Reading & Writing Process

Students will use a variety of recursive reading and writing processes.
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7th ELA IXL CCSS Lesson Links
Create varied sentences based on models (7-M.2)
Use parallel structure (7-N.1)
Is it a complete sentence or a fragment? (7-Y.5)
Is it a complete sentence or a run-on? (7-Y.6)
Combine sentences using relative clauses (7-Z.5)
Use the pronoun that agrees with the antecedent (7-BB.2)
Identify vague pronoun references (7-BB.3)
Identify all of the possible antecedents (7-BB.4)
Correct inappropriate shifts in pronoun number and person (7-BB.5)
Use reflexive pronouns (7-CC.5)
Use relative pronouns: who and whom (7-CC.7)
Use relative pronouns: who, whom, whose, which, and that (7-CC.8)
Correct errors with subject-verb agreement (7-EE.1)
Correct errors with indefinite pronoun-verb agreement (7-EE.2)
Use the correct verb – with compound subjects (7-EE.3)
Irregular past tense: review (7-FF.1)
Simple past, present, and future tense: review (7-FF.2)
Identify and correct inappropriate shifts in verb tense (7-FF.3)
Form the progressive verb tenses (7-FF.4)
Form the perfect verb tenses (7-FF.5)
Choose between adjectives and adverbs (7-GG.4)
Is the word an adjective or adverb? (7-GG.5)
Form and use comparative and superlative adjectives (7-GG.6)
Good, better, best, bad, worse, and worst (7-GG.7)
Form and use comparative and superlative adverbs (7-GG.8)
Well, better, best, badly, worse, and worst (7-GG.9)
Use the correct pair of correlative conjunctions (7-JJ.1)
Misplaced modifiers with pictures (7-KK.1)
Select the misplaced or dangling modifier (7-KK.2)
Are the modifiers used correctly? (7-KK.3)
Is it a complete sentence, a fragment, or a run-on? (7-Y.7)
Is it a phrase or a clause? (7-Z.1)
Identify appositives and appositive phrases (7-Z.2)
Identify dependent and independent clauses (7-Z.3)
Identify prepositional phrases (7-HH.1)
Is the sentence simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex? (7-Z.4)
Combine sentences using relative clauses (7-Z.5)
Misplaced modifiers with pictures (7-KK.1)
Select the misplaced or dangling modifier (7-KK.2)
Are the modifiers used correctly? (7-KK.3)
Correct errors with signs (7-N.5)
Correct errors in everyday use (7-N.6)
Suggest appropriate revisions (7-N.7)
What does the punctuation suggest? (7-LL.1)
Commas with nonrestrictive elements (7-LL.2)
Commas with series, dates, and places (7-MM.1)
Commas with compound and complex sentences (7-MM.2)
Commas with direct addresses, introductory words, interjections, and interrupters (7-MM.3)
Use semicolons and commas to separate clauses (7-NN.1)
Use semicolons, colons, and commas with lists (7-NN.2)
Use hyphens in compound adjectives (7-OO.2)
Decide whether ellipses are used appropriately (7-OO.3)
Correct capitalization errors (7-PP.1)
Formatting and capitalizing titles: review (7-QQ.2)
Formatting street addresses (7-QQ.3)
Formatting quotations and dialogue (7-QQ.4)
Commas with coordinate adjectives (7-MM.4)
Use the correct frequently confused word (7-N.3)
Correct errors with frequently confused words (7-N.4)
Use the correct homophone (7-S.1)
Form and use plurals: review (7-AA.1)
Form the singular or plural possessive (7-AA.4)
Identify and correct errors with plural and possessive nouns (7-AA.5)
Irregular past tense: review (7-FF.1)
Form and use comparative and superlative adjectives (7-GG.6)
Form and use comparative and superlative adverbs (7-GG.8)
Which sentence is more formal? (7-C.2)
Compare passages for tone (7-C.3)
Remove redundant words or phrases (8-O.2)
Describe the difference between related words (8-T.1)
Positive and negative connotation (8-T.2)
Interpret the meaning of allusions (7-E.3)
Interpret figures of speech (7-E.5)
Vocabulary review: Read and understand informational passages (7-G.2)
Which definition matches the sentence? (7-S.2)
Which sentence matches the definition? (7-S.3)
Find words using context (7-V.1)
Determine the meaning of words using synonyms in context (7-V.2)
Determine the meaning of words using antonyms in context (7-V.3)
Use context to identify the meaning of a word (7-V.4)
Determine the meaning of domain-specific words with pictures (7-W.1)
Words with un-, dis-, in-, im-, and non- (7-P.5)
Words with -able and -ible (7-P.8)
Use Greek and Latin roots as clues to the meanings of words (7-Q.1)
Use words as clues to the meanings of Greek and Latin roots (7-Q.2)
Determine the meanings of Greek and Latin roots (7-Q.3)
Determine the meanings of words with Greek and Latin roots (7-Q.4)
Use dictionary entries (7-X.3)
Use dictionary definitions (7-X.4)
Interpret the meaning of allusions (7-E.3)
Interpret figures of speech (7-E.5)
Analyze the effects of figures of speech on meaning and tone (7-E.7)
Determine the meaning of words using synonyms in context (7-V.2)
Determine the meaning of words using antonyms in context (7-V.3)
Describe the difference between related words (7-T.1)
Positive and negative connotation (7-T.2)
Vocabulary review: Read and understand informational passages (7-G.2)
Transitions with conjunctive adverbs (7-J.3)
Words with un-, dis-, in-, im-, and non- (7-P.5)
Words with -able and -ible (7-P.8)
Use Greek and Latin roots as clues to the meanings of words (7-Q.1)
Use words as clues to the meanings of Greek and Latin roots (7-Q.2)
Determine the meanings of Greek and Latin roots (7-Q.3)
Determine the meanings of words with Greek and Latin roots (7-Q.4)
Positive and negative connotation (7-T.2)
Find words using context (7-V.1)
Determine the meaning of words using synonyms in context (7-V.2)
Determine the meaning of words using antonyms in context (7-V.3)
Use context to identify the meaning of a word (7-V.4)
Determine the meaning of domain-specific words with pictures (7-W.1)
RI.7 Informational Text
Match causes and effects in informational texts (7-D.2)
Match problems with their solutions (7-D.3)
Compare information from two texts (7-H.1)
Identify supporting details in informational texts (7-K.4)
Determine the main idea (7-A.1)
Match causes and effects in informational texts (7-D.2)
Match problems with their solutions (7-D.3)
Read and understand informational passages (7-G.1)
Compare information from two texts (7-H.1)
Distinguish facts from opinions (7-K.2)
Identify supporting details in informational texts (7-K.4)
Match causes and effects in informational texts (7-D.2)
Match problems with their solutions (7-D.3)
Identify text structures (7-D.4)
Read and understand informational passages (7-G.1)
Identify supporting details in informational texts (7-K.4)
Interpret the meaning of allusions (7-E.3)
Interpret figures of speech (7-E.5)
Analyze the effects of figures of speech on meaning and tone (7-E.7)
Vocabulary review: Read and understand informational passages (7-G.2)
Which definition matches the sentence? (7-S.2)
Which sentence matches the definition? (7-S.3)
Positive and negative connotation (7-T.2)
Find words using context (7-V.1)
Determine the meaning of words using synonyms in context (7-V.2)
Determine the meaning of words using antonyms in context (7-V.3)
Use context to identify the meaning of a word (7-V.4)
Determine the meaning of domain-specific words with pictures (7-W.1)
Match causes and effects in informational texts (7-D.2)
Match problems with their solutions (7-D.3)
Identify text structures (7-D.4)
Organize information by main idea (7-J.2)
Identify author's purpose (7-C.1)
Compare information from two texts (7-H.1)
Identify supporting details in informational texts (7-K.4)
Classify logical fallacies (7-K.6)
Compare information from two texts (7-H.1)
Compare two texts with different genres (7-H.2)
Determine the main idea (7-A.1)
Read and understand informational passages (7-G.1)
Determine the meaning of domain-specific words with pictures (7-W.1)
RL.7 Literature
Match the quotations with their themes (7-B.1)
Determine the themes of short stories (7-B.2)
Compare two texts with different genres (7-H.2)
Identify supporting details in literary texts (7-K.5)
Match the quotations with their themes (7-B.1)
Determine the themes of short stories (7-B.2)
Interpret the meaning of allusions (7-E.3)
Interpret figures of speech (7-E.5)
Analyze the effects of figures of speech on meaning and tone (7-E.7)
Which definition matches the sentence? (7-S.2)
Which sentence matches the definition? (7-S.3)
Positive and negative connotation (7-T.2)
Find words using context (7-V.1)
Determine the meaning of words using synonyms in context (7-V.2)
Determine the meaning of words using antonyms in context (7-V.3)
Use context to identify the meaning of a word (7-V.4)
Identify the narrative point of view (7-E.2)
Compare two texts with different genres (7-H.2)
Determine the themes of short stories (7-B.2)
Compare two texts with different genres (7-H.2)
W.7 Writing
Identify author's purpose (7-C.1)
Organize information by main idea (7-J.2)
Distinguish facts from opinions (7-K.2)
Choose evidence to support a claim (7-K.3)
Identify supporting details in informational texts (7-K.4)
Identify supporting details in literary texts (7-K.5)
Classify logical fallacies (7-K.6)
Transitions with conjunctive adverbs (7-J.3)
Use the correct pair of correlative conjunctions (7-JJ.1)
Which sentence is more formal? (7-C.2)
Match causes and effects in informational texts (7-D.2)
Match problems with their solutions (7-D.3)
Identify text structures (7-D.4)
Order topics from broadest to narrowest (7-J.1)
Organize information by main idea (7-J.2)
Distinguish facts from opinions (7-K.2)
Choose evidence to support a claim (7-K.3)
Identify supporting details in informational texts (7-K.4)
Identify supporting details in literary texts (7-K.5)
Classify logical fallacies (7-K.6)
Transitions with conjunctive adverbs (7-J.3)
Use the correct pair of correlative conjunctions (7-JJ.1)
Order topics from broadest to narrowest (7-J.1)
Describe the difference between related words (7-T.1)
Positive and negative connotation (7-T.2)
Determine the meaning of domain-specific words with pictures (7-W.1)
Which sentence is more formal? (7-C.2)
Identify the narrative point of view (7-E.2)
Identify sensory details (7-E.1)
Transitions with conjunctive adverbs (7-J.3)
Compare passages for tone (7-C.3)
Identify sensory details (7-E.1)
Describe the difference between related words (7-T.1)
Positive and negative connotation (7-T.2)
Identify author's purpose (7-C.1)
Match causes and effects in informational texts (7-D.2)
Match problems with their solutions (7-D.3)
Identify text structures (7-D.4)
Order topics from broadest to narrowest (7-J.1)
Organize information by main idea (7-J.2)
Organize information by main idea (7-J.2)
Use parallel structure (7-N.1)
Remove redundant words or phrases (7-N.2)
Correct errors with frequently confused words (7-N.4)
Correct errors with signs (7-N.5)
Correct errors in everyday use (7-N.6)
Suggest appropriate revisions (7-N.7)
Is it a complete sentence or a fragment? (7-Y.5)
Is it a complete sentence or a run-on? (7-Y.6)
Is it a complete sentence, a fragment, or a run-on? (7-Y.7)
Combine sentences using relative clauses (7-Z.5)
Identify and correct errors with plural and possessive nouns (7-AA.5)
Identify vague pronoun references (7-BB.3)
Correct inappropriate shifts in pronoun number and person (7-BB.5)
Correct errors with subject-verb agreement (7-EE.1)
Correct errors with indefinite pronoun-verb agreement (7-EE.2)
Identify and correct inappropriate shifts in verb tense (7-FF.3)
Are the modifiers used correctly? (7-KK.3)
Commas with nonrestrictive elements (7-LL.2)
Use semicolons and commas to separate clauses (7-NN.1)
Decide whether ellipses are used appropriately (7-OO.3)
Correct capitalization errors (7-PP.1)
Determine the main idea (7-A.1)
Choose evidence to support a claim (7-K.3)
Identify supporting details in informational texts (7-K.4)
Identify supporting details in literary texts (7-K.5)
Recognize the parts of a Works Cited entry (MLA 7th edition) (7-O.1)
Recognize the parts of a Works Cited entry (MLA 8th edition) (7-O.2)
Use in-text citations with MLA formatting (7-O.3)
Determine the themes of short stories (7-B.2)
Compare passages for tone (7-C.3)
Compare two texts with different genres (7-H.2)
Identify supporting details in literary texts (7-K.5)
Read and understand informational passages (7-G.1)
Compare information from two texts (7-H.1)
Identify supporting details in informational texts (7-K.4)