Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Skill - Solve triangles using the law of sines - Solve missing triangle measures using the law of sines.

Standard SRT.11

Common Core Area - Similarity Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Skill - General triangle word problems - Solve word problems that involve general triangles using trigonometry.

Standard SRT.11

Common Core Area - Similarity Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Skill - Solve triangles using the law of cosines - Solve missing triangle measures using the law of cosines.

Standard CN.1

Common Core Area - The Complex Number System

Skill - Simplify roots of negative numbers - Rewrite square roots of negative numbers as imaginary numbers.

Standard CN.1

Common Core Area - The Complex Number System

Skill - Parts of complex numbers - Determine the real and the imaginary parts of complex numbers

Standard CN.1

Common Core Area - The Complex Number System

Skill - Classify complex numbers - Classify numbers as real, pure imaginary, or complex.


Standard CN.2

Common Core Area - The Complex Number System

Skill - Powers of the imaginary unit - Simplify expressions with base i (the imaginary unit) raised to a positive exponent.

Standard CN.2

Common Core Area - The Complex Number System

Skill - Multiply complex numbers (basic) - Multiply complex numbers by single terms that are either real or pure imaginary.

Standard CN.2

Common Core Area - The Complex Number System

Skill - Multiply complex numbers - Given two complex numbers, find their product.

Standard CN.2

Common Core Area - The Complex Number System

Skill - Add & subtract complex numbers - Practice addition and subtraction with complex numbers.


Standard CN.3

Common Core Area - The Complex Number System

Skill - Divide complex numbers - Given a complex number division, express the result as a complex number of the form a+bi.

Standard CN.3

Common Core Area - The Complex Number System

Skill - Complex number conjugates - Given a complex number, find its conjugate or plot it in the complex plane.


Standard CN.4

Common Core Area - The Complex Number System

Skill - Graphically add & subtract complex numbers - Add or subtract complex numbers, and plot the result in the complex plane.

Standard CN.4

Common Core Area - The Complex Number System

Skill - Polar & rectangular forms of complex numbers - Given a complex number in rectangular form, write it in polar form. Given a complex number in polar form, write it in rectangular form.

Standard CN.4

Common Core Area - The Complex Number System

Skill - Absolute value of complex numbers - Given a complex number in the form a+bi, find its absolute value.

Standard CN.4

Common Core Area - The Complex Number System

Skill - Plot numbers on the complex plane - Given a complex number, plot its corresponding point on the complex plane.

Standard CN.4

Common Core Area - The Complex Number System

Skill - Complex numbers from absolute value & angle - Given the absolute value and the angle of a complex number, express the number in the form a+bi.

Standard CN.4

Common Core Area - The Complex Number System

Skill - Angle of complex numbers - Given a complex number of the form a+bi, find its angle.


Standard CN.5

Common Core Area - The Complex Number System

Skill - Complex number conjugates - Given a complex number, find its conjugate or plot it in the complex plane.

Standard CN.5

Common Core Area - The Complex Number System

Skill - Graphically add & subtract complex numbers - Add or subtract complex numbers, and plot the result in the complex plane.

Standard CN.5

Common Core Area - The Complex Number System

Skill - Powers of complex numbers - Simplify a power of a complex number z^n, or solve an equation of the form z^n=k.

Standard CN.5

Common Core Area - The Complex Number System

Skill - Multiply & divide complex numbers in polar form - Given two complex numbers in polar form, find their product or quotient.


Standard CN.6

Common Core Area - The Complex Number System

Skill - Midpoint of complex numbers - Given two complex numbers (either algebraically or graphically), find their midpoint.

Standard CN.6

Common Core Area - The Complex Number System

Skill - Distance of complex numbers - Given two complex numbers (either algebraically or graphically), find their distance.


Standard CN.7

Common Core Area - The Complex Number System

Skill - Solve quadratic equations: complex solutions - Solve quadratic equations using the quadratic formula. Some of the equations have real solutions while others have complex solutions.


Standard CN.8

Common Core Area - The Complex Number System

Skill - Factor polynomials: complex numbers - Identify correctly factored forms of given polynomials. Factorizations may use complex numbers.


Standard CN.9

Common Core Area - The Complex Number System

Skill - Coming Soon -


Standard Q.1

Common Core Area - Quantities

Skill - Interpret units in formulas - Determine the appropriate unit of a quantity based on a formula containing that quantity.

Standard Q.1

Common Core Area - Quantities

Skill - Multiple units word problems - Solve word problems that contain multiple quantities that are measured in different units.


Standard Q.2

Common Core Area - Quantities

Skill - Coming Soon -


Standard Q.3

Common Core Area - Quantities

Skill - Coming Soon -


Standard RN.1

Common Core Area - The Real Number System

Skill - Coming Soon -


Standard RN.2

Common Core Area - The Real Number System

Skill - Properties of exponents challenge (rational exponents) - Rewrite some elaborate exponential expressions that involve fractional exponents and radicals.

Standard RN.2

Common Core Area - The Real Number System

Skill - Unit-fraction exponents - Evaluate numerical expressions with unit-fraction exponents or radicals, and convert between the two forms of representations.

Standard RN.2

Common Core Area - The Real Number System

Skill - Evaluate radical expressions challenge - Evaluate numerical radical expressions using the properties of exponents.

Standard RN.2

Common Core Area - The Real Number System

Skill - Properties of exponents (rational exponents) - Rewrite exponential expressions (where the exponent can be a fraction) using the properties of exponents.

Standard RN.2

Common Core Area - The Real Number System

Skill - Simplify square roots - For example, simplify √18 as 3√2.

Standard RN.2

Common Core Area - The Real Number System

Skill - Simplify square-root expressions - Practice simplifying expressions with multiple radical terms.

Standard RN.2

Common Core Area - The Real Number System

Skill - Rational exponents challenge - Choose equivalent forms of radical and exponential expressions.

Standard RN.2

Common Core Area - The Real Number System

Skill - Fractional exponents - Evaluate numerical expressions with rational exponents, and convert between equivalent forms of exponential and radical expressions.

Standard RN.2

Common Core Area - The Real Number System

Skill - 4th & 5th roots - Radicals are also known as roots. The most common are square root √ and cube root ∛, but there are more. Evaluate higher-degree radicals like ∜81.

Standard RN.2

Common Core Area - The Real Number System

Skill - Simplify square-roots (variables) - Simplify square roots that contain variables in them, like √(8x³)


Standard RN.3

Common Core Area - The Real Number System

Skill - Rational vs. irrational expressions - Determine whether an expression that is the combination of two rational/irrational numbers is rational or irrational itself.


Standard VM.1

Common Core Area - Vector and Matrix Quantities

Skill - Magnitude of vectors - Find the magnitude of a vector. You'll see vectors given in graphs, given in component form, and given by initial and terminal points.

Standard VM.1

Common Core Area - Vector and Matrix Quantities

Skill - Equivalent vectors - Determine if two vectors shown on a graph are equivalent.


Standard VM.2

Common Core Area - Vector and Matrix Quantities

Skill - Components of vectors - Find the components of a vector.


Standard VM.3

Common Core Area - Vector and Matrix Quantities

Skill - Vector word problems - Apply what you've learned about vectors to solve some word problems!


Standard VM.4

Common Core Area - Vector and Matrix Quantities

Skill - Add & subtract vectors - Add and subtract vectors given in component form.

Standard VM.4

Common Core Area - Vector and Matrix Quantities

Skill - Graphically add & subtract vectors - Analyze graphs that represent vector addition & subtraction.

Standard VM.4

Common Core Area - Vector and Matrix Quantities

Skill - Add & subtract vectors - Add and subtract vectors given in component form.

Standard VM.4

Common Core Area - Vector and Matrix Quantities

Skill - Add vectors: magnitude & direction to component - Add two vectors in magnitude and direction form to get a new vector in component form.

Standard VM.4

Common Core Area - Vector and Matrix Quantities

Skill - Graphically add & subtract vectors - Analyze graphs that represent vector addition & subtraction.

Standard VM.4

Common Core Area - Vector and Matrix Quantities

Skill - Add & subtract vectors - Add and subtract vectors given in component form.

Standard VM.4

Common Core Area - Vector and Matrix Quantities

Skill - Add vectors: magnitude & direction to component - Add two vectors in magnitude and direction form to get a new vector in component form.

Standard VM.4

Common Core Area - Vector and Matrix Quantities

Skill - Graphically add & subtract vectors - Analyze graphs that represent vector addition & subtraction.

Standard VM.4

Common Core Area - Vector and Matrix Quantities

Skill - Add & subtract vectors - Add and subtract vectors given in component form.

Standard VM.4

Common Core Area - Vector and Matrix Quantities

Skill - Add vectors: magnitude & direction to component - Add two vectors in magnitude and direction form to get a new vector in component form.

Standard VM.4

Common Core Area - Vector and Matrix Quantities

Skill - Graphically add & subtract vectors - Analyze graphs that represent vector addition & subtraction.

Standard VM.4

Common Core Area - Vector and Matrix Quantities

Skill - Add vectors: magnitude & direction to component - Add two vectors in magnitude and direction form to get a new vector in component form.


Standard VM.5

Common Core Area - Vector and Matrix Quantities

Skill - Analyze scalar multiplication - Match vectors to images based on scalars to show that you understand scalar multiplication.

Standard VM.5

Common Core Area - Vector and Matrix Quantities

Skill - Unit vectors - Find a unit vector in the direction of a given vector.

Standard VM.5

Common Core Area - Vector and Matrix Quantities

Skill - Analyze scalar multiplication - Match vectors to images based on scalars to show that you understand scalar multiplication.

Standard VM.5

Common Core Area - Vector and Matrix Quantities

Skill - Unit vectors - Find a unit vector in the direction of a given vector.

Standard VM.5

Common Core Area - Vector and Matrix Quantities

Skill - Analyze scalar multiplication - Match vectors to images based on scalars to show that you understand scalar multiplication.

Standard VM.5

Common Core Area - Vector and Matrix Quantities

Skill - Unit vectors - Find a unit vector in the direction of a given vector.

Standard VM.6

Common Core Area - Vector and Matrix Quantities

Skill - Matrix elements - Find specific elements (also called entries) of given matrices.


Standard VM.7

Common Core Area - Vector and Matrix Quantities

Skill - Multiply matrices by scalars - Find the matrix that is a result of multiplying a given matrix by a given scalar.

Standard VM.7

Common Core Area - Vector and Matrix Quantities

Skill - Matrix equations: scalar multiplication - Solve equations where the unknown is a matrix, by using matrix multiplication by a scalar.


Standard VM.8

Common Core Area - Vector and Matrix Quantities

Skill - Multiply matrices - Find the result of a multiplication of two given matrices.

Standard VM.8

Common Core Area - Vector and Matrix Quantities

Skill - Matrix equations: addition & subtraction - Solve equations where the unknown is a matrix, by using matrix addition and subtraction.

Standard VM.8

Common Core Area - Vector and Matrix Quantities

Skill - Determinant of a 2x2 matrix - Find the determinant of a given 2x2 matrix.

Standard VM.8

Common Core Area - Vector and Matrix Quantities

Skill - Add & subtract matrices - Find the matrix that is the result of the addition or subtraction of two given matrices.


Standard VM.9

Common Core Area - Vector and Matrix Quantities

Skill - Coming Soon -

Standard VM.10

Common Core Area - Vector and Matrix Quantities

Skill - Determine invertible matrices - Given a 2x2 matrix, determine whether it has an inverse.


Standard VM.11

Common Core Area - Vector and Matrix Quantities

Skill - Transform vectors using matrices - Find the result (both algebraically and graphically) of transforming a vector using a transformation matrix.


Standard VM.12

Common Core Area - Vector and Matrix Quantities

Skill - Matrices as transformations - Match transformation matrices with a visual representation of their effect on the plane.

Standard VM.12

Common Core Area - Vector and Matrix Quantities

Skill - Transform polygons using matrices - Find the image of a given polygon under a transformation defined by a given matrix.

Standard CP.1

Common Core Area - Conditional Probability & the Rules of Probability

Skill - Subsets of sample spaces - Answer interesting questions about subsets of sample spaces.

Standard CP.1

Common Core Area - Conditional Probability & the Rules of Probability

Skill - Basic set notation - The union, complement, and intersection of sets.


Standard CP.2

Common Core Area - Conditional Probability & the Rules of Probability

Skill - Dependent and independent events - Determine if two events are dependent or independent.


Standard CP.3

Common Core Area - Conditional Probability & the Rules of Probability

Skill - Dependent and independent events - Determine if two events are dependent or independent.


Standard CP.4

Common Core Area - Conditional Probability & the Rules of Probability

Skill - Trends in categorical data - Analyze categorical data to find some trends.


Standard CP.5

Common Core Area - Conditional Probability & the Rules of Probability

Skill - Trends in categorical data - Analyze categorical data to find some trends.


Standard CP.6

Common Core Area - Conditional Probability & the Rules of Probability

Skill - Dependent probability - Find dependent probabilities like P(A | B) or P(B | A) for a variety of contexts.

Standard CP.6

Common Core Area - Conditional Probability & the Rules of Probability

Skill - Trends in categorical data - Analyze categorical data to find some trends.


Standard CP.7

Common Core Area - Conditional Probability & the Rules of Probability

Skill - Adding probabilities - Find four probabilities for each problem: P(A), P(B), P(A and B), and P(A or B).


Standard CP.8

Common Core Area - Conditional Probability & the Rules of Probability

Skill - Multiplying dependent probabilities - Use properties of dependent probability like P(A | B) * P(B) = P(A and B) to solve some tricky probability problems!


Standard CP.9

Common Core Area - Conditional Probability & the Rules of Probability

Skill - Permutations & combinations - Permutations and Combinations with overcounting

Standard CP.9

Common Core Area - Conditional Probability & the Rules of Probability

Skill - Combinations - Introductory combination problems like if you have 5 friends and can pick 2 of them to join you on a boat ride, how many different groups of friends could you take with you?

Standard CP.9

Common Core Area - Conditional Probability & the Rules of Probability

Skill - Permutations - Introductory permutation problems.

Standard CP.9

Common Core Area - Conditional Probability & the Rules of Probability

Skill - Probability with permutations and combinations - Probability questions using permutations and combinations of objects

Anchor MG.1
Anchor MG.2
Anchor MG.3
Anchor SRT.1
Anchor SRT.2
Anchor SRT.3
Anchor SRT.4
Anchor SRT.5
Anchor SRT.6
Anchor SRT.7
Anchor SRT.8
Anchor SRT.9
Anchor SRT.10
Anchor SRT.11
Anchor CN.1
Anchor CN.2
Anchor CN.3
Anchor CN.4
Anchor CN.5
Anchor CN.6
Anchor CN.7
Anchor CN.8
Anchor CN.9
Anchor Q.1
Anchor Q.2
Anchor Q.3
Anchor RN.1
Anchor RN.2
Anchor RN.3
Anchor VM.1
Anchor VM.2
Anchor VM.3
Anchor VM.4
Anchor VM.5
Anchor VM.6
Anchor VM.7
Anchor VM.8
Anchor VM.9
Anchor VM.10
Anchor VM.11
Anchor VM.12
Anchor CP.1
Anchor CP.2
Anchor CP.3
Anchor CP.4
Anchor CP.5
Anchor CP.6
Anchor CP.7
Anchor CP.8
Anchor CP.9

Standard IC.1

Common Core Area - Making Inferences and Justifying Conclusions

Skill - Coming Soon -


Standard IC.2

Common Core Area - Making Inferences and Justifying Conclusions

Skill - Simple hypothesis testing - Show that you have mastery over the idea behind hypothesis testing by calculating some probabilities and drawing conclusions.


Standard IC.3

Common Core Area - Making Inferences and Justifying Conclusions

Skill - Types of statistical studies - Determines if a statistical study is a sample study, an experiment, or an observational study.


Standard IC.4

Common Core Area - Making Inferences and Justifying Conclusions

Skill - Coming Soon -


Standard IC.5

Common Core Area - Making Inferences and Justifying Conclusions

Skill - Hypothesis testing in experiments - Look at the results of different experiments, and determine if they are statistically significant.


Standard IC.6

Common Core Area - Making Inferences and Justifying Conclusions

Skill - Types of statistical studies - Determines if a statistical study is a sample study, an experiment, or an observational study.


Standard ID.1

Common Core Area - Interpreting Categorical and Quantitative Data

Skill - Comparing data distributions - Take a look at two different data distributions and draw some comparisons.


Standard ID.2

Common Core Area - Interpreting Categorical and Quantitative Data

Skill - Comparing data distributions - Take a look at two different data distributions and draw some comparisons.

Standard ID.2

Common Core Area - Interpreting Categorical and Quantitative Data

Skill - Standard deviation of a population - Calculate the standard deviation of a population.


Standard ID.3

Common Core Area - Interpreting Categorical and Quantitative Data

Skill - Comparing data distributions - Take a look at two different data distributions and draw some comparisons.


Standard ID.4

Common Core Area - Interpreting Categorical and Quantitative Data

Skill - Normal distribution: Area above or below a point - Use a z-table to find the area above or below a given point in some Normal distribution.

Standard ID.4

Common Core Area - Interpreting Categorical and Quantitative Data

Skill - Empirical rule - Practice applying the 68-95-99.7 empirical rule.

Standard ID.4

Common Core Area - Interpreting Categorical and Quantitative Data

Skill - Z-scores 1 - Find the z-score of a particular measurement given the mean and standard deviation.

Standard ID.4

Common Core Area - Interpreting Categorical and Quantitative Data

Skill - Normal distribution: Area between two points - Use a z-table to find the area between two given points in some normal distribution.


Standard ID.5

Common Core Area - Interpreting Categorical and Quantitative Data

Skill - Trends in categorical data - Analyze categorical data to find some trends.


Standard ID.6

Common Core Area - Interpreting Categorical and Quantitative Data

Skill - Fitting quadratic and exponential functions to scatter plots - Determine if a quadratic or exponential model fits a data set better, then use the model to make a prediction.

Standard ID.6

Common Core Area - Interpreting Categorical and Quantitative Data

Skill - Fitting quadratic and exponential functions to scatter plots - Determine if a quadratic or exponential model fits a data set better, then use the model to make a prediction.

Standard ID.6

Common Core Area - Interpreting Categorical and Quantitative Data

Skill - Fitting quadratic and exponential functions to scatter plots - Determine if a quadratic or exponential model fits a data set better, then use the model to make a prediction.

Standard ID.6

Common Core Area - Interpreting Categorical and Quantitative Data

Skill - Fitting quadratic and exponential functions to scatter plots - Determine if a quadratic or exponential model fits a data set better, then use the model to make a prediction.


Standard ID.7

Common Core Area - Interpreting Categorical and Quantitative Data

Skill - Coming Soon -


Standard ID.8

Common Core Area - Interpreting Categorical and Quantitative Data

Skill - Correlation coefficient intuition - Match correlation coefficients to scatterplots to build a deeper intuition behind correlation coefficients.


Standard ID.9

Common Core Area - Interpreting Categorical and Quantitative Data

Skill - Types of statistical studies - Determines if a statistical study is a sample study, an experiment, or an observational study.


Standard MD.1

Common Core Area - Using Probability to Make Decisions

Skill - Constructing probability distributions - Given a context, create a probability distribution.


Standard MD.2

Common Core Area - Using Probability to Make Decisions

Skill - Expected value - Compute the expected value given a set of outcomes, probabilities, and payoffs


Standard MD.3

Common Core Area - Using Probability to Make Decisions

Skill - Expected value with calculated probabilities - Find expected value based on calculated probabilities.


Standard MD.4

Common Core Area - Using Probability to Make Decisions

Skill - Expected value with empirical probabilities - Find expected value based on empirical probabilities.


Standard MD.5

Common Core Area - Using Probability to Make Decisions

Skill - Expected value - Compute the expected value given a set of outcomes, probabilities, and payoffs

Standard MD.5

Common Core Area - Using Probability to Make Decisions

Skill - Making decisions with expected values - Calculate expected values and then use them to make decisions.

Standard MD.5

Common Core Area - Using Probability to Make Decisions

Skill - Expected value - Compute the expected value given a set of outcomes, probabilities, and payoffs

Standard MD.5

Common Core Area - Using Probability to Make Decisions

Skill - Making decisions with expected values - Calculate expected values and then use them to make decisions.

Standard MD.5

Common Core Area - Using Probability to Make Decisions

Skill - Expected value - Compute the expected value given a set of outcomes, probabilities, and payoffs

Standard MD.5

Common Core Area - Using Probability to Make Decisions

Skill - Making decisions with expected values - Calculate expected values and then use them to make decisions.


Standard MD.6

Common Core Area - Using Probability to Make Decisions

Skill - Using probability to make fair decisions - Determine if different methods are fair or unfair.


Standard MD.7

Common Core Area - Using Probability to Make Decisions

Skill - Using probability to make fair decisions - Determine if different methods are fair or unfair.

Standard MD.7

Common Core Area - Using Probability to Make Decisions

Skill - Making decisions with expected values - Calculate expected values and then use them to make decisions.

Anchor IC.1
Anchor IC.2
Anchor IC.3
Anchor IC.5
Anchor IC.4
Anchor IC.6
Anchor ID.1
Anchor ID.2
Anchor ID.4
Anchor ID.3
Anchor ID.5
Anchor ID.6
Anchor ID.7
Anchor ID.8
Anchor ID.9
Anchor MD.1
Anchor MD.2
Anchor MD.3
Anchor MD.4
Anchor MD.5
Anchor MD.6
Anchor MD.7
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