Reading & Writing Process

Students will use a variety of recursive reading and writing processes.
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Khan Academy CCSS Lesson Links
Standard K.CC.1
Common Core Area - Counting and Cardinality
Skill - Count tens - Practice counting by tens.
Standard K.CC.1
Common Core Area - Counting and Cardinality
Skill - Numbers to 100 - Practice finding missing numbers in a list of numbers between 0 and 100.
Standard K.CC.2
Common Core Area - Counting and Cardinality
Skill - Missing numbers - Find the missing number in a list of numbers. Numbers used are 20 or less.
Standard K.CC.3
Common Core Area - Counting and Cardinality
Skill - Coming Soon
Standard K.CC.4
Common Core Area - Counting and Cardinality
Skill - Count in order - Practice counting without making mistakes.
Standard K.CC.4
Common Core Area - Counting and Cardinality
Skill - Count in order - Practice counting without making mistakes.
Standard K.CC.4
Common Core Area - Counting and Cardinality
Skill - Find 1 more or 1 less than a number - Practice finding one more or one less than a number.
Standard K.CC.4
Common Core Area - Counting and Cardinality
Skill - Count in pictures - Practice counting objects in pictures.
Standard K.CC.4
Common Core Area - Counting and Cardinality
Skill - Count in order - Practice counting without making mistakes.
Standard K.CC.4
Common Core Area - Counting and Cardinality
Skill - Find 1 more or 1 less than a number - Practice finding one more or one less than a number.
Standard K.CC.4
Common Core Area - Counting and Cardinality
Skill - Count in pictures - Practice counting objects in pictures.
Standard K.CC.4
Common Core Area - Counting and Cardinality
Skill - Find 1 more or 1 less than a number - Practice finding one more or one less than a number.
Standard K.CC.4
Common Core Area - Counting and Cardinality
Skill - Count in pictures - Practice counting objects in pictures.
Standard K.CC.4
Common Core Area - Counting and Cardinality
Skill - Count in order - Practice counting without making mistakes.
Standard K.CC.4
Common Core Area - Counting and Cardinality
Skill - Find 1 more or 1 less than a number - Practice finding one more or one less than a number.
Standard K.CC.4
Common Core Area - Counting and Cardinality
Skill - Count in pictures - Practice counting objects in pictures.
Standard K.CC.5
Common Core Area - Counting and Cardinality
Skill - Count objects 1 - Practice counting up to 20 objects. Objects are organized neatly into rows and columns.
Standard K.CC.5
Common Core Area - Counting and Cardinality
Skill - Count with small numbers - Practice counting up to 10 objects.
Standard K.CC.5
Common Core Area - Counting and Cardinality
Skill - Count objects 2 - Practice counting up to 20 objects in random patterns.
Standard K.CC.6
Common Core Area - Counting and Cardinality
Skill - Compare numbers of objects 1 - Practice counting which group has more objects.
Standard K.CC.7
Common Core Area - Counting and Cardinality
Skill - Comparing numbers to 10 - Practice saying if one number is less than or greater than another number. Numbers are between 0 and 10.
Standard K.G.1
Common Core Area - Geometry
Skill - Relative position - Decide if objects are above, below, beside, in front of, or behind other objects.
Standard K.G.1
Common Core Area - Geometry
Skill - Name shapes 1 - Practice identifying circles, triangles, squares, and rectangles.
Standard K.G.2
Common Core Area - Geometry
Skill - Name shapes 2 - Practice more challenging problems identifying circles, triangles, squares, and rectangles.
Standard K.G.3
Common Core Area - GeometrySkill - Coming Soon
Standard K.G.4
Common Core Area - Geometry
Skill - Compare shapes - Practice comparing shapes based on their number of sides, number of corners, and side-lengths.
Standard K.G.5
Common Core Area - GeometrySkill - Coming Soon
Standard K.G.6
Common Core Area - Geometry
Skill - Compose shapes - Practice combining shapes to make other shapes.
Standard K.MD.1
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Coming Soon
Standard K.MD.2
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Compare size - Practice comparing 2 objects to see which is bigger, smaller, taller, shorter, or longer.
Standard K.MD.3
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Compare numbers of objects 2 - Practice counting to see which group has the most things in it.
Standard K.NBT.1
Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten
Skill - Teen numbers - Practice thinking of teen numbers as a ten plus some ones.
Standard K.OA.1
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Subtract within 10 - Practice subtracting by "taking apart" (with numbers less than 10).
Standard K.OA.1
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Add within 10 - Practice adding by "putting together" (with numbers less than 10).
Standard K.OA.2
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Subtraction word problems within 10 - Practice solving word problems by subtracting small numbers (numbers 10 or less).
Standard K.OA.2
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Addition word problems within 10 - Practice solving word problems by adding small numbers (numbers 10 or less).
Standard K.OA.3
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Making small numbers in different ways - Practice making a number by adding other numbers. All numbers in these problems are less than 10.
Standard K.OA.4
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Making 5 - Practice adding numbers to make 5.
Standard K.OA.4
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Make 10 - Practice adding numbers to make 10.
Standard K.OA.4
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Make 10 (grids and number bonds) - Practice adding numbers to make 10. These problems show grids to help you out.
Standard K.OA.5
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Subtract within 5 - Subtract small numbers. All answers are less than 5.
Standard K.OA.5
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Add within 5 - Add small numbers. All answers are five or less.